dimanche 8 septembre 2019

Leslie Robertson computer generated plans

Welding's vital part in major American historical events AWS

excerpt :
For the World Trade Center, Leslie E. Robertson, a partner in charge of the
New York office of Skilling, Helle, Christiansen, Robertson, said a computer was used
to produce the drawing lists, beam schedules, column
details and all schedules for exterior wall panels.

These cards gave fabricators the width, length, thickness and grade of
steel of every plate and section in all of the columns and panels.

Millions of IBM cards were then sent to every fabricator.
"In addition," he said, "the fabricators are given all of the requirements
of every weld needed to make up the columns and panels. Many of
these cards are used as equatable to the production of drawings.
They are sent directly from the designer to the fabricators.
Draftsmen never become involved." /excerpt


Millions of IBM punch cards with all of the steel parameters i.e. grades need to be located
for an accurate assessment of the exact strength of the twin towers-
no doubt the same system of logistics and construction
requirements were employed during the WTC7 project using more modern computers.

These computer generated fabrication records nead to be likewise tracked
down and dissected in order to estimate the exact strength of the WTC7
tower. Only accurate information will produce accurate collapse scenarios.

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