mardi 25 octobre 2016

What happens to Muslim apostates.

I have just watched a documentary on ITV about Muslim apostates- those who have left their religion and profess atheism.
There has been a tendency, both in the media in general, and on this forum as well, to depict Islam as a generally benign religion, which has a few extremists at its fringes that give it a bad name.
The well-publicised series of brutal slayings of Bangladeshi atheist bloggers is just one example of a widespread intolerance of apostasy that leads Muslims to shun or even kill those who leave their faith.
I watched the documentary with a spectrum of emotions from anger, sadness and outrage, to respect and admiration for those brave soul who have defied death threats to speak their minds. I would encourage forum members to access a copy of this film and see for themselves. It does contain some pretty disturbing images.
The documentary also makes it quite clear that those responsible for the hatred and death threats are not at the fringes of the Muslim community in Britain: they are right at the heart of it. As Islamic teaching makes it quite clear that the penalty for apostasy is death, this should come as no surprise.

This is an issue that should not be ignored. These people need help, support and recognition. Moreover, it again calls into question the status of Islam as "the religion of peace".

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