dimanche 1 juin 2014

Psychic Noreen Renier refusal to answer at 6 months

June 1, 2014 completes 6-months of utter silence from psychic actress Noreen Renier.

Data indicates her credibility continues to nose dive even within the paranormal community. Her book sales have fallen to levels where reprints have apparently ceased. Her web site and Facebook page daily visitor counts rather than in the thousands have dropped to dozens --- at best --- in the past few weeks.

Top positioning on internet search engines often showcase skeptical web sites about her --- even before her own.

She continues to avoid answering ALL of the questions posed to her from numerous researchers and even former supporters listed at http://ift.tt/1m6hkzY

Given these questions cite her apparent paranormal deceptions and delusions, it's easy to see why she avoids explaining her own claims.

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