lundi 30 mai 2016

When is an Alien craft not one ?

The images are provided by NASA and specifically from their Solar and Heliospheric Observatory SOHO Lasco C2 Satellite .
If that is not a craft interacting with the sun -- Plasma and/or Laser -- what more likely sensible explanations are there ?
There are dozens of such recorded incidents--- perhaps hundreds , but who is counting ? --- and nobody has seriously suggested that the images are simply by products resulting from technical malfunction , lens dazzle or from any of the predictable circumstances trotted out by those who always doubt what they see, regardless of actual evidence/info .
The probability of this being yet another clear example of Alien presence is high . But a certain number of people get very angry when the obvious is seriously proposed .
Does the shattering of their world view highlight their own fragility and their incapacity to absorb new possibilities ?
Why doesn't the MSM calmly encourage people to say , " Most interesting . We must investigate further and probably accept that previously assumed matters are possibly not as clear cut as once commonly thought ".
Here is an area where the term Conspiracy Theorists now applies to those who cannot conceive of change -- despite evidence ---- because it apparently shifts the mainframe constructs of their old view of our planet and its likely neighbours .

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