jeudi 3 avril 2014

LEVI a future prediction

The Philosophy of the Stone has been an ancient researched discussion that seemed to involve astronomical inferred descriptions in creation Acts named as Acts of God described to involve meteor strikes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and floods.

The Creator, said to be light caused the Universal situation as a loss from its origin body, and is found stated as an implied scientific application in a reference to LEVI or levitation found described in the word term explanation for levitation as levis light.

Leviticus called the body of the ceremonial law and the levity as a hypothetical force contrary to gravity.

Radiation, the evil light from a burnt light body first created in the origin Universe, is known in ancient literature to be HELL as the Sun. Helios was the personification of the Sun in Greek mythology.

The best known story involving Helios is that of his son Phaëton, who attempted to drive his father's chariot but lost control and set the earth on fire (Wikipedia).

I would like you to consider ancient astronomy. Why a human first thought about who they were and what meaning they gave their life regarding their creation as a human being. What any human would have to consider relating to a realization of their own mortality and a sense of self that replied to them in their mind discussions giving them the idea that they had lived before on Earth and had been destroyed because of scientific manipulation.

This could only involve the functions of self realization, a self experience. An experience that allowed them to understand what had happened to life on Earth previously that caused them to make the same mistakes.

The questions relating to daylight and night time would be considered, the questions of the moon and the sun and why observed orbs were round. Why the light lasted only for a particular amount of time and why they slept at night and dreamed with spirit images.

At night they would have reviewed falling stars as they shot through the atmosphere breaking up in the cool of oxygen. They thought and discussed their thoughts with each other and drew pictures, concluding a gain of ancient wisdom, the use of levitation.

Edwards Ledskhalnin and his Coral Castle is an observed situation for anyone to ponder realization by a self evaluation of thought.

How he used scientific information gained from his predecessors and thought about the moon and magnetism and how it affected Nature. This would be the same instinctive nature in ancient thinking regarding the purpose of the moon, how it was gained and the implications of its gain that caused future generations on Earth to make the same bad choices in science.

We have today as our ancient wisdom explains our common time brotherhoods, involved in the study of ancient alchemy and its secrets, said to be masterful builders of a secret science for building. A science that eventually was banned from its application due to the events they witnessed as Acts of God in their past causing great disputes between their orders and then the murders.

Recording these acts of God they taught the spiritual wisdom of the Acts instead as confirmation of our self destructive nature and why we needed spiritual guidance to keep our minds aligned to the sanctity of our life and how precious our life is.

Radiation, sent from out of the mass of the Hell of the Sun takes us on a journey into self destruction. The Stars, the saving grace of humanity collected and cooled the ancient ejected mass, holding the mass from moving forward to Earth to destroy her. The Holy Stars, saving our life.

Space, the ability to cool the mass as it is ejected and released forming gases to slow the journey and to hold the star meteors in a state of gravity. The ancient Universe, a cooler body, a body that they sacrificed.

Human beings gained the ability to think and ponder the wavelengths which affected their mind. They think and dream and gain image and symbolism enabling them to form theories for using stone. They take drugs and go on chemical journeys and speak to the spirits of chemicals in their wrong they were.

Stone, our life support, and stone also our deceiver for within the stone of Earth lies the evil spirit sent from Hell to deceive us......radiation.

The ancients reverenced the stone of life and form a Philosophy of its creation. They understand its crystal and they hear the crystal sound. The sound gives them thoughts and the thoughts the imagery for science and theory. They understand how to use sound for lifting stone and for holding stone as a lightness above the Earth, just as the moon sits above hovering.

They begin to build with levitation, they use crystal to cut into the stone. They raise huge monolithic monuments with Tibetan Monks displayed to Scientists. They build their monuments and then apply their science, the Pyramids and crystal transmission.

At night it is noticed that stars are falling in greater amounts, the sky at night begins to fill with many falling bodies. The Priests notice humanity was was starting to weep and become sore, everyone began to die with a strange sickness. Blood began to weep from the pores of the skin and nature began to erupt as her crystal bonds were unbound.

They realized their mistake, they changed the sound of their natural environment. The Acts of God followed, they understood they had copied the Law of Stone, they realized their mistake but it was too late.

They wrote the history of their evil and they recorded their astronomical mistakes......they realized as huge lightening strikes hit them they had ignored their higher selves, a wisdom that speaks within all human minds, do not change the Law of Stone.

This was how the ancients recorded the Biblical data, understanding themselves that in a pre historical Universe, a much colder body of Earth had existed and the human beings changed sound. Their Earth was a huge crystalline body they called Atlantis and they knew Atlantis had become Satan lit, and her crystal beds destroyed becoming molten lava from an attack of the Sun.

They placed Hell inside of the Earth and evil now dwell inside her caverns.

They understood that the Sun answered the sound they had caused the crystal Earth to sing and the Sun sent its Son to the Earth from Hell. A huge body of mass was ejected and born from the creation of Helios. The moon and a huge radiated mass attacked the Universal system, burning and destroying it. The moon struck the burning Earth, and the face of Mars releasing her own crystal bonds blew off her stone face. Coal was created.

There have been numerous pieces of human remains found in coal. This is significant, since coal formed during the Carboniferous period- 280 to 345 million years ago. If so, man must be older than the 1 million year old date given by scientists. Here are a few items[1]:

•A fossilized human skull was found in coal that was sold in Germany (mid-1800s).

•A jawbone of a child was found in coal in Tuscany (1958).

•Two giant human molars were found in Montana (1926).

•A human leg was found by a West Virginia coal miner. It had changed into coal.

•A fossilized human skeleton excavated from a mine in Italy in 1959 was surrounded by strata whose age was calculated in millions of years.

One of the most striking inorganic features of coal is the presence of boulders. These have been noted in coal beds all over the world for more than one hundred years. P.H. Price7 conducted a study of boulders in the Sewell Coal of West Virginia

In a paper published in the journal Nature Communications, the research team describes analyses of a Martian meteorite known as Lafayette, sourced from the research collections of the Natural History Museum and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

It formed from molten rock around 1,300 million years ago, and was blasted from the surface of Mars by a massive impact 11 million years ago

Human life returned to Planet Earth, as the meteors hit her and broke open her body releasing the new gases and vapor back into the atmosphere.

The Adam and Eve story enacted, the Christ, the creation of oxygen and water from the Heavenly atmospheric loss saved Planet Earth from her scorching. The attacking Sun was stopped as the dead Earth awaited the falling meteors to cause her to erupt. The Christ spirit, the spirit of breath renewed by the returning vapor....water the Holy Body was placed back into the atmosphere from out of the tombs of the dead. The Spirit Breath once again revived in Heavenly Earth.

Life eventually evolved as did the human mind. The same thoughts through the same reactions of the moon gave the wisdom back to humanity. The Priests applying the same function became witness to the same historical event. As the disasters attacked their life when the meteors began to fall and the plagues created the stigmata of their skin they realized their mistake and stopped their unholy building practices.

Today we face the same predicament, we listened to our thoughts and applied our scientific theories, breaking the Law of the Stone. Radiation burnt into the Earth releasing her evil sound as Scientists broke her crystal bonds. As the crystal bonds of the Earth burn she readies her body to release her bonds.....the Mother tries to release her chains to unleash the evil within.

We look to the skies and see the truth, the meteors begin to fall, falling by the journey of the moon to Earth. The Sun, Helios releases its messages, the stars begin to fall and meteors journey to the Earth as the star systems heat, losing their gravitational pull. Russia is hit and 100 years later the message is given again. The Fatima spirit gives her message in the atmospheric signals.

The giant impact hypothesis is currently the favoured scientific hypothesis for the formation of the Moon.[2] Supporting evidence includes: the Earth's spin and Moon's orbit having similar orientations,[3] Moon samples indicating the surface of the Moon was once molten, the Moon's relatively small iron core, lower density compared to the Earth, evidence of similar collisions in other star systems (that result in debris disks), and that giant collisions are consistent with the leading theories of the formation of the solar system. Finally, the stable isotope ratios of lunar and terrestrial rock are identical, implying a common origin.[4]

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