samedi 19 mars 2022

Amateur physicist uses Aether, solves Theory of Everything, awaits peer review.

I probably could have gone pro, maybe if I hadn't fallen in with the cool crowd. I think of those days and I wouldn't mind to give high school Nakani a slap. Bohring indeed.

I never did needed that class, until I came to the JREF (You were right Mr. Martel!). In R&P, I thought I might join in on a conversation explaining the universe. I figured, I had things hashed out but the good members were kind enough let me know, I was missing a few details and I'm not Galileo.

I wouldn't mind to try again.

First things first, the obligatory anti mainstream rant.

Chasing the notion that time is a piece in the fabric of the universe is ridiculous. Mr. Einstein fell in love with time on a train, and just didn't let it go. You know how some physicists are with their theories. This simultaneously made thought experiments hip and put physics on a timeline to misunderstanding.

Due to an anomaly and a vivid imagination, time is a thing. Without us though, the cosmos doesn't care. Time can be a human tool, not a force of nature.

I know everyone is chomping at the bit for me to say the 'A' word, lets get to it. Keep in mind, this ain't yer Grandpa's stuff, this is as pure and smooth as can be. Try a whiff, it will solve all your problems.

When it comes to the universe, it is the lack of time, aka, the instant, which is the player here. A series of cascading instances, if you want to break it down, or just one if you can see that far.

Logic would dictate that solid matter does not exist, so it starts with nothing. This nothing though, is not true nothing. There is a space, still nothing but not quite.

This space is as small as can be, right next to all the other spaces. One space is the necessity for two, three and the rest. This is happening in an instant, until all the spaces are there.

If we treat the spaces like points, the first shape is triangle and the first form is tetrahedron. Space is quantified, arranged in tetrahedral matrix.

Tetrahedron don't quite fit together tiling space. This causes a shifting of the pieces, movement of space. The instant holds the size of the spaces but not the position. These movements multiply until the little storms commonly called protons and neutrons are formed.

Yadda yadda yadda, here we are.

Creation story or not, I'm proposing that the Aether is quantified space. It is pieces of the smallest space, which make all this possible.

The spaces, when pulled upon, can't separate, they are already the smallest space. Pulled in opposite directions, neighboring spaces slide in to absorb the tension.

Circular motion can disrupt space, circles and triangles don't mix well. At the center of the circle, the pieces are turned into a circular space. This abnormal space pulls the surrounding spaces in, to fill the void.

This would snap together in an instant if some how this happened in static space or the motion stopped. The circular motion holds the circle and causes a bit of a traffic jam on the way to the center. The spaces pull out from the pack, in towards the center. Spaces that become contained are cut off from the originals and disappear into a new instant.

Spaces are the same no matter what the size, the smaller pieces inside the larger become the larger(but don't add to the size). The center grows with the jams, eating at the walls, until the motion shifts to a flow spiraling towards the center. This is gravity.

As the flow filters through matter, spaces don't push 'down' on the atoms.

Each atom is a spherical system of spaces. The gravitational flow passes through matter, around the atoms. Downstream behind each atom there is what could be called an eddy but is more of an area of tension. Due to the strong resistance to separation between the pieces, matter moves in the direction of the flow, pulled along by the tension created behind the atoms.

Flowing spaces are moving tension. A direction gives the tension a structure that static spaces don't have. Matter moving through space which is not gravitating, behaves differently.

When space is moving, it pulls on the matter, when it's just matter that moves, it pulls on the spaces. Space is pushed aside by the atom and comes back when it passes. Tension on the opposite side of travel is still there but the static spaces offer little resistance.

Resistance from static spaces does increase with speed. As speed increases, the disturbance of spaces grows. Matter pulls against the resistance to separate until the sort is completed.

When it comes to Planets vs. the Aether, the pieces of outer space don't encounter the planet itself. Gravitating space is already flowing through the matter and extends out around the planet. The pieces of space in a planets path, only interact with the gravitational flow and magnetic field, not the matter it is made of.

I feel like there might be a few questions already. If not, I'll try Magnets next.

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