dimanche 2 septembre 2018

Mario Brisson aka The Vigilant Christian

I'm kinda surprised this guy hasn't been mentioned here, since RW has a huge page on him. This guy is like a light version of Kyoon (for example, he's doesn't think Patrick Stewart is evil nor does he think that he's the leader of the Illuminati).


French-Canadian Mario Emery-Paul Brisson, better known as The Vigilant Christian (TVC), is a Christian Young Earth Creationist conspiracy theorist YouTuber. His activities focus on hyper-analyzing music videos, end times prophesying, and exposing people as Illuminati shills (including fellow conspiracists Mark Dice, Alex Jones, and David Icke). His favourite word, repeated endlessly about everything, is "say-tanic". It is unknown if his videos are a joke or intended seriously.

Brisson has a Youtube channel with more than 475.000 subs and his vids have been watched 111 million times. He also has a Patreon account (like single con-artist), with 42 patrons supporting him (this was 60 last year).

And he occasionally gets into a bitchfight with The Amazing Atheist.



Originally Posted by RationalWiki
According to Brisson's "testimony" of his life before becoming a Christian, he was a "stereotypical atheist" and "man-whore". He uses this story as the foundation of condemning just about everything that makes us human. Brisson also claims to have been a yoga teacher and uses this as proof that New Age is say-tanic. Next time you visit your man-whore New Age yoga instructor, make sure to check for say-tanic rituals nearby.

Brisson claims to have gotten his YouTube channel's name from a David Dionisi's book series, Vigilant Christian, which is promoted by some pretty nutty sites. The book series is huge, which may explain why Brisson believes everything is a conspiracy. Dionisi is a Roman Catholic, which makes Brisson's videos "exposing the Jesuit agenda" (as well as his young-Earth creationism, for that matter) especially ironic.

In 2016, Brisson stated that he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder but refuses to take medication or enter therapy. He now claims that Jesus healed him.

Now, I'm going to put his "Enemies Of The State" list under a spoiler tag, because it's GIGANTIC (no joke).

Here's his "evil people & evil things" list:

  1. 2Chainz
  2. 7Up
  3. Abortion
  4. AC/DC (band)
  5. After Earth (he links it with Scientology)
  6. Alex Jones
  7. American Idol (According to him, American Idol has a "transgender agenda")
  8. Apple (company)
  9. Ariana Grande
  10. Artificial uterus technology
  11. Astrology
  12. Atheists and atheism (he's a religious CTer, so no surprises there)
  13. Atlantis
  14. Automation
  15. Avatar (movie)
  16. Azealia Banks
  17. Barack Obama (He says that Obama is "antichrist spirited" for letting transgender kids choose bathrooms. Kinda like Kyoon with his "Bathroom Bombs".
  18. Backward masking
  19. Batman V Superman - Dawn of Justice
  20. Beauty and The Beast (because It promotes "beastiality" :wwt
  21. Beetlejuice (movie)
  22. Beyonce (apparently, she was "demon possessed" during her Superbowl performance or something)
  23. Big Hero 6
  24. Bill Gates (He claims that Gates is in charge of the Illuminati depopulation-vaccine agenda)
  25. Bill Nye (because he doesn't mind GMOs)
  26. Black Friday
  27. Black Lives Matter (He says that they're fighting a "race war" and that America is "collapsing")
  28. Buzzfeed
  29. Burger King
  30. Bob Dylan (because he sold his soul to the Devil for fame)
  31. Boston Marathon bombing
  32. Britney Spears
  33. Bright (movie)
  34. Carrie Fisher
  35. Casey Neistat
  36. Call of Duty (video games) (Satanic mind control and transhumanism propaganda (are there actually any transgender characters in CoD? Because I don't get that part)
  37. Captain America (fictional character) (He's an "Illuminati Super Satanic Soldier", for some reason)
  38. Carlos Arredondo
  39. Cartoon Network
  40. Christmas
  41. CERN (1. The logo is three sixes 2. CERN is trying to "open up portals" and 3. The Simpsons predicted "the CERN equation". Brisson also claims that CERN once kidnapped him into an "Alternative Dimension" :boggled:)
  42. Chappie (2015 film)
  43. Charles Darwin (Inevitable, considering Brisson's viewpoints)
  44. Chemtrails
  45. Cloning
  46. Clowns
  47. Christina Aguilera
  48. CNN
  49. Cocaine
  50. Credit card debt (he calls it "satanic")
  51. Criss Angel
  52. DaddyOFive
  53. Dave Chapelle
  54. David Icke
  55. Deadpool (fictional character)
  56. Deepak Chopra
  57. Denver International Airport
  58. Derren Brown (he's a "Satanic demon magician" despite completely denouncing all supernatural things)
  59. Dior
  60. Disney
  61. Doctor Strange (superhero movie)
  62. Donald Trump
  63. Doom 4 (videogame)
  64. Dracula (2014 film)
  65. Dr Oz
  66. Dr Phil
  67. Dumb and Dumber franchise
  68. The Elder Scrolls
  69. Ellen DeGeneres
  70. Eminem (although according to Brisson he might be breaking free from the Illuminati and becoming Christian :rolleyes:)
  71. Evolution (according to him, we'll be worried about what is "next" because evolution is too slow)
  72. Egyptian Mythology
  73. Exodus: Gods and Kings
  74. Eyes Wide Shut (1999 movie)
  75. Facebook
  76. Family Guy (The show is, apparently, a haven for predictive programming)
  77. Fast and Furious franchise
  78. Fat Joe exposed a Gay Mafia
  79. Feminism
  80. Fifty Shades of Grey
  81. Flat Earth (Brisson thinks it makes more sense then the heliocentric spherical earth model)
  82. Fluoride
  83. Futurama
  84. Genetic engineering
  85. The Georgia Guidestones
  86. Ghostbusters
  87. G.I. Joe
  88. Ghost in The Shell
  89. Gigi Gorgeous
  90. Global warming
  91. GMOs
  92. Godless Engineer
  93. Good Mythical Morning
  94. Google and Google Chrome
  95. Gorillaz
  96. Grand Theft Auto (video game franchise)
  97. The Grammy's
  98. Gravity Falls
  99. Gun control
  100. Halloween
  101. HAARP
  102. Harlem Shake
  103. Hillary Clinton (She used to be the Illuminati's favorite candidate)
  104. Hollywood (it is controlled by Illuminati pedophiles, according to him)
  105. Horns (2013 movie)
  106. Huffington Post
  107. The Hunger Games franchise
  108. Iggy Azalea
  109. Imagine Dragons (band)
  110. Independence Day Resurgence
  111. iPhone 6
  112. iPhone 7
  113. Jaclyn Glenn
  114. Jaden Smith
  115. Jay Z
  116. Jim Carrey
  117. Joe Rogan
  118. John Lennon (And by extention, The Beatles as a whole)
  119. Johnny Depp
  120. Jurassic World (2015 movie) (Because a movie showing the dangers of genetically-modified creatures is the best way to promote genetic engineering. :eye-poppi)
  121. Justin Bieber
  122. Justin Timberlake
  123. Kanye West
  124. Justin Trudeau
  125. Katy Perry
  126. Kendrick Lamar
  127. Ke$ha
  128. Kim Kardashian and her family
  129. Kingsman - the Secret Service
  130. K-pop
  131. Laci Green
  132. Lady Gaga (she did a NWO manifesto speech during a concert (complete with hand signs!), how her fans are copying this "symbolism" in the "speech", etc. This has everything to do with how the Illuminati are mind controlling us with hand signs, and nothing to do with the fact that she's just squeezing every cent out of the attention she's getting because of the very people trying to expose her, just like any celebrity squeezes every cent out of any current fad.)
  133. Led Zeppelin
  134. Leafyishere
  135. Legion (2010 movie)
  136. The Lego Movie. (In fact, it's the MOST satanic Illuminati movie ever.)
  137. Love
  138. Lucid dreaming
  139. Lucifer (TV Show)
  140. Lucy (Movie)
  141. Madonna
  142. The Mandela Effect (he says that It's fake Illuminati propaganda and that it doesn't exist)
  143. Marijuana
  144. Mark Dice
  145. Masturbation (again religious CTer)
  146. Maleficient (2014 movie)
  147. Marilyn Manson
  148. Mars
  149. Marvel Comics
  150. Matthew Santoro (By becoming a global citizen, he has unknowingly become part of the Illuminati)
  151. Miley Cyrus
  152. Minions (2015 movie)
  153. MK Ultra (He thinks it still exists and The Illuminati is in charge now)
  154. Monster (energy drink)
  155. Morgan Freeman
  156. MrRepzion
  157. MTV
  158. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Apparently, Satan is using it to destroy men everywhere, somehow)
  159. MSNBC
  160. NASA
  161. NBA
  162. Name it and claim it theology
  163. Nice Guy Jesus (Meme)
  164. Nickelodeon
  165. Nicole Arbour
  166. New Age (He has a whole serie about it)
  167. Nicki Minaj
  168. Nirvana (band)
  169. Noah (2014 movie)
  170. Onision
  171. Obey (T-shirt mark)
  172. Oprah Winfrey
  173. Ouija boards and the movie based on them
  174. Outlast (Video game franchise)
  175. Panic! At The Disco
  176. P!nk
  177. Paul (movie)
  178. Paul Mooney (ignoring the fact that he was joking. In that same video he claims that Melyssia Ford's metaphor of her seeing many people signing a contract with the devil with a bit of fame was PROOF of the Illuminati.)
  179. Pepsi
  180. PewDiePie (His eye tattoo, however, isn't symbolic.)
  181. Pharrel Williams
  182. Pirates of the Caribbean (movie series) (Gay propaganda)
  183. Pizzagate
  184. Plastic of Hollywood (TV Show)
  185. Pornography (not surprising)
  186. Pokémon Go (It's part of the Illuminati's transhumanist propaganda program)
  187. The Pope
  188. Powerpuff Girls
  189. Powerball
  190. Power Rangers
  191. Pretty much every single Rock Band to date
  192. Project Blue Beam
  193. Red Hot Chili Peppers
  194. RFID
  195. Rihanna
  196. Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games
  197. Rockefeller family
  198. Rothschild family
  199. Santa Claus. (he thinks that "Santa" is an anagram of "Satan"...)
  200. Saturn
  201. Science
  202. Scientology
  203. SeaWorld
  204. SheZow (cartoon) (created by the Illuminati, because it features a transgender superhero...)
  205. Straight Outta Compton
  206. Smart Pills
  207. Jayden Smith (He's too much like Will Smith)
  208. Will Smith (He "promotes Satanic spiritual alchemy")
  209. Snoop Dogg
  210. Sophia (robot)
  211. Spider-Man
  212. Spike TV
  213. Spirit Science (website) (Not actually part of the Illuminati, but satanic anyway. Because you need to be a religious zealot to see that the site is deceiving you)
  214. Sprout Tree Fu (Disney cartoon) (An apparently innocent kids' show that actually indoctrinates children to practice witchcraft. Also evidence that Mario Brisson has so much free time available that he spends it watching Disney cartoons.)
  215. Starbucks
  216. Star Trek
  217. Star Wars
  218. Super Bowl
  219. Shia Lebouf
  220. Stranger Things
  221. Subway (Restaurant)
  222. Suicide Squad
  223. Target (retail chain)
  224. Taylor Swift
  225. TechRax (Swimming in a pool of Coca-Cola reflects the wickedness of the end of the days)
  226. Team America (Police-State)
  227. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (A background explosion in the poster of the 2014 movie reflects the celebration of the false flag attack of 9/11)
  228. Terminator Genisys
  229. Tila Tequila
  230. Transformers (movie)
  231. Transformers - the Last Knight
  232. That Poppy
  233. The Amazing Atheist
  234. The BFG (movie)
  235. The Big Bang Theory (TV show)
  236. The Big Bang (Scientific theory)
  237. The Cleveland Show
  238. The Legend of Zelda
  239. The Lion King
  240. The Martian (movie)
  241. The Matrix
  242. The Purge franchise (According to Mario, the movies' purpose is to brainwash the masses into anarchy and chaos... with movies showing the horrors of anarchy and chaos. :confused:)
  243. The Real Housewives (reality television show)
  244. The Real O'Neals (TV show)
  245. The Shack
  246. The Simpsons
  247. The Story of God
  248. The Thinning
  249. The Vigilant Citizen
  250. The Walk (movie)
  251. The Weeknd Starboy
  252. Tom and Jerry (To be fair, they DID mention Hollywood and the Illuminati... Even had the Eye! It's just that Mario doesn't know what satire is) (copy-paste from RW. I've seen tons of Tom & Jerry cartoons when I was a kid and I can't remember seeing anything about the Illuminati or an eye anywhere...)
  253. Toothpaste
  254. Transcendence (2014 movie)
  255. Transgender People
  256. Transhumanism
  257. TuPac (personally surprised by this, since alot of nutters say that he was murdered by The Illuminati, because he knew too much. Perhaps, Mario really hates Rap & Rnb aswell as Rock...)
  258. Twilight franchise
  259. UFOs
  260. Usain Bolt
  261. Vaccines (yes, he's also an Anti-Vaxxer), including the Ebola vaccine (Presumably he would favor a slow and painful death to giving in to the Illuminati)
  262. Video games
  263. Vogue (magazine)
  264. Warren Buffet
  265. Watch Dogs (Video game series)
  266. Weeknd, The BA
  267. Wonder Woman (2017 Movie)
  268. WW3
  269. WWE and WCW
  270. X-Factor
  271. X-Files
  272. X-Men: Apocalypse (movie)
  273. Yahoo!
  274. YOLO (Instead of standing for "You Only Live Once", it means "Youth Obeying Lucifer's Orders")
  275. YouTube (yet, he has an account on youtube...)
  276. Zeitgeist: Addendum (film)
  277. Zionism
  278. Zoolander 2
  279. Zootopia

The Good Guys/things (only a handfull of things to mention):
  1. His own version of Christianity
  2. Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z (He compares himself with Goku :D)
  3. Himself (for obvious reasons)
  4. Kent Hovind (He's a science denier, tax evader, seller of ineffective cancer treatment, and has been 10 years in prison, but being a creationist is more important.)
  5. John Todd (Mario can't believe that Todd was a fraud. Instead, he thinks the Illuminati shills at YouTube went and took Todd's videos down. Ergo, Todd is telling the truth.)
  6. Hunter Avallone
  7. NaturalNews (So, I guess he thinks Adams is a good guy aswell...)
  8. RationalWiki (from what I've heard, his YT fanboys decided to go on several edit wars on the site. When Brisson heard about this, he said in one of his vids that they shouldn't attack RW, because he believes everyone has the right to voice their opinion whether it's right or wrong.)


Some Examples:


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