dimanche 22 janvier 2023

Are You a "Bigot" If You Don't Think Homosexuality Should Be Celebrated?

In a disturbing display of intolerance and bullying, many liberals have bitterly attacked Philadelphia Flyers hockey player Ivan Provorov for declining to wear a gay pride-themed jersey during a "Pride Night" game a few days ago. Many liberals have called Provorov every name in the book, including "bigot," "racist," "homophobe," and "hater," and have mocked his religious faith. When several NHL players similarly refused to wear gay pride-themed uniforms last year, some liberals called on the NHL to fine them for "bigotry," "hate," etc.

So have liberals "progressed" (pun intended) to the point that they will accuse someone of bigotry, hatred, and homophobia simply because that person does not want to wear clothing that celebrates homosexuality while on the job? How many liberals think that sports players who decline to wear gay-pride jerseys should be fined?

I find the liberal attacks on Provorov chilling and worrying, not to mention authoritarian and oppressive.

If a sports team decided to hold a "Family Pride Night" and asked players to wear a jersey that included symbols that celebrated the traditional family unit (dad and mom and children), what would liberals say if conservatives claimed that players who declined to wear the jersey were bigots, and if conservatives demanded that those players be fined for their alleged hatred of the traditional family unit?

I'm pretty sure that Provorov is not a "homophobe." Do liberals actually know what "homophobe" means? A phobia is not just a fear of something. If someone is an arachnophobe, for example, it means they became genuinely, intensely frightened at the very sight of a spider. I would bet that 99% of those Americans who don't think homosexuality is a good thing do not become intensely frightened at the sight of a gay person. I certainly do not.

Finally, consider the harsh attacks that some liberals have made against former NFL and NFL Hall of Fame coach Tony Dungy over his announcement last week that he will attend a March for Life event. Sheesh, so now it's "bigotry" and "hatred" to attend an event that seeks to protect unborn children from abortion? Why is it okay to attend "pro-choice" events, which seek to keep the killing of unborn babies legal, but not okay to attend events that seek to ensure that unborn babies be afforded the most basic human right of all--the right to life?

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