mardi 19 avril 2016

The cake is a lie

Whole Foods to take legal action against pastor who claimed cake had homophobic slur


AUSTIN, Texas -- A Texas pastor who claimed a cake he bought from Whole Foods in Austin had a homophobic slur written on it is now facing legal action of his own from the supermarket giant.

The attorneys for Pastor Jordan Brown said he ordered a cake from a Whole Foods store with the personalized message "Love Wins," but when he received it, the cake said "Love Wins F**."

But Whole Foods is disputing his claim.

They say his accusations are fraudulent, and they intend to take legal action against Brown and his attorney.

"Our bakery team member wrote 'Love Wins' at the top of the cake, which was visible to Mr. Brown through the clear portion of the packaging," Whole Foods said in a statement. "That's exactly how the cake was packaged and sold at the store. Whole Foods Market has a strict policy that prohibits team members from accepting or designing bakery orders that include language or images that are offensive."

Whole Foods also released the security footage of Brown checking out of the store, they say further backing their position.
I read the story and I have to say that I think Whole Foods is probably being truthful and accurate. Perhaps that will change, perhaps not.

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