jeudi 3 avril 2014

Hobby hypocrisy lobby


"This is the height of hypocrisy," Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said in a statement to The Associated Press. "Hobby Lobby's CEO wants to deny the company's 13,000 employees access to affordable birth control, while investing in pharmaceutical companies that make it."

It's no small share, either: the $73 million represents three-quarters of the retirement plan's total assets, Mother Jones notes.

So which companies are being supported by Hobby Lobby's 401k investments? They include Pfizer (PFE), which makes the drugs Cytotec and Prostin E2, which are used to induce abortions, and Bayer, which makes the Mirena and Skyla IUDs.

The issue highlights a problem that has created headaches for other businesses: what happens when an institution's investment portfolio directs funds to businesses antithetical to its beliefs, or those of one of its constituents? In the case of Hobby Lobby, its owners, the Green family, have "deeply held religious convictions ... that life begins at conception."

IOW, if it interferes with our political beliefs our religious beliefs will trump what we demand from the law, if it is a matter of our investments, however, our deeply held religious beliefs aren't as important.

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