mardi 3 novembre 2015

In Houston nondiscrimination is on the line (beheadings to follow)

On Tuesday Houston votes on a nondiscrimination ordinance called HERO.

Naturally conservatives are being totally rational in talking about it. Ha ha. Of course not. After all, conservatives are incapable of normal things like feeling empathy, so of course they are saying all sorts of batty things.

Josh Duggar, part time sister finger enthusiast and full time creep, spoke out about the measure which he thinks is an “evil” force that “wants to put us [Christians] behind bars.” Also, somehow, it is supposed to be a greater threat to children than him. Which is a pretty high bar to aim for.

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Donny Swaggart, a man who never met a problem in other people's lives that couldn't be solved by mailing him money, thinks that gay rights activists really want to behead Christians...none of whom are gay rights activists...I guess because he thinks they are exactly like ISIS.

"They want the Bible gone. And I'm going to make a statement: These people that are trying to do this in Houston, the only difference between them and ISIS, those thugs in Iraq, is those here cannot chop our heads off. That's the only difference. The heart is the same. The heart is the same. If they could silence us that way to intimidate others, that's exactly what they would do"

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Gordon Klingenschmitt, a Republican legislator from Colorado who is still angry over never getting to play a comical villain prison camp guard on TV, is attacking HERO because he says it will allow perverted men to “expose themselves to little girls". He must have access to the double top secret version of the law because no one else has been able to find this supposed bit about being able to expose oneself to little girls.

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Pat Robertson seems to think that this is actually all about forcing pastors to do things. Ironically he couches this all in his understandings of an alternate history where Christians never force other people to act like them.

"There’s no Christian group I know of anywhere in the world that would force somebody to do something contrary to their deep-held religious beliefs or else face criminal penalties, but that’s what the homosexuals are trying to do here in America and I think it’s time pastors stand up and fight this monstrous thing.

If the gays want to go out and do their gay sex, that’s one thing, but if they want you to force you to accept it and solemnify it by marriage then that’s a different matter and it’s an infringement on people’s religious belief. What’s being done in Houston is a gay—the woman they elected is a homosexual, she’s a lesbian, and she’s trying to force pastors to conform to her beliefs. It’s wrong."

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A pastor in Houston, Dave Welch, sees this as part of a war against openly homosexual mayor Annise Parker.

“They didn’t understand the consequences of putting somebody in political power, with the authority of the sword, who has literally rejected every element of the created order of God and his word and his moral truths. Why would we expect somebody to act lawfully when they are living lawlessly?”

I guess Welch thinks she'll be the one doing the public beheadings that Swaggart is so worried about.

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