mardi 6 août 2019

White male Privilege and Domestic Terrorism

At the conclusion of yet another series of mass shootings I've been pretty unnerved by society's unwillingness to actually address the glaring problem at the core of many of these recent politically motivated mass shootings. Namely a white supremacist ideology that seems to be highly influential and radicalizing to young white males.

Instead we want to blame violent video games, movies and mental illness. At what point do we blame the ideology and the pervasiveness of the extremely racist, misogynistic and violent content that come from the depths of 4Chan, 8Chan or just pure white nationalism i.e. StormFront, that creates a Frankenstein's monster of a white supremacist ideology? This tendency to view white males endlessly empathetically speaks to America's racial blind spot and the the ivory tower of whiteness. It's the "affluenza" phenomenon all over again.

When an Islamist commits an act of terror, America has had little hesitation in indicting the religion, the ideology and leveling scorn and hatred at the entire Muslim population (including banning travel from countries with large muslim populations). Mental illness is rarely, if ever considered (and in many, if not most cases, rightfully so).

At what point do we admit this ideology might actually play a bigger role than mental illness and have a national dialogue about it? The popularity of Mr. "There were fine people on both sides" and "lets blame violent videogames" leaves me with very little hope.

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