vendredi 1 avril 2016

Gun shop likely prevents mass shooting

This is an interseting one I originally read it on Huff Post but couldn't copy the link on my phone so heres the article from Time

Basically Moron has tantrum at uni/college and assaults someone. Almost immediately heads to a gun shop with a completed allegedly fraudulent background check and passes. Gun dealer still thinks something is wrong and tells him to gtf out. Moron throws a massive tantrum and leaves, and the gun dealer notifies the cops. Then after a while Moron returns but the owner locks the doors, tells all other customers to get out back and tells the moron to piss off while backed up by 3 rifles. The moron eventually leaves and the shop owner calls the cops again.

The cops go out looking for him and when they find him he is at a shop. having finally purchased a gun, he is in the process of stocking up on ammo.
It then turns out the huy had a warrent out on him for the earlier assault. He also allegedly had certain mental health issues.

At any rate Well done to the first gun dealer. But what the hell is the point of background checks if they can be foiled by a nutbag who decides to lie? Can they be strenthened/Improved without annoying gun enthusiasts?

And would a small waiting period have helped to prevent this guy getting his hands on weapons?

Informed opinion from both sides welcome.

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