jeudi 10 mars 2022

12 Signs You Are Clairsentient

A friend, who is in my regular D&D group and is fun to game with, is full Wiccan. Today he posted this:

Now this is not something that I'd bring up directly with him - his spiritual beliefs are absolutely none of my business, and I have no desire to alienate one of my gaming group after a long gaming drought. But I have a few issues.

Most of these signs are also symptoms of autism. Difficulty being in big crowds, people thinking you're too sensitive, mood changing quickly, and being super sensitive to your environment are all pretty standard symptoms of autism.

Many of the items in the list come under the heading of affective empathy, which can also be associated with autism: emotional movies making you cry, physically feeling other peoples' pain, sensing energy in a room, having strong gut feelings about people, and being able to tell when someone's had a bad day are all aspects of affective empathy.

In fact apart from noticing temperature variations, which I'm pretty sure everybody can do, the only items in this list that aren't symptoms of autism are finding it difficult to watch the news and picking up on "spirit's feelings", whatever that means.

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