mercredi 2 juin 2021

AE911Truth pressures NIST for decision on WTC 7 report

Seems that AE911 want to sue NIST


AE911Truth, together with ten 9/11 family members and 88 architects and structural engineers, appealed NIST’s initial decision on the request for correction on September 28, 2020 — more than eight months ago. Per NIST’s policy, the agency usually responds to appeals within 60 days.
Here is the request in PDF

Not sure what they are talking about here.


The Requestors’ Appeal, and their Request for Correction, clearly show, contrary to NIST’s Initial Decision, that the NIST WTC 7 Report’s conclusion and rationale that the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11 was due to fires and not the use of explosives and incendiaries was more than just wrong
Where is the proof of explosives? Just saying it, does not make it so


Requester’s Appeal, and their Request for Correction, clearly establish that the NIST WTC 7 Report was so factually inaccurate, methodologically unreliable, scientifically unsound, illogical, and biased that it blatantly violated NIST’s IQS requirements of objectivity, utility, transparency, and reproducibility.
So we can scratch their report also, talking about being bias.

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