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I'm Just ... Tired
There's a lot more he's tired of too.
I'm Just ... Tired
I'm tired. From what I've seen on the internet, we're all tired. And while normally I'd try to give some sort of insight into a problem or offer up some semblance of a solution, or at the very least talk about my balls, I don't know what to do here. Maybe you can help me with this one. I'm at a loss. I'm tired. I'm tired of seeing high-powered politicians making a national argument over where someone is allowed to ****. I'm tired of them thinking the fight is actually about bathrooms. I'm tired of seeing ******** who don't deserve even one more second of fame twisting words to make it sound like transgender people are at high risk of committing sexual assault ... when the actual numbers show them as victims. I'm tired of people not knowing that there's a difference between "sexuality" and "gender." I'm tired of hearing about how our most powerful representative wants to round up millions of illegal immigrants like cattle and send them ... just anywhere but here. I'm tired of worrying about him redefining for the rest of the world what we stand for. I'm tired of looking evil-by-association to my friends in other countries, other cultures, and other religions because I don't have the mental energy to denounce this constant stream of ********* every time another terrifying news turd is squeezed out of its abnormally large butthole. |
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