jeudi 21 septembre 2017

The Deep State and its real motives

Oh that whacky Deep State. It can be anything you hate whenever it wants. It can't defend itself because it either doesn't really exist or is out playing a friendly against the CFR with Rothschild serving as a referee. So why not also say that it is actually just about sex with children?

And, hey, while were at it why not prop up Putin as the hero that wants to bring it all down?

via RightWingWatch

On yesterday’s episode of “The Alex Jones Show,” Cernovich accused liberal Hollywood actors of spreading conspiracy theories involving Russian president Vladimir Putin because Putin is opposed to pedophilia.
Cernovich speculated, “What I think is actually going on here is Putin is actually very anti-pedophile and has done a lot of things to fight the –“

Jones interrupted, “Oh no, that’s what it is. There’s a global anti-pedophile network. Now if you’re not for the pedophiles, you’re against them and that’s what it is. And anybody for the deep state is now a pedophile.”
Did you follow that through the Möbius strip of logic? All the Russia stuff is just a "conspiracy theory" and the real reason the Deep State hates Putin is because he is "very anti-pedophile" because reasons.

Now someone might think it is probably not a good idea for these two men to be so willing to throw around the pedophile accusation after they sorta accused a humble pizza joint of actually being the seventh seal to a Willy Wonka land of underage rape. An accusation that might have led to some unpleasantness. But people that would think they should probably not go down that road don't get just how awesome they think they are.


“They’re fighting hard to shut us up because, why?” Cernovich asked. “What is the common theme, Alex?”
“We’re not pedophiles. We’re not psychopaths. We’re not in the psychopath club,” Jones replied.
“Yeah, if we quit talking about pedophiles and the pedophile rings then they would leave us alone,” Cernovich said. “That’s what this is really about.”
Yeah people. They are just fighting the good fight against imagined enemies. Who cares if there are real world consequences?

And that Deep State? Clearly it just wants to protect its crimes against these valiant heroes as they maybe will get a pizza joint that actually does do things wrong next time. Maybe. Next time.

And you might be wondering? Why isn't this in the Conspiracy section? Well, because what is the difference these days? The Deep State isn't something that only commenters on the net talk about. It is front line politics.


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