vendredi 28 octobre 2016

Senator un-endorses Trump due to racist remarks; Senator makes racist remarks


At one point, Duckworth talked about her family's long history of involvement in the U.S. military, describing herself as a "daughter of the American Revolution" who has "bled for this nation."

When it was Kirk's turn to offer a rebuttal, he offered a single sentence: "I had forgotten that your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington."

There was an awkward pause, and the comment left some in the audience with a look of puzzlement.

In this article, and their previous ones, the Tribune has really been pushing the "stroke" angle on his public gaffes and implies that he is hiding things about his health.

It is like a Clinton and Trump controversy rolled into one!

Kirk has been trying to be more centrist because his seat is probably the most likely to switch to Democratic, but Duckworth has been out-polling him bigly all along.

For her part, Duckworth is an adorable woman who has been handpicked by the machine (Blagojevich, Obama, etc.) to move up in politics, in spite of how lackluster her actual performance actually might be.

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