mardi 23 juillet 2019

Beans destroy a nice old bridge

Way too many beans here. Next time fewer beans please!

Big rig carrying 43 tons of beans collapses historic 100-year-old bridge that had a weight restriction of just 14 tons


Originally Posted by Daily Mail
An overweight semi-truck carrying beans completely crushed a historic bridge on Monday.

Michael Dodds was transporting dry beans in a 2005 Peterbilt truck in Northwood, North Dakota when he decided to cross the Goose River by bridge.

Around 1.15pm, Dodd attempted to navigate the 56-foot-long bridge before it collapsed under the truck's weight.

The back end of the truck became stuck on the 'west abutement', officials said in a post of Facebook.

Grand Forks County Sheriff's officials say the historic, 113-year-old bridge has a 14 ton restriction and this is information is marked on the structure.

At the time of the incident, Dodd's truck weighed a whopping 43 tons, or 86,750 pounds, making the large vehicle 29 tons overweight.

Nobody was injured in the crash, but Dodd's has been hit with an overload citation of $11,400...

Police officials say the cost to repair the bridge is substantial, running anywhere from $800,000 to $1,000,000.

The bridge was built in 1906 and is featured in the National Register of Historic Places...

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