Hello, I'm new here. I've recently started being more skeptical but every time I convince myself that ghosts don't exist, I remember lots of strange and inexplicable situations that happened to members of my family or something that I read, heard somewhere etc... So here are stories which I heard from people whom I trust and cannot find any rational, convinving explanation...
1) My parents were spending holiday in an old house where my father grew up. Now half of this house belongs to him, half to his sister, who was with her husband there at the time. One night my mom was woken up by a very intensive smell of perfume. She had an impression that someone spread the perfume in front of her nose. There was nobody in the room. She is sure she was awake, and then she couldn't fall asleep for a very long time, still feeling that intensive smell. The next day, she was quite scared and asked my aunt if someone who had lived there used perfume. The aunt told her that her father - my grandfather - had used to wear intensive perfume. Of course, my mom came up with an idea that he wanted to tell something, warn her. And guess what... My uncle, who stayed in this house in the same time, had stroke and died next day. Hallucinations and coincidence? Quite strange one, isn't it? And she was sure she was awake...
2) My mom, her sister and someone else were sitting in the kitchen. Suddenly, they heard how the front door open, footsteps in the corridor and knocking on the kitchen door. One of them opened the door, but there wasn't anyone. They checked outside, but still - no one and there wasn't any chance that someone hid or ran away. Later that day, they received an information that their uncle had died. Again... coincidence? And what was that knocking? I mean, 3 or more people heard that. And they were all sure that it was knoking.
3) My aunt used to have "prophetic" dreams. Every time she dreamt about somoene, this person would die in a short period of time. One situation was particullarly strange. After her father's death, she had a dream, in wich he told her hat he was lonely but in a month his friend XYZ would join him. She woke up scared and next day she told about it the rest of the family. They didn't believe her, because he was quite young and healthy. He died unexpectedly exactly a month after this dream.
4) My aunt was sitting in the living room, when she heard cutlery falling off the drainer into the sink. She recognized that sound since it used to happen quite often because the drainer was standing on an uneven tile. She went into the kitchen, but she realized that the cutlery didn't fall, it was on it's place. Soon after that she received a call - her mother had died.
There are more such stories, which give me chills. Every time I say my mom or my aunt that there must be rational explanation and I don't believe in this stuff, they tell me that I may be skeptical now, but when I experience it, I'll change my mind. But the thing is... it's really hard not to believe in this, even though I don't want to. Please, help me.
And one more "woo" thing. I used to attend a catholic, salesian high school. The teachers used to tell us lots of anecdotes from life of st. John Bosco, founder os Salesians. I also read a lot about him. There are many things from his biography which I find hard to explain, but one is particularly creepy. Here it is: He made a bet with his friend, that this one who dies first will inform the other one if he got into heaven. And this friend was first to die. After the funeral, when John Bosco and his roommates were sitting in their room, they all heard a horrible noise and then voice "Bosco, I'm saved. Bosco, I'm saved. Bosco, I'm saved." There were witnessess who heard that. Please, don't laugh at me. I know that for you it's insane to believe in this, but still... How to explain this? What if it's true? I'm kinda scared... And scared by many things which I heard in that school... When I heard such things I start thinking that something called "soul" may indeed exist, and I'll go to hell after I die...
PS. Sorry if my English isn't very good, I'm still learning it :)
1) My parents were spending holiday in an old house where my father grew up. Now half of this house belongs to him, half to his sister, who was with her husband there at the time. One night my mom was woken up by a very intensive smell of perfume. She had an impression that someone spread the perfume in front of her nose. There was nobody in the room. She is sure she was awake, and then she couldn't fall asleep for a very long time, still feeling that intensive smell. The next day, she was quite scared and asked my aunt if someone who had lived there used perfume. The aunt told her that her father - my grandfather - had used to wear intensive perfume. Of course, my mom came up with an idea that he wanted to tell something, warn her. And guess what... My uncle, who stayed in this house in the same time, had stroke and died next day. Hallucinations and coincidence? Quite strange one, isn't it? And she was sure she was awake...
2) My mom, her sister and someone else were sitting in the kitchen. Suddenly, they heard how the front door open, footsteps in the corridor and knocking on the kitchen door. One of them opened the door, but there wasn't anyone. They checked outside, but still - no one and there wasn't any chance that someone hid or ran away. Later that day, they received an information that their uncle had died. Again... coincidence? And what was that knocking? I mean, 3 or more people heard that. And they were all sure that it was knoking.
3) My aunt used to have "prophetic" dreams. Every time she dreamt about somoene, this person would die in a short period of time. One situation was particullarly strange. After her father's death, she had a dream, in wich he told her hat he was lonely but in a month his friend XYZ would join him. She woke up scared and next day she told about it the rest of the family. They didn't believe her, because he was quite young and healthy. He died unexpectedly exactly a month after this dream.
4) My aunt was sitting in the living room, when she heard cutlery falling off the drainer into the sink. She recognized that sound since it used to happen quite often because the drainer was standing on an uneven tile. She went into the kitchen, but she realized that the cutlery didn't fall, it was on it's place. Soon after that she received a call - her mother had died.
There are more such stories, which give me chills. Every time I say my mom or my aunt that there must be rational explanation and I don't believe in this stuff, they tell me that I may be skeptical now, but when I experience it, I'll change my mind. But the thing is... it's really hard not to believe in this, even though I don't want to. Please, help me.
And one more "woo" thing. I used to attend a catholic, salesian high school. The teachers used to tell us lots of anecdotes from life of st. John Bosco, founder os Salesians. I also read a lot about him. There are many things from his biography which I find hard to explain, but one is particularly creepy. Here it is: He made a bet with his friend, that this one who dies first will inform the other one if he got into heaven. And this friend was first to die. After the funeral, when John Bosco and his roommates were sitting in their room, they all heard a horrible noise and then voice "Bosco, I'm saved. Bosco, I'm saved. Bosco, I'm saved." There were witnessess who heard that. Please, don't laugh at me. I know that for you it's insane to believe in this, but still... How to explain this? What if it's true? I'm kinda scared... And scared by many things which I heard in that school... When I heard such things I start thinking that something called "soul" may indeed exist, and I'll go to hell after I die...
PS. Sorry if my English isn't very good, I'm still learning it :)
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