mardi 3 septembre 2019

I killed Duality and Uncertainty for a Theory of Everything

The Observer Effect

The unobserved quantum realm doesn't care about time or distance so the order goes something like this:
  1. quantum field excitation of a new particle is about to happen
  2. it gets assigned a path in the quantum field
  3. if the path contains a spacetime enactor (a detector), it swaps the particle to physical
  4. the particle or wave is sent via the quantum field if it's a wave / spacetime if physical


Delta x Delta p = h-bar/2

There isn't a problem with position and momentum when the object is physical and not a quantum wave. The Uncertainty Principle is for waves.

Duality isn't a thing anymore. You may think you have evidence of a particle acting as a wave at the same time ..but you don't. You are assuming they are both at the same time because you are not taking observation into account. You wouldn't catch a quantum wave being a wave before it went through a detector (that it was moving towards). The particle is likely pre-set to be physical or a wave before it starts moving. Observation gives one type of result ..a physical one. (unless you messing around with polarizers) .

They key to killing duality is pointing out that the final panel of an experiment doesn't count as observation. When you say you can measure wave-like properties, it is derived from that final panel. If quantum observation doesn't show wave-like properties, duality at the same time falls apart. Quantum observation is only for detectors in the path of a particle that allows the particle to continue on.

People say uncertainty applies to physical objects because you peg an electron with a photon so its momentum changes ..well, duh, two objects just hit each other.

You can be certain that the particle in question will be physical if you place anything that will acknowledge its existence while it propagates on its path. That's what observation is, acknowledging a particle while it's moving from a to b. The delayed choice quantum eraser shows us that the entire life of both entangled particles is known. The first particle knows if the partner will ever be observed while in flight. Time in flight is not a factor for the state a particle will be from start to finish.

The realms of the Observed vs Unobserved

This post predicts what happens when Spacetime gets involved with unobserved quantum waves from the act of observation.

The act of Observation/Measurement is a request of quantum wave information to Spacetime. The interaction is someone purposely placing a detector wanting a particle to be physical.

You make a request by setting something that can analyze the particle during its life/path. The state of a particle is decided before it starts.

Double slit interpretation:
Randomly shot particles are shot through a double slit, if no one places a detector in the path of the particle, the unobserved particle will be in the form of two waves (one for each slit) . Depending on the which wave ends up with more energy (after the split) ..the final position of a channel representing a fringe will be the final resting place of the now collapsed particle. If the energy wasn't unbalanced, I would expect to see only a single channel of fringe be filled in.

Now a detector gets placed anywhere along the path between the cannon and the final landing screen. The particle shot will be collapsed upon leaving the cannon because the state of the particle has already been decided. It won't be waves, just a particle. It's been pulled from the unobserved quantum realm and made physical in Spacetime. It will go through one slit and hit the final screen in a normal clump.

If you accept this interpretation ..then you accept a particle being either a particle or waves ..not both at the same time.
You now also know that placing a detector in an experiment is a request from a human to the realm of unobserved QM to swap quantum waves into something physical. Observation is then a property of Spacetime. Observation is the reason Spacetime exits.

General Relativity = Spacetime = the theory of the large scale
Unobserved QM = Waves = the theory of the small scale
They are both realms in the same domain
Observed (Spacetime) vs Unobserved (Quantum Waves)

Observation is then a request to bring an object from one realm to the other.
Observation is the bridge between the two.
The theory of the very large and small are now unified.

This is conditional statement that formulates a Theory of Everything:
If (spacetime object){
//larger than abbes diffraction limit (or the equivalent mass energy levels - quanta) OR being observed
current situation = General Relativity;
else{current situation = Unobserved QM;
//The particle collapses no matter the state when it hits a predefined Spacetime object (aka the final panel).

There is a duality of realms, but the object in question is either in one or the other. Duality is impossible for particles if it can tunnel or fit through a space smaller than its structure. Waves can do that sort of thing ..not physical (observed) objects.

The delayed choice quantum eraser shows us that the entire life of both entangled particles is known. The first particle knows if the partner will ever be observed in its path.

A black hole is further proof that there is a separate realm of unobserved. A black hole is a spherical gap in Spacetime with the unobservable quantum realm exposed. The event horizon is still spacetime, but inside that is quantum waves. Time doesn't pass in a black hole (past the event horizon) because unobserved quantum waves don't use time. If unobserved quantum waves don't use time, is it a safe bet they are using field excitation formalism of QFT instead? The quantum field is usually intermixed with spacetime, but apparently it doesn't always have to be.

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