mercredi 9 octobre 2019

Is reality real?

Property of being real, real existence, what underlies appearances.
1 Scholastic doctrine that universal or general ideas have objective existence.
2 Belief that matter as object of perception has real existence.
Oxford dictionary

Stuff; as we know is made of atoms, and atoms can be totally converted back into energy. Therefore everything is energy. Not the solid substances our senses perceive. Quantum theory cannot be explained physicists and mathematicians from Niels Bohr to Roger Penrose have admitted that it doesn't make sense.

"If quantum mechanics hasn't shocked you, you haven't understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real."
Niels Bohr

" we live on an island surrounded by a sea of ignorance. As our island of knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance."
John Archibald Wheeler

"Modern physics has confirmed most dramatically that all the concepts we use to describe nature are limited, that they are not features of reality, as we tend to believe, but creations of the mind."
Fritjof Capra

In the light of these great minds admitting they cannot define reality why should we not consider metaphysics as possible sources of truths not understood by science?

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