dimanche 26 juin 2016

Black-clad figures stalking rural Iowa backroads

Here's a spot of intrigue.

Both the Muscatine County sheriff's office and local newsmedia have received numerous reports of late from drivers who have described unknown persons dressed in unusual black clothing walking next to roads and sometimes even stepping out into the road as cars pass by them. Sheriff's deputies are taking the reports seriously, asking for public assistance in reporting further incidents or identifying the persons responsible, whether they be pranksters or have some other purpose.

Let's for a moment assume the reports can be taken at face value. What might these folks be up to? It seems to me that spending indefinite amounts of time loitering and wearing heavy black trenchcoats or otherwise dressed head to toe in black in the midst of high summer on isolated backroads in Middle Of Nowhere Country, Iowa, menacing or harassing the few vehicles that happen by in hopes of sparking some kind of viral internet publicity, is a bit of a tough sell.

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