mardi 22 avril 2014

I thought the word was "opthalmology"

But just yesterday, Susan and I were in the waiting area of a local medical center when I saw a sign reading "OPHTHALMOLOGY"

I thought "OPH THALMOLOGY??" Isn't it "OP THALMOLOGY??" least, that's how I have always pronounced it (not that I say it all that often, though).

I strongly suspected that the people at the medical center new better than I did how the word was properly pronounced and spelled, but I pointed it out to Susan, telling her how I had always thought it was spelled/pronounced.

She too was surprised by the H after the P.

I just now thought to look it up in, thinking that perhaps both were correct, perhaps two different areas of medicine, and darned if the people at the medical center weren't right!

I then searched for both spellings in Google, to see how common my mistake might be.

The correct spelling (OPHTH...) was found on over nine million pages.

The Incorrect one (OPTH...) was still found on more than two million pages, so I guess I'm not alone in my ignorance on this!

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