Stanislav Petrov has died already in May, as German friends of his have recently been made aware of when they wanted to congratulate him on his 78th birthday on September 9. The German wikipedia is up to speed, while he is still alive according to the English one.
The Man Who Saved The World
A true hero, may he rest in peace. And may cool heads like him sit at the relevant places in these confused times, for all of our sake.
The Man Who Saved The World
Originally Posted by wikipedia
On 26 September 1983, the computers in the Serpukhov-15 bunker outside Moscow, which housed the command centre of the Soviet early warning satellite system, twice reported that American intercontinental ballistic missiles were heading toward the Soviet Union. Stanislav Petrov, who was duty officer that night, suspected that the system was malfunctioning and managed to convince his superiors of the same thing. He argued that if the Americans were going to attack pre-emptively they would do so with more than just five missiles, and that it was best to wait for ground radar confirmation before launching a counter-attack.
A true hero, may he rest in peace. And may cool heads like him sit at the relevant places in these confused times, for all of our sake.
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