lundi 7 juin 2021

Facilitate scientific learning in kids

Our kids are always curious about the world with never-ending fuel to investigate how things work around them. Vital skills and attitudes for learning come down with the scientific understanding of nature, science exploration, and selection of appropriate content to look into.

Pinpoints to help children learn science:
  1. Explore, explore, explore. Science is everywhere, from a perfect 8-hour sleep cycle to digesting food. Let them know how each works!
  2. Remember, science is cumulative. This means to build knowledge of your kid from the point of what they already know and extending to the limit to which they can process.
  3. Always consider your child’s personality, interests, and social habits. This will allow you to develop scientific activities that can even heighten your skills in the respective field.
  4. Invest in a few pieces of equipment. Children are reservoirs to learning more. Hence better is to invest in tools and material where they can apply their theoretical understanding to.

Let me know other points too if you have in your mind

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