mercredi 22 avril 2020

kawika advocates murder

Over at 911blogger, our member kawika has now called for extralegal killings:

Originally Posted by kawika
WHAT IF.................
What if this problem got right in our face, instead of us being far removed, insulated? Are we gonna be polite, honorable and follow rules that the predators obviously aren't subject to? Are we incapable of taking direct action?

The rabid dogs (two legged variety) will eventually show up on your street, threatening your children and peace of mind. Are you going to have the nanny call somebody, or will you dispatch the evil and get back to work?

The video scene from To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) depicts Gregory Peck's character actually shooting dead a mad (rabid?) dog.

Kawika apparently has sunk to the radical, amoral level of the actual murderers of 9/11. This is a "movement" that sooner or later will produce actual terrorits.

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