dimanche 5 mars 2017

So let me get this straight

The freeman brain trust, borrowing heavily from anarchs-libertarianism, rejects “compulsory” government in favor of individual self-governance.

Putting aside freemanary's guru self-contradictory, pandering claim he is for good, limited government let’s take a look at what freemen really say and do:

Freemen gurus routine sell useless legal advice, including model documents, and when they fail blame the courts when client after client is sent to ruin.

Markeith Loyd kills his pregnant girlfriend and cop and then claims he is, “Flesh and blood. I’m a human being. I’m not a fictitious person. . . Y’all can’t do nothing to me.”.

Eugene John Bourdon a convicted child sex abuser said his conviction should be overturned because absent his consent, the government "has no power to enforce its criminal laws against him".

Robert Menard sold Association of Canadian Consumer Purchases (ACCP) memberships promising members can use their ACCP cards to purchase thousands of dollars worth of goods every month.

When the ACCP goes nowhere Menard says nothing.

Edward Belanger claims a religious exemption from Canadian law. . .then appeals the loss of his government benefits.

It’s pretty clear that for many freemen a rejection of government and law isn’t about responsible self-governance, but rather a license to do as they please whether it be legal, lawful, or right.

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