mardi 21 janvier 2020

Is Trump REALLY a billionaire?


Originally Posted by Suddenly (Post 12957993)
So a business-friendly candidate who implemented racist law and order measures and who has helped concentrate wealth in urban centers by supporting a finance industry he directly profited from and that draws much of its wealth by seeing labor as a cost to be trimmed? For bonus points he saw himself as so important that he worked to get the law changed to allow himself an extra term. That's always good when people who think that way get a hold of executive power.

Be still my beating heart. Definitely just the man to lead the Democratic Party. I'm convinced. What in the world was I thinking.

Really, It is like someone took the worst things about Hillary Clinton and gave it a penis and a worse backstory.

Why settle for a narcissist authoritarian billionaire Republican when you could elect a narcissist billionaire authoritarian Democrat?

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