mercredi 3 septembre 2014

Is a photon not from this world?

I read that a photon or a lightwave travels 299,792,458 metres per second. Based on the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein, can't we say that light has no age? Because, at that speed, the time rate passage of the clock of a (massless) object is equal to zero. Can't we say that a light particle or a wave wich reaches our eye, after (socalled) a billion years, haven't aged a second?

May we conclude that the age of the light, travelled through space to reach our eye, is equal to zero?

May we also say that electromagnetic waves or photons are not from this universe. (spacetime)

Can we conclude that a photon has no dimensions as we know it, because it must have 4-dimensions, time included? And this is always zero, because of its speed.

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