mercredi 7 novembre 2018

Baroque Music - for the glory of the cosmos!

Ok, no where in this case does Telemann draw a connection between this piece and the cosmos.
It's just a semi abstract sense of awe and wonder I get sometimes where the massiveness, complexity, science, math and beauty of the natural world and cosmos seems to be the foundation from which an expression of beauty has sprung.
Hard for me to articulate properly. Perhaps when Bach said (honestly or not) that he wrote music for the 'glory of God'. It's that feeling, but instead of "god" its the cosmos.
The rhythm of the planets, the awesomeness of the stars, it all comes together for me with baroque music. Maybe because of rhythm of the music and the structure of the harmonies.

Sure I like Holtz's "The Planets" but (for me) its a slightly more 'emotional' work and a bit less 'mathematical'.

What about other music and other art forms - visual arts, poetry, literature?

What else gives 'glory to the cosmos?'

Closest I find in poetry so far is Mary Oliver, though she is much more about nature. Still love her stuff though.

BTW, Attempts to turn this thread into some sort of religious/theistic conversation will be literally ignored by me, sorry but there is at least 1 member here that cares so much about what I say he/she can't help trying to take over the thread,

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