samedi 21 janvier 2023

So did yo hear? Russia might have shot down a UFO...

A few days ago a friend asked me what I'd heard about Russia shooting down a ball shaped UFO, and now they're everywhere, to which I replied, "Where did you hear this?"
He showed me a video on his phone that he'd seen, that showed a gray ball sort of lazily bobbing around, followed by a quick jerk to show, I guess a couple Migs?
I said it looked like a really crappy made video that didn't really show what it was saying it was, but, that I'd see what I could find, which wasn't much.
I did find this...


Originally Posted by houston herald
A mystery object described by one local news outlet as a “UFO” has been shot down in the southern Russian region of Rostov.

Vasily Golubev, the governor of Rostov oblast, wrote on Telegram that a “small-size object in the shape of a ball” had been discovered flying “in the wind” at an altitude of around one and a half miles on January 3. With the object spotted above the village of Sultan Sala in the region’s Myasnikovsky district, Golubev said “the decision was taken to liquidate it.”

Sounds like they effectively destroyed a balloon, but I'm no expert.

I'm figuring it's Russian garbage recycled into something that resembles a news-like report, at best. Anyone else seen/heard anything about this?

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