vendredi 1 août 2014

Proper Adverb Usage: "Separately From" or "Separate From"

Which is correct?

A. "My wife and I are traveling separate from our daughter"

B. "My wife and I are traveling separately from our daughter"

I believe its A but am not sure. It may be that this construct, where the adverb "separately" follows the noun phrase "My wife and I", is awkward and should be avoided. I'm not sure that the phrase "separate from" is an adverbial phrase (because if it isn't, then B is correct). The reason I thinks its A is because in B, "separately" describes the actions of "my wife" and "I". (Consider that if the sentence were to end at the word "separately", its meaning would be different, describing instead the difference between my wife's travel plans and mine.) Adding the preposition "from" confuses the issue (I think). Btw, the sentence continues "..who will be with her team." if that makes a difference.

Many thanks

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