samedi 3 septembre 2016

Understanding False Flag operations

It has become evident that some commentators here have little clear idea what the full meaning of the term False Flag now is . Wikipedia provides some help -- see following -- but completely misses a key component .

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.
. The missing part in this explanation is one that covers operational intent , other than the literal component .Today , FFs are primarily concerned with altering people's ( essentially the Sheeple) perceptions , attitudes and , hitherto conditioned thinking .The obvious example is 9/11 where the perpetrators were able to create panic and fear and provide an impetus and apparent solid platform for Islamophobia with the belief that Islamic extremists were and remain the root cause of evil pitted against the western world .Along with Cyber Warfare , FFs are todays really smart weapons because the culprits are hard to spot when you control the MSM and when the trail is well hidden .Fortunately , and almost as though some strange cosmic reason seems to apply , culprits are always slipshod , poorly prepared and perhaps more stupid than those that seek to expose them . This was palpably true for 9/11 but seems characteristic of any such event examined --- more recently "Orlando" was a classic staged incident replete with clues showing how the incident was just another in a chain of similar lone gunmen moments---- all Islam loners reinforcing panic and fear within an already fearful general population and also hoping to change attitudes toward gun ownership . In total , a string of events to condition Sheeple to basic connections between Islam and Fear and Guns and Evil . All based on very simple conditioning but essential to any govt . , for example , wishing to surreptitiously change fundamental , even inbred connections . Fortunately these FFS are relatively easy to spot ( the recent US attempt to achieve regime change in Turkey is a classic in terms of mismanagement ) and it is hard to know whether instigators are just stupid or whether it is part of NWO terrorist events to deliberately leave clues. Most top analysts are in agreement that one matter you can faithfully rely on is that the NWO will tell you what they propose to do before they do it , and then leave clear evidence -- for those who have not been misdirected . I have increasingly argued that the NWO are now so hopelessly stuck in financial and economic impending disasters that only another WW can give them means to retain power . Whether this is along conventional lines --- creating something like a world war where you supply both sides , or the ultimate hoax -- an Alien invasion -- remains to be seen . The possibility of both should not be discounted , all imo . Of course .

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