mercredi 25 mai 2016

German Bayer's assault on American Monsanto joke about ongoing genocide

"Wars between big companies" type of illuminati theater: for dummies
The general agenda of this series is to divert from the basics: everyone in the cast is owned by one and the same entity, the illuminati.
Same goes for as anyone in congress/parliament of the countries or states used as company qualifiers.

National qualifiers for companies: both diversion and mockery
American Wal-Mart, Monsanto; German Lidl, Aldi, Bayer: this psy-op was not created to mock the audience. It serves first of all the general "divert from basics" agenda and it has historic roots: there was a time, long ago, where some of the companies were indeed owned by citizens of a particular state or nation.
But make no mistake: "mock the human cattle" is yet another general agenda, not only for the series "Wars between big companies" but for any type of illuminati theater.

"Wars between big companies": US vs Germany: contrast two episodes
"Wal-Mart vs Aldi and Lidl: war on Germans" 2015 and "Bayer's assault on Monsanto" 2016: both were primarily designed to mock the human cattle with a subliminal message linking to World War II, explicitly (first one) or not (second one).
Note that the subliminal message of the first episode is obviously not what what appears explicitly in the script but, as one would expect from "black is white", rather the opposite.

Wal-Mart vs Aldi and Lidl: war on Germans: joke about the real World War II
Illuminati joke served as "news" with this punchline: "Iceland (owned by US giant Walmart) boss Malcolm Walker Aldi rant: 'We've beaten the Germans and we'll f*g beat them again'.
Reality: illuminati own 95% of the distribution in the US and Germany.
The episode mocks the fact that "Wal-Mart vs Aldi and Lidl" is the same type of fake war as "US & UK vs Germany" in the Second World War.

German Bayer's assault on American Monsanto: joke about ongoing genocide
Illuminati joke served as "news": "Bayer defies critics with $62 billion Monsanto offer" followed by "Monsanto rejects Bayer bid, but open to more talks" .
Reality: illuminati own every chemical giant in the US and Germany.
The joke mocks the KEY roles of both corporation in the ongoing and past genocide:
- Monsanto's "Roundup" herbicide and glyphosate, for a decade now: the main method to gas everyone everywhere, by slow death;
- Bayer's Zyklon B pesticide and cyanide, after the roundup of Jews and dissidents, during the holocaust: the one and only method to gas the "relocated" in concentration camps, by quick death.

April 2014 - Aldi and Lidl are German owned while Asda is owned by US giant Wal-Mart. Malcolm Walker Aldi "rant":

May 23, 2016 - Bayer defies critics with $62 billion Monsanto offer

May 25, 2016 - Monsanto rejects Bayer bid, but open to more talks

All 30 Dow Jones companies and almost all other major companies (exceptions: Samsung and Google) are are TOTALLY controlled by one and the same entity.
The agenda "destruction of small and medium-sized independent business" in strategic areas, from banking to distribution, is now basically completed.

Illuminati - the one and only leader and World War II
All big companies are in reality owned by Alexander Adolf Hitler, the illuminati Grand Master now.
Churchill and Roosevelt were covertly executing orders from his great uncle.
As for 33th US president Truman: he was in reality Generalfeldmarschall Ritter von Greim, or in other words not only covertly but also officially following orders from the same one, until they both "died".

For the real story of World War II:
Waterloo 1815 = bombing of Dresden 1945 = illuminati theater AFTER their DEFEAT 1812 and 1943.

Walmart, Aldi and Lidl, or why it's impossible to buy natural food in their stores: all you need to know:
Sulfites in Wine and Champagne illustrates one misconception about illuminati religion

Why do illuminati deliberately spray glyphosate into the water and air of cities, from their drainage basins to their streets?
Glyphosate in every food agenda: herbicides as chemical weapons

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