mardi 22 avril 2014

Police Psychic Noreen Renier: Homemade Murder Evidence?

Since publicly posting questions to "police psychic detective" Noreen Renier some months ago --- none of which she has answered --- I've been reviewing dozens of media stories where she's indicated police agencies sent her murder evidence. Bags of "police evidence" that she apparently collected over decades and kept in her home(s).

Bloody towels. Bones. Bloody shirts. Bloody knives. All kinds of "gruesome souvenirs" that Ms. Renier claims she was given to help solve murders, crimes, and missing person cases.

Given the quantity of this DNA and murder evidence --- compiled apparently by Ms. Renier for more than 35 years --- I can't help but wonder if innocent parties were convicted of crimes because Ms. Renier held on to these items.

Or are they all nothing but self-created stage props to amaze newspaper reporters and television viewers?

Thus, tonight I've updated my #8 question items among those Noreen Renier has refused to answer.


Comments always welcome. Does anyone believe police agencies would send such materials to a psychic and never ask for them back?

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