The science of senolytics: how a new pill could spell the end of ageing
A little futher reading of the article makes it clear that the medicine does not stop you aging, but it might reduce the negative effects on the body of aging.
I don't know a lot about the subject but I am currently middle-aged so this may affect me. So what is the verdict of my learned friends? Is there hope or is it all BS?
A simple treatment to stave off the health problems of old age could be available in five to 12 years. Heres how it would work The science of extending life is a subject of morbid fascination, conjuring the image of old billionaires being cryogenically frozen. But imagine if, instead of a pill you could take to live for ever, there was a pill that could push back the ageing process a medicine that could stave off the fragility, osteoarthritis, memory loss, macular degeneration and cancers that plague old age. It could happen, with the science of senolytics: an emerging and highly anticipated area of anti-ageing medicine. Many of the worlds top gerontologists have already demonstrated the possibilities in animals and are now beginning human clinical trials, with promising results. If the studies continue to be as successful as hoped, those who are currently middle-aged could become the first generation of oldies who are youthful for longer with a little medical help. |
I don't know a lot about the subject but I am currently middle-aged so this may affect me. So what is the verdict of my learned friends? Is there hope or is it all BS?
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