Not a commonly known character nowadays, Paul Krassner was credited by some as being the founding father of Yippies, a satirist and publisher of a sometimes amusing little underground paper called The Realist. Often good for a laugh, he tended to be irreverent about just about everything including himself.
Somewhere (I'm away from home so can't find it anyway) I still have a little clipping from The Realist from around 1966, in which it's noted that the Russians had just sent a rocket to the surface of the moon, where it had inserted a rod into the surface. Krassner noted that he'd heard many times the suggestion that someone take a flying **** at the moon, but this was the first time he'd seen it done.
Somewhere (I'm away from home so can't find it anyway) I still have a little clipping from The Realist from around 1966, in which it's noted that the Russians had just sent a rocket to the surface of the moon, where it had inserted a rod into the surface. Krassner noted that he'd heard many times the suggestion that someone take a flying **** at the moon, but this was the first time he'd seen it done.
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