mercredi 7 février 2018

Meditation, mindfulness, MBSR and MBCT

Recently 'mindfulness' has been much in the topic of school curricula, social work, counseling and other fields.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction was started in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the author of Full Catastrophe Living
And they have a strong research basis for much of their program, or at least the effects of it.

MBCT Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
Is a system that started in the 1990s and cross a lot with CBT and Dialectic Based Therapy and is now a fully established treatment/counseling modality
It too has a strong research base and following.

Which bring me to ask people about their experience with meditation, because that crosses the lines of science based material and into the far flung fields or woo.

I support the use of mindfulness meditation and its use as a relaxation technique. But I dislike so much of the woo associated with Transcendental Meditation and the like.

One huge caveat about meditation and humans in need. For many trauma survivors the use must be adjusted (mindful movement), as sometimes they will experience flashbacks and paradoxical anxiety as a result of mindfulness calming mediation.

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