mercredi 7 août 2019

HP Monitor displays Mac Mini all in Blue

Last night, I turn on my Mac Mini and suddenly, out of the blue (pun intended) everything looked blueish on my HP monitor. The Darks are way too dark and the blues way too blue, and the yellows look like they were made with a highlighter marker. The contrast just seems completely off. I was worried that something was wrong with my Mac Mini which I just bought on April of this year, so I tried connecting it to my Smart Tv and luckily, things looked normal over there. So then I suspected it was the HDMI cable, but after trying the PS4's HDMI cable on the monitor, things still look blue. So in conclusion: It's the monitor. The thing is, this monitor is as new as my Mac Mini, because I bought them together. Again, around April of this year. How is it possible that in less than 6 months this monitor is broken?

I don't think I accidentally pressed any of the settings, because I don't go anywhere near there, but I tried playing around with the brightness, contrast and color, with no success. Even bringing down the Blue on the Color settings doesn't do anything at all.

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