vendredi 1 avril 2016

Omnipotence Omnipresence Omniscience - If GOD is all of these things...

Omnipotence Omnipresence Omniscience - are the attributes mutually inclusive and if GOD is all of these things, what does that imply about the nature of GOD?

I tried to convey this idea in the 'can god create a rock bigger than he could lift' thread, but the focus had shifted to definitions and the idea wasn't acknowledged so I thought I would create a thread and explore this idea.

It seems that omnipotence suggests contradiction and perhaps alone it does, but with the addition of being present everywhere and being all knowing, perhaps the contradiction is cancelled out.

Imagine knowing everything about this universe in minute and all encompassing detail from beginning to end.

I imagine that this would place one in a state of absoluteness in that while it may well be blissful it might not be much of anything else...but...being all knowing means also that the GOD knows what it is like to be me, and to be you and to be everyone else, and this knowing would be simultaneous not only in relation to you and I and everyone else in this time frame at the moment, but in relation to everyone who has ever been and who will ever be...all in a kind of 'present'.

Such an all powerful being would thus be able to simultaneously be both in its all knowing state of awareness and also be aware of being me.

So no logical contradiction is possible in such a state.

As me, it would not be able to lift a rock bigger than my capability to lift such a rock, which in itself means that it can create a rock which it cannot lift... as me.

And since it is all knowing, and all powerful the GOD is as indistinguishable in its absolutely all powerful state of self as it is as me and you and everyone. it is both GOD apart from and GOD intricately and intimately part of its creation...simultaneously...

It could be argued that GOD 'as me or you or everybody' is not something which is Omnipotence, Omnipresence, or Omniscience because we - altogether, are not these things, but we do not represent all things - just a very, very small part of all that is, so it is only from our perspective that the argument may appear to have merit. Our part represents and tiny portion of all there is to know, of the material universe and of and the power that this GOD has...

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