I've tried looking this up without success, just getting blog links.
Are difficult births heredity? My wife nearly died on birth, and every single one of our children experienced problems, from foetal distress, to a possible deformed arm in a breach delivery (didn't happen), to an emergency caesar, all others with enduced births, epidurals and forceps. Our first grandkid was enduced, epidural and forceps. Our second a caesar. And now another caesar, happening right now. That's 11 births, including my wife, all with major complications. Perhaps a century ago, none would have survived. Medical science is marvellous.
I can't think of any heredity mechanism over generations, and to be honest, I'm just trying to fill in time until I hear all is okay. But I'm really curious.
Are difficult births heredity? My wife nearly died on birth, and every single one of our children experienced problems, from foetal distress, to a possible deformed arm in a breach delivery (didn't happen), to an emergency caesar, all others with enduced births, epidurals and forceps. Our first grandkid was enduced, epidural and forceps. Our second a caesar. And now another caesar, happening right now. That's 11 births, including my wife, all with major complications. Perhaps a century ago, none would have survived. Medical science is marvellous.
I can't think of any heredity mechanism over generations, and to be honest, I'm just trying to fill in time until I hear all is okay. But I'm really curious.
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