jeudi 23 avril 2020

itstha theekret

itstha theekret

Where secrecy or mystery begins, vice or roguery is not far off . _Johnson

Attorney General William Barr : "....9-11 secrets must remain secret"

Judge : ... reason for the secrecy?

Barr "It's a secret

Judge: The reason for the secrets’ secrecy?

Barr: " That’s an even bigger secret. And the secret secret reason for the secrecy of the second-level secret secret is still more secret
And guess what, the secret behind that is even worse, it’s classified at the
very highest level—only God Himself is allowed to know.
And the secret behind THAT secret is so secret that even God can’t be told, since His knowing it
could result in potentially grave harm to our national security.” [/excerpt]

Truth-seekers will never enlighten the terminally ignorant, nor awaken the intentionally somnombulist,
this information may jump-start a lazy intellect.

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