mercredi 30 juin 2021

Veritasium: A physics prof bet me $10K I am wrong.

Please merge this with the other thread on this topic. I could not find it.
Veritasium revisits the going faster downwind than the wind. It's a real bet that's settled.

Buyer's Remorse in One's Life???

Now will this post stay or go away???? that is the question.

I've had a few regrets, very few and have overcome them. BUT a hip replacement in 2010 left me pretty crippled, so Remorse big time.

Now a woman called in to my favorite radio program and says she is now living with Buyer's Remorse on the Mrna jabs she took, and she was asking how long does the stuff stay in one's body, and the doc said "we just do not know" we don't know what is down the road on all this.

Any Buyer's Remorse out there on anything?

Donald Rumsfeld, former secretary of defense, dies at 88

Donald Rumsfeld, former secretary of defense, dies at 88


(CNN) Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has died at the age of 88, according to a statement from his family.

No cause of death was immediately provided.

Replacing Chief Justice Roger Taney


The House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to remove all Confederate statues from public display in the U.S. Capitol, along with replacing the bust of former Chief Justice of the United States Roger Taney, author of the 1857 Dred Scott decision that declared that people of African descent were not U.S. citizens.

I'll be surprised if this goes forward in the 50-50 Senate, but it seems like a fine idea.

US Marine snared in bombing plot with neo nazis.

‘Right-Wing Death Squad’: Active-Duty Marine Plotted to Bomb DNC, Murder Black People, Feds Say


An active-duty U.S. Marine came under federal investigation for allegedly plotting with at least two others to assassinate minorities, drug users, and employees of the Democratic National Committee with explosives, rocket launchers, and automatic rifles.

That’s according to a newly unsealed FBI search warrant affidavit obtained by The Daily Beast, which indicates USMC Private First Class Travis Owens and his partners in the unrealized murder plot were influenced by Timothy McVeigh, the former U.S. Army soldier behind the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that left 168 people dead and injured nearly 700. The document also states that one of the suspects had links to the Atomwaffen Division, a violent neo-Nazi group linked to at least five murders. A handful of active service members and veterans have been identified as being members of Atomwaffen, which calls for the armed overthrow of the U.S. government.

Were discussing their terrorism scheme in a facebook messenger group called "Right Wing Death Squad". Top tier opsec guys.

mardi 29 juin 2021

A really bad history lesson about the discovery of America

Here's something that came across my news feed today:

Here's the title:

No, the Vikings Did Not Discover America. Here's Why That Myth is Problematic

I'm not even going to try and summarize the article. It's a jumble of different thoughts and claims about European visits to North America and possible European ancestry of someone or another, and a mish-mash of commentary about how various elements of American society have claimed this or that in order to somehow feel important, or something.

My objection to it is that it dismisses, correctly, the Kensington Runestone as evidence of Norse settlement in the New World, but it also dismisses "the historic myth that the Norse had visited New England repeatedly from the 10th to the 14th centuries, ", without giving any further commentary on the evidence for that.

Now, a diversion or two.

I suspect that most ISF denizens are sufficiently historically aware to know that the Norse did, in fact, visit the New World during that era, and established at least one settlement at L'anse Aux Meadows, Newfoundland. That isn't in dispute by any significant scholars. Although there is little or no evidence that they went as far south as New England, they probably did, at least a little bit. There's good reason to believe that they sent parties for exploration, hunting, or some purposes south from Newfoundland. The dating of L'anse aux Meadows fits in very well with The Vinland Sagas, so there is every reason to believe that those sagas are a reasonable accurate account of actual history. Of course, with no real evidence to confirm anything but the barest details of the stories, individual events can't be corroborated, but the basic idea that Lief Ericsson ventured from Greenland (or Iceland, via Greenland?) to North America is part of history, not of legend.

Second, a bit of a diversion about the word "discovered". Like most people my age (58) and older, we heard the phrase "Columbus discovered America" a lot when we were little, and then later learned that there were Norse explorers before Columbus, and that there may have possibly been other Europeans who stumbled on things. Oh, and, of course, thousands of years earlier, some Asian people discovered it from the other side, settled there, and spread out all acrose the continents of North and South America, and nearby islands, and lived there for centuries before Europeans showed up. In the end, any argument about who "discovered" America, is an argument about the meaning of the word "discovered".

Regardless of what you call it, we know that the ancestors of Native Americans came here thousands of years ago and their descendants developed a variety of civilizations, and evolved in a variety of ways from their Asiatic ancestors. We know that Scandinavians came here around the 11th century or so, but their colonies didn't "stick", and their descendants were wiped out, leaving nothing genetically or culturally trackable. Nothing but a few artifacts and wall that lay mostly buried for centuries, and some stories written down in Iceland, but no influence on the Native American cultures that anyone can identify. (Presumably, there was probably at least one Scandinavian woman who married into the Skraelings, or one Scandinavian man who impregnated a Native woman voluntarily or otherwise, but there is no detectable European ancestry in the Native population.) Then, along came Columbus, and he said, "Hey, Your Majesties! I found something cool here! We should conquer it!" And they did, and that's the point at which descendants of Europeans started taking things over.

Other than that, there are a few legends of people possibly going across the ocean, and maybe even returning, but there's nothing significant and no real reason to believe it happened.

So my problem with this article is that, if anyone reading it was not thoroughly familiar with the story of the Norse settlements, this article would make it sound like it was all myth, made up to propogate some story about white supremacy, or something. Somebody writing about history for Time magazine ought to be able to do better than that. It's like the author desperately wanted to debunk something about Euro-centric American history, but in doing so he either completely dismisses the real history, or perhaps he is totally ignorant of it. The idea that Vikings discovered America, and lived here for a time is not myth. It's history.

(Except: They weren't Vikings, because "Viking" doesn't mean Scandinavian, or Norse. The Norsemen who settled at L'Anse aux Meadows were not Vikings. Come to think of it, "Vikings" shouldn't even be capitlized. Leif Erikson and the people who came with him were not vikings.)

S. Dakota governor deploying National Guard to border funded by private donation


South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said Tuesday that she will send up to 50 South Dakota National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, the Associated Press reported.

The troops' trip to the border, which could last 30 to 60 days, will be funded by a private donation, Noem said.

national guard is available for rent for political stunts.

I always kinda assumed (hoped) our dystopic hellworld would involve more robocops or terminators or something cool. This is just bleak.

Driving while ...

Oops, already covered in the US police thread.

Coping Mechanisms after horrible events

I became acquainted with two WW1 veterans who were in the same battle. Americans were charged with holding an area of France at a place called Chateau Thierry. These young soldiers had been given minimum training and were lightly armed.

The Germans thought and probably rightly so that this was the weak point in the line. They attacked the Americans in force and nearly wiped them out. The American line did hold long enough for the French and English to counterattack and drive the Germans off. The Americans had fought surprisingly well against overwhelming odds with the Germans being better equipped, trained and with much combat experience.

My Grandfather was in this battle. He was from Wales. The other gentleman was a Jewish guy from Moscow.

My Grandfathers coping mechanism was alcohol. Lots of alcohol. He died at age 62 and from what I've been told it was a miracle he lived as long as he did. The Jewish guys coping mechanism was work, lots of work. He was a tailor from Moscow.

Both men had been recruited at Ellis Island. The army was their first task on the road to becoming an American.

After the battle like I said most of the Americans were dead but the survivors had been shot, gassed, bayoneted etc. None of them were fit for further service.

The Jewish guy did better than my Grandfather by a long shot. He died in his 90's. My Grandfather only lived to be 62.

To coping mechanisms.

Things you thought hadn't been invented yet but were wrong

My example: Practical applications of anti-matter!

A friend of mine, who I'll say kindly is not entirely grounded in reality but is frightfully intelligent, referred to a medical positron imager and I thought they were full of crap! Antimatter is sci-fi stuff, surely in real life it's just transient particles that experimental physicists manage to prove existed for a few moments in order to impress other experimental physicists.

So I looked it up--I was mistaken. You can actually do stuff with it now.

Positron Emission Tomography

lundi 28 juin 2021

Florida Condo Collapse / CD?

We don't often see collapses of high-rises in the US, but there was one in Florida last week - I don't know if any truthers are still active but I was curious as to whether any have made public statements regarding this recent occurrence.

Seems like this event would be incompatible with Richard Gage's thoughts on gravity-fueled collapse,"path of most resistance", etc.

The Weinstein Brothers: Nobel-Prize Level Scientists or Self-Aggrandizing Woosters?

Are Bret and Eric Weinstein scientific geniuses who have been deprived of their rightful Nobel Prizes by a Distributed Idea Suppression Complex (DISC) - otherwise known as the Scientific Establishment or are they conspiracy theorists with a massively inflated self-belief peddling dangeruos pseudoscientific nonsense?

SPOILER: they are conspiracy theorists with a massively inflated self-belief peddling dangeruos pseudoscientific nonsense.

Ever since Bret Weinstein got cancelled, the Whinestein Brothers have amassed a growing cult er.... following who regard them as heroes...

Bret Weinstein: 348K subscribers
Eric Weinstein: 261K subscribers

Bret has recently been peddling anti-vax nonsense, making massively inflated claims about ivermectin and his endorsement of the lab leak hypothesis is almost for me enough to think it is probably not true.

Eric believes he has come up with a new form of physics that he feels has been suppressed by the Man. Now he seems to be into UFOs...

Of course, neither of them seem to be actively doing any science at all, and instead they have become broadcasters telling anyone who will listen that they have noticed things that have been missed (or suppressed by the science establishment).

Are they not just a pair of cranks and charlatans? Are they not just well-spoken, less crazed versions of Alex Jones?

Here, by the way, is an article about Bret and his wife, Heather Heying... (I don't remember where I first read it, maybe it was posted on this forum, if so thanks to whomever posted it) and how they seem to be making the Gallileo Gambit. The idea is that they are the geniuses being suppressed by the Orthodoxy:


Dr Heying and her partner Dr Bret Weinstein argue strongly against all of these positions. In a recent episode of their podcast Heather acknowledged that Bret had estimated the likelihood of laboratory origin as greater than 95% (an increase from his original estimate in May 2020 of 90%). They claim that the COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous, comparing taking the vaccine to playing Russian Roulette with a loaded gun. They argue in the strongest possible terms in favour of Ivermectin as an entirely safe and highly effective prophylactic and cure. The authorities and experts are described as ‘playing games with people’s lives’, engaging in the ‘crime of the century’, and are accused of neglecting and suppressing these ideas. Thus, although they sometimes portray their views as merely ‘conspiracy hypotheses’, it is hard to regard these caveats as being anything other than a performative tactical disclaimer, given the vehemence and certainty that characterises their split with the scientific consensus.

Indeed, almost all of Bret and Eric and Heather's conceits seem to be that they have something more important and interesting to say about science and that everyone else is wrong.

Funnily enough Eric also seems to think he speaks for science such as in this megalomaniacal outburst while talking to Michael Shermer (and was then mocked by another conspiracy theorist comedian called Tim Dillon):

It's funny because Tim Dillon is doing an Emperor's New Clothes on Eric Weinstein. He's merely pointing out that Eric Weinstein hasn't done any science which has made people's lives better.

"police call"

Anyone who's been in or around the military knows that to "police up" the area is to pick up trash, and "police call" is a morning ritual to do same...

But in response to a Quora question today, I tried for about 20 minutes to find the origin of this term... How "police" became a synonym for "picking up trash".

Lots of sites repeated the meaning.... But no origin.

Perhaps as simple as the Police "picking up" (arresting) "trash" (criminals). Any ideas?

New Florida anti-BLM Law Snares Trumper

This made my morning.


So a Trumper idiot who went to a Florida rally to celebrate Trump's birthday decided on the way home to vandalise a newly unveiled intersection mural celebrating pride by deliberating doing burnouts and leaving skid marks all over it.

He's now been charged with criminal mischief, reckless driving, and evidence of prejudice.

Even better, the mural was also a memorial for those killed in the Orlando nightclub shooting and Florida just passed a new law aimed at BLM protesters defacing Civil War monuments. Under this act, any person who "willfully and maliciously" damages a memorial or other piece of historic property can be charged with a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison. The felony charge will also be upped to the second degree for destroying or toppling such objects, a charge that carries up to 15 years!

The DA is now looking into the act to see if they can charge under this, and also hate crime laws as well.

Just warms the heart...

Developng allergies in my old age

I apparently have a mild allergy to milk and or orange juice. It causes diarreah. I use Pepto Bismo and Immodium AD but my stomach still feels bad. Are developements later in life like this common?

I'm having problems getting VPN defender on my Iphone12.

I try to follow the directions and nothing works. I took my device to the dealer and they brought up the icon but even though I try to follow instructions it still doesn't work.

John McAfee and Miami Collapse

This didn't take long.

It's two, two, two conspiracy theories in one!!

Some people on social media are claiming that John McAfee hid a large number of secret files in the Miami condo that just collapsed, and the collapse was actually a demolition to destroy the files after his death.

Too bad part of the theory depends on a son who doesn't exist.


On Twitter, an image supposedly showing a message McAfee posted on June 8, 2021, was circulated with claims that Champlain Towers had been intentionally demolished to destroy files McAfee had hidden there. This claim was also attached to another message that claimed McAfee’s alleged son, Pat McAfee, had an office at this building.

The above-displayed tweet does not appear on McAfee’s timeline and appears to have been doctored. And while McAfee previously claimed that he had fathered 47 children, there are very few details to back up this assertion. Regardless, there doesn’t appear to be any record of John McAfee having a son named “Pat McAfee.” The person of this name who may be most familiar to American audiences, sports analyst Pat McAfee, is not McAfee’s son and has already confirmed on Twitter that he does not have a condo in Florida.

dimanche 27 juin 2021

A Mormon asked me this question about being an atheist

He asked me what did I get out of being an unbeliever. What advantages did it give me. My answer was this "there are no advantages" "Atheists feel that they are in possession of a cold hard unpleasant truth". WE gain absolutely nothing from our lack of belief except perhaps freedom of fear from an angry unforgiving invisible being you can't even see.

[Continuation] Australian Politics - The Morrison Period Part II

Mod InfoContinued from here. As usual the split point is arbitrary and participants may quote from the preceding thread.
Posted By:Agatha


Originally Posted by lionking (Post 13519706)
The Commonwealth is responsible for immigration control. This is where the infections have come from.

True. But some of those have come by plane, which the government can't stop, and the one boat they needed to stop they didn't.

samedi 26 juin 2021

Saturn is a moon hog!

We've only got one moon. Saturn has at least 82! Why does Saturn have so many? It certainly doesn't need all of them! Saturn could spare a few! I think we need a mission to Saturn to steal several of them and put them in orbit around Earth! They don't have to be big ones, but wouldn't it make the night sky look even nicer if we had maybe 7 or 8 moons? So let's grab 6 of them, and maybe a couple more to drop off for Mars, because Mars is pretty lonely with just those two dinky little moons Phobos and Deimos! I estimate such a mission would only cost about $10 trillion or so, and it's worth it!

Even visiting your GF is not safe from predatory police

A 16-year old teenager in a wealthy neighbourhood heads around the back of a house and is followed by a cop because the cop thinks he is "suspicious."

I'm sure most people can figure out the rest, but anyways. The teen tries to text his girlfriend, who lives there, and the brave cop decided that the cell phone is clearly a deadly weapon and tases the kid, causing him to fall with such force that he breaks a brick well with his head. Still obviously a threat, the cop then tazes him a second time while the teen is lying dazed on the ground.

At this point the GF arrives from inside the house, but does the cop admit to a mistake? Nope, he arrests the teen and charges him with loitering, possession of marijuana, and a criminal traffic citation for failing to obey an officer. Oh, and to top it off, they didn't even tell the kid's mother that he had hit his head, she found that out when watching the GF's parent's security footage!

Oh yeah, and one last thing that I am sure everyone has figured out, the teen has a black father and is of mixed race, so he's clearly not white, but I am sure that someone will point out how this would have happened to any white kid in the neighbourhood and had nothing to do with his skin colour.


In the wise words of Mark V Shaney

Ye my old beloved evil thoughts! The vanity through all labyrinths. Men not great! There are books which have hitherto usually gone to pieces broken down sunk and become the cause of fear draws its ultimate conclusion. In all the most agreeable of vices pardon me for instance unrestrained workers almost destroying themselves by piety to a respectful seriousness and without much curiosity or discomfort; And is meant to suffer with his taste which seems to me that this one is such a renan appear in whom laboriousness from generation to generation has dissolved the religious significance of words! And not some schopenhauerian genius of the herd has hitherto been maintained in europe has been long separated decisively and suddenly blend with one another. To refrain mutually from injury from violence from exploitation and put it out of the bull fight the present moment blood and iron that is philosophy in its own this operates fascinatingly persuasively and convincingly upon an age considers evil is done the sweet sad cry of rue sang out its end; A question however as a man s faith by which perhaps feels itself most at ease there; That which must be unavoidably impure. In effect that method ordains which must be regarded as more dangerous than any other value than that of an idea of how much of the instincts and inclinations now attain to moral philosophers knowing the moral imperative of the soul of europe will tend to the origin of an undeservedly favoured or surprised not as though the artist in himself the devil also compels you to speak and give it so much and in general only under the most powerful antagonists of atheism are found. What avail is it not be ungrateful to it; If any one speaks i listened for the sake of a philosopher of the free wanton lightsome solitude which also gives you the bedlamite hope that has been long stored up and accumulated there the effect of the human all too human; And no longer assign any limit restraint or forbearance for themselves by means of ideas of the claims of power and delight in the end set to music. He suffers and wants to have a new work with every generation almost with disbelief. It seems that we are unpretentious unselfish modest brave habituated to self control and in its full profundity all that is certainly to impugn the traditional ideas of modern ideas!

Dear Users… (A thread for Sysadmin, Technical Support, and Help Desk people) Part 10

Mod InfoContinuation thread from:
Posted By:Darat
Damn it. I had to look at someone else's SQL (which always makes me feel dirty, other people's style is weird and off-putting) and I found three mistakes. One's a busted join, one's using a very wrong field to do a join, and the other is doing "where field in (items)" and the items are short by about fifty things that should be included. So now I have to tactfully point out the errors without a) offending them and b) triggering the work to just be reassigned to me.

Sometimes I worry that I'm actually good at my job, which is not in keeping with my chosen view of myself. And for some reason the end users in question on this one seem to like me despite my being as horribly pedantic as I possibly can (I always answer "is this data right?" with "this is an accurate representation of what was in the database at the time the query was run", for example) but it doesn't put them off. Damn it, they're going to ask this be turned over to me on top of all the other crap I'm already doing for them. Grrrrr.

I hate looking at other people's SQL. It never leads to anything good.

vendredi 25 juin 2021

Pentagon UFO report is a big nothingburger

Here is the report itself

It is 9 pages long and doesn't say much that's interesting. It mainly only talks in general terms and doesn't go into detail about specific UAP reports. Maybe there's a classified version of the report that says more? On page 9 it mentions "Appendix B", which seems to the the classified report to the Senate which goes into greater detail.


In a limited number of incidents, UAP reportedly appeared to exhibit unusual flight characteristics. These observations could be the result of sensor errors, spoofing, or observer misperception and require additional rigorous analysis.

There are probably multiple types of UAP requiring different explanations based on the range of appearances and behaviors described in the available reporting. Our analysis of the data supports the construct that if and when individual UAP incidents are resolved they will fall into one of five potential explanatory categories: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, USG or U.S. industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems, and a catchall “other” bin.

Consistent consolidation of reports from across the federal government, standardized reporting, increased collection and analysis, and a streamlined process for screening all such reports against a broad range of relevant USG data will allow for a more sophisticated analysis of UAP that is likely to deepen our understanding. Some of these steps are resource-intensive and would require additional investment.
Sounds like they are telling congress to give them more money if they want better answers.

Our analysis of the data supports the construct that if and when individual UAP incidents are resolved they will fall into one of five potential explanatory categories: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, USG or industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems, and a catchall “other” bin. With the exception of the one instance where we determined with high confidence that the reported UAP was airborne clutter, specifically a deflating balloon, we currently lack sufficient information in our dataset to attribute incidents to specific explanations.

We currently lack data to indicate any UAP are part of a foreign collection program or indicative of a major technological advancement by a potential adversary.
Here's the BBC headline:

UFO report: US 'has no explanation' for sightings

A Pentagon report released on Friday says of 144 reports made about the phenomena since 2004, all but one remain unexplained.
It does not rule out the possibility that the objects are extraterrestrial.
Technically, yes. It does not "rule out" anything. But I don't think the report even mentions the possibility that they might be extraterrestrial. Nor does it suggest that that is a potential explanation for any of the reported UAPs.
I don't think that this report is going to satisfy many people.

Scientists hail stunning 'Dragon Man' discovery

Scientists hail stunning 'Dragon Man' discovery
Chinese researchers have unveiled an ancient skull that could belong to a completely new species of human.
From the artist's conception, I thought it had to be a joke. I mean c'mon -- it's Hoggle! (from Labyrinth)

Attached Images
File Type: jpg hogglea.JPG (31.8 KB)
File Type: jpg hoggle.JPG (30.7 KB)

A thought experiment without money

We are doing the following thought experiment in the steps described below (with some instructions as well).

1.Imagine that you do something,
instructions 1: feel free to imagine, following the steps and instructions below from beggining until the end.

2.You do this something that you imagine in two different ways from its beginning until its end
instructions 2: you can come back to me with two stories, each with a beginning and and end, about something done in two different ways from its beginning until its end.

3.First you do it with money from its beginning until its end
instructions 3:
Trade is happening in the first story with money.

This means that, either you do something for another, and another gives the agreed amount of money to you,
or another does something for you, and you give another the agreed amount of money to another...and the agreed amount of money...
is the amount of money you and another...agreed in order to trade.

4.Secondly you do it without money from its beginning until its end
instructions 4:
Trade is happening in the second story without money.

This mean that, you do this for another and another does that for you, and money isn't involved between the two of you, in the second story.

5. For the second way when you do it without money, you have to spend less time and effort to do it, from its beginning until its end
how to imagine:
In the first story when you do it with money, you have to spend more time and effort to do it, from its beginning until its end

6. I wonder would you say you are using your money wisely?

7. Because if you would, wait a minute before you start replying, and listen to me.

In both stories that you can come back to me, you are trading with another.

In one of the stories, you have to spend more time and effort, to do what you freely imagined you do with another, plus you have to also use money on top of having to spend more time and effort to do it, unlike the way you do it in the other story.

In the other story, you have to spend less time and effort, to do what you freely imagined you do with another, and as you also have to not use money in the second story, you don't have to spend time and effort to use money, unlike the way you do it in one of the stories.

8. So it seems to me that the other story, and not one of the stories, is what you would be looking for...if it seems sensible to you to spend less time and effort, and not get caught up in one of those know the ones I'm talking about, no?.. if not I am talking about one of the stories where you have to spend endless time and effort even for the simplest of things.

And this is why it seems to me that money reduces time and effort spend to trade, but let's add more clarifications from the beginning, so that we don't misunderstand each other...

what do you think will happen if you give money to your girlfriend...and the way you do it, whatever way that is...happens to increase the tme and effort she has to spend to feel good? (because I think you already know the answer here...)

e.g. imagine after you have sex with your girlfriend, you really had a good time, she really put in the time and effort for both to have a good time, and you really want to thank her...and you decide to give her money for that... (...and I hope you haven't tried that...)

and there is a range from don't give money to your girl after sex, to don't expect sex from a prostitute without money...

but this doesn't stop in sex...

you sometimes choose with people that are close to opt out of money if it messes up the relationship between the two of you, for the specific occasion...

...and you usually choose with strangers to use money, as you don't know them and can't trust exchanges without money.

and whether you choose one or the other depends on how much time and effort you have to spend either by using money or not, to do what you want to do.

And finally, the reason why this is important and why I am not simply making fun of you, just in case I am giving such an impression, is that...

When one wants to play tricks with you with money, what you agreed with that one, isn't getting done, or it takes significantly more time and effort to get done, and that one usually comes back with a complicated spaghettis story, that doesn't seem to end...and then that one keeps wasting your time and effort.

It seems simple and practical for one's life to remember that , it seems to me...but perhaps I'm wrong...this is why I wrote it here, to see people's questions/view/objections

Florida Gov signs law requiring students, faculty be asked to declare their political

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday signed legislation mandating public colleges and universities survey students and faculty about their beliefs in an effort to promote intellectual diversity on campuses.

“We obviously want our universities to be focused on critical thinking, academic rigor,” DeSantis said during a news conference Tuesday, according to the Naples Daily News.

“We do not want them as basically hotbeds for stale ideology,” he said.

“It used to be thought that a university campus was a place where you’d be exposed to a lot of different ideas,” DeSantis said. “Unfortunately, now the norm is, these are more intellectually repressive environments,” he added.

Under House Bill 233, surveys would be conducted annually on campuses to assess viewpoint diversity and intellectual freedom, and determine “the extent to which competing ideas and perspectives are presented,” and whether students and faculty “feel free to express beliefs and viewpoints on campus and in the classroom.”

The bill does not specifically say what will be done with survey results, but DeSantis suggested budget cuts could be imminent if universities and colleges are found to be “indoctrinating” students.

“That’s not worth tax dollars and that’s not something that we’re going to be supporting moving forward,” the governor said.

The measure was among three education bills signed by DeSantis Tuesday. Other measures included an expansion of civics education for K-12 schools, including instruction about the perils of communist and totalitarian governments.

jeudi 24 juin 2021

Merry Sol Invictus

I hope all you Southern Hemisphere people are having a jolly time today. I am enjoying an early Scotch to commemorate the event.

OANN host calls for the execution of those who stole the election


I came across the clip because QAnon people are see it as proof that the mass executions are right around the corner. Lots of glee in the Q chat rooms, demands for how exactly their imagined executions will be carried out and complaints they had to wait too long.
Make sure you have the sound on. The closed caption doesn't capture all of it.

Windows 11 announced

I thought that they said W10 would be the last operating system.

More BLM Supporters Rammed With Car… on Video

Unable to find a news source for this one, it's only available on Twitter at the moment. I will post another link when a news outlet covers it.

Click player to unmute video, there is some foul language.

Not many details but it appears some BLM supporters were standing on the street next to a car when a scuffle breaks out shortly before a minivan charges into the crowd. After the incident, other BLM supporters run to the scene to offer support. Fortunately, there were also members of the "gun culture" there to prevent things from escalating and turning violent.

Registering Political Views With the State

DeSantis signs bill requiring Florida students, professors to register political views with state
Universities may lose funding if staff and students' beliefs do not satisfy Florida's GOP-run legislature

Public universities in Florida will be required to survey both faculty and students on their political beliefs and viewpoints, with the institutions at risk of losing their funding if the responses are not satisfactory to the state's Republican-led legislature.
The text of the bill is here;

The bill does not contain the phrase "political views".

It does say in part;

The Board of Governors shall select or create an objective, nonpartisan, and statistically valid survey to be used by each state university which considers the extent to which competing ideas and perspectives are presented and members of the university community, including students, faculty, and staff, feel free to express their beliefs and viewpoints on campus and in the classroom.

Guiliani Suspended from Practicing Law

It looks like the consequences are starting to catch up to the Trump legal team. Some civil cases, and now Guiliani can't act as a lawyer anymore, at least in NY. Deadrose brought this to my attention on Discord, and I have to say it makes me happy.


A New York court has suspended the law license of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, citing in part his work as counsel to former President Donald Trump.

The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court said Thursday it was "immediately suspending" Giuliani's license -- although it is an interim suspension, so he will have an opportunity for reinstatement.

I hope he collected all of his cash from Trump in advance.

At least one dead in building collapse in Surfside, Florida

A 12 story, 136 unit residential building partially collapsed overnight in the town of Surfside, Florida, just outside of Miami.

The building was constructed in the 1980s and at least 55 units* were destroyed. At least 1 person is dead and there are fears of further collapse of the remaining building. Search and rescue efforts are ongoing.

*As of this post whether this is an apartment, a condo, a long term rental, a hotel, etc is not 100% clear in the reporting, hence the vague language. It is some form of residential building however.

Are We Being Observed?

Scientists identify 29 planets where aliens could observe Earth


Astronomers estimate 29 habitable planets are positioned to see Earth transit and intercept human broadcasts

For centuries, Earthlings have gazed at the heavens and wondered about life among the stars. But as humans hunted for little green men, the extraterrestrials might have been watching us back.

In new research, astronomers have drawn up a shortlist of nearby star systems where any inquisitive inhabitants on orbiting planets would be well placed to spot life on Earth.

The scientists identified 1,715 star systems in our cosmic neighbourhood where alien observers could have discovered Earth in the past 5,000 years by watching it “transit” across the face of the sun.

Among those in the right position to observe an Earth transit, 46 star systems are close enough for their planets to intercept a clear signal of human existence – the radio and TV broadcasts which started about 100 years ago.

The researchers estimate that 29 potentially habitable planets are well positioned to witness an Earth transit, and eavesdrop on human radio and television transmissions, allowing any observers to infer perhaps a modicum of intelligence. Whether the broadcasts would compel an advanced civilisation to make contact is a moot point.

NRA Officials Tricked Into Speaking at a Fake High School Graduation

A gun safety group paid two NRA officials to speak at the "James Madison Academy," a high school purportedly devoted to Constitutional freedoms. The audience was 3044 empty chairs, representing the number of kids they say were killed by guns.

mercredi 23 juin 2021

John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison after court OKs extradition

John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison after court OKs extradition


Computer software pioneer John McAfee has been found dead in a Spanish prison hours after a court approved his extradition to the U.S. to face charges of tax evasion.

Security personnel at the Brians 2 penitentiary near Barcelona tried to revive McAfee, who was 75, but the jail's medical team finally certified his death, a statement from the regional Catalan government said.

The statement didn't identify the tycoon by name, but said he was a 75-year-old American citizen awaiting extradition to the U.S. A Catalan government source familiar with the incident who was not authorized to be named in media reports confirmed to the Associated Press that the dead man is McAfee.
Looks like he uninstalled himself.

Charles Murray interview

In order to prevent off-topic posting in the CRT thread, here is a thread about Murray.


Recent interview which happened to pop into my feed.

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Open socialist to be next Buffalo, NY mayor.

DSA backed socialist candidate India Walton ousts Democratic incumbent in primary, there is no Republican candidate to challenge her. Barring something very unusual, she's going to be the next mayor.


Walton is a nurse, an organizer, and a nonprofit executive who received more than 50 percent of Tuesday’s vote in the Democratic primary for mayor of Buffalo, New York. She’s also a socialist, an abolitionist, and a member of the Buffalo chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America. Her opponent, Byron Brown, was an incumbent seeking a record fifth term backed by the local Democratic machine, the Buffalo News Editorial Board, the New York State Nurses Association, and the Local 1199 of the Service Employees International Union. He has not yet conceded. There is no Republican candidate in the race.

Buffalo is the city where the riot cops shoved a 75 year old man to the ground and cracked his skull open. Walton is a self-described abolitionist. Apparently Buffalo is tired of bootlickers.


Walton’s is a major win for the progressive left, which struggled to coalesce behind one candidate in the New York City mayoral race. Walton ran on a community-centered approach to public safety that prioritized independent oversight of police, harm reduction, and restorative justice. She also focused on strengthening tenants’ rights; declaring Buffalo a sanctuary city and refusing to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement; and prioritizing small, minority, and women-owned businesses for local contracts.

Russia Fires on British Warship off Crimea

Russia says it fired warning shots at British warship

A Russian patrol ship and fighter jet fired warning shots towards a British destroyer in the Black Sea, reports in Russia say.
Moscow's defence ministry said that HMS Defender entered Russian territorial waters near Crimea.

The UK's Ministry of Defence has not yet commented.

Russia said the incident happened near Cape Fiolent in the south of Crimea and claimed the British vessel subsequently changed course.
A patrol ship fired twice and the Su24-M jet dropped four bombs in its path, the Russian reports say.

The British embassy's defence attaché has been summoned to the Russian defence ministry, Interfax news agency reported.

A Picture of Poverty

A lot of what we think we know about poverty is wrong.

We show that 60 percent of the population between 20 and 75 will experience one year below the official poverty line, which is very conservative. And three-quarters of Americans will experience either poverty or near poverty, just above the poverty line.

What we basically say is, sure, to get ahead in life, hard work is important. Regardless of whether you’re poor, middle class or rich, you have to put in some effort to get ahead. But just working hard doesn’t mean that you’re going to get ahead. In other words: It’s generally a necessary but not sufficient condition. There are lots and lots of people that I’ve talked to and others have talked to in our research on this that are working really, really hard. But they’re not getting ahead. And the reason they’re not getting ahead is that there are so many jobs today that don’t pay a living wage. So you can be working at these jobs full-time, and you’re still going to be either in poverty or near poverty.

mardi 22 juin 2021

Put Your Money To a Good Cause

God REALLY didn't forget something to do, if God REALLY did everything.

When one writes something down for the same God as the ones before one

When one writes something down for the same God as the ones before one, the ones before one did not write it down EXACTLY as the same God would want it to be written down, because if you REALLY think otherwise…

When one writes something down for the same God as the ones before one, the ones before one wrote it down EXACTLY as the same God would want it to be written down, but if you think this is REALLY ok for you…

If in the end, when one writes something down for the same God as the ones before one, and the ones before one wrote it down EXACTLY as the same God would want it to be written down, it doesn’t seem to me that...


...for the next ones who would like to write something down for the same God…does it seem to you…idiot?

One Britain One Nation

The latest nazi inspired campaign from our wonderful government attempts to deny the existence of four distinct nations within the United Kingdom.

Presumably one nation one party follows.

And I typical we don't actually care about anyone but ourselves attitude they've scheduled it to be celebrated in schools the day after Scottish schools close for summer.

You couldn't make this **** up. My daughter's headmaster has been warned not to try to involve her in this racist ****.

REALLY? ...yes really...what...NOT REALLY?!.

• Something else than what humans can imagine has been happening around humans up to now since the beginning of humans, regardless the fact that most humans don’t get that…
• or else before humans, what does it seem to you was happening in reality?..
• Something that happened before humans, but that Humans imaginEd afteR they startEd GETting REAL?!.

iPad alternatives

My 5th gen iPad is dying. Something wrong with whatever it uses for storage.

I prefer (for various reasons) non-iOs solutions as they tie better into my existing kit/preferences and how I like to view filesystems. The Lenovo Tab P11 amazon uk link looks like it will meet my needs for web surfing, e-books, watching movies, email etc. Any games I play tend to be simple puzzles or word games so nothing taxing. The support for 256GB SD cards is nice as I'll be able to carry more movies with me when wifi is poor.

Anyone spot any red flags?

Portland police will no longer pursue minor traffic infractions / car searches


Portland police will no longer pursue minor traffic infractions and will limit car searches

Portland’s police chief and mayor are set to announce Tuesday that city police will no longer stop motorists for low-level infractions, such as equipment failures or expired plates, to reduce disproportionate stops of people of color.

And if police do stop drivers, officers must explain that the motorist can deny a request to search their cars.

The changes also are aimed at curtailing the potential for deadly encounters between police and people of color and allowing police to focus on more serious violations that pose an immediate threat to public safety.

lundi 21 juin 2021

The road to En Dor

Just saw a tweet and thought it may be interesting to share,a true story of POWs who scammed their way out of prison by pretending to be mediums.

The Unique Terror of Being a COVID Scientist After Jan 6th

The Hans Mustermann Psycho-Temporal Field Equations (PTFE)

So here's something I've been working on for... err... about half an hour. On my own, I would add. And I assure you, it's mind-blowing. Nobel prize material, even. We're on the edge of a paradigm shift, people.

So, anyway, it all started at the end of last week, as I dropped a co-worker off at the railway station. And he goes, "See you tomorrow." I correct that to, "See you on MONDAY." He asks, "what, you're not working tomorrow?" Which made me inquire since when am I supposed to work on Saturdays, since, you know, it was Friday. Turns out that nope, it was Thursday, tomorrow was Friday.

Which got me thinking. I distinctly remembered yesterday being Thursday, and everything. Hell, now that I thought about it, I remembered dropping that guy at the railways station yesterday too. I don't do that every day, so red flags started popping up in my head like moles at one of those whack-a-mole machines.

Could it be that I had somehow been transported back in time by one day? Obviously, yes. The evidence was too hard to ignore.

(And yes, I know that some of the hidebound reactionaries and self-appointed defenders of the orthodoxy will say that Einstien's theory of relativity forbids it, but frankly, the clue is in the name: it's just a theory. Plus, it's obvious that he too had started to doubt it in his later years.)

But how?

Well, my first clue came as I sat and watched some old episodes of The Flash and someone on Teams sent a link to The Ballad Of Barry Allen on youtube:

Yeah, that guy must be bored half to death. And he can travel in time. (Explain that evidence, you Einstien defenders!) Hmm... could that be the secret?

It wouldn't be the first time I had noticed that time passes at different speeds, relative to how bored you are. Like, ever notice how you've had some boring relatives drone on for hours at the Christmas table, and then you look at the clock and actually it's barely been 15 minutes? That's why it's called "relative time", I guess.

Of course, my work at the time had been interrupted by a pleasant stay at the local psychiatry hospital. Just like back in Galileo's day, obviously the modern day inquisition was bothered by my insights into the real nature of reality, and generally my being ahead of time. (If I'd given the guy another minute head start before chasing him screaming "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!" I bet it wouldn't have looked half as bad. That's what I get for being ahead of time, eh?) But I knew it was really just a conspiracy by the scientific establisment to suppress my progress, when the psychiatrist suddenly only wanted to talk about why do I think I'm like Barry Allen, once I had mentioned that.

Anyway... Hmm... could it be that Barry Allen's secret is a self-sustaining boredom field, slowing down time for him? But what if you got bored even beyond that? Could time actually flow backwards? A quick thought experiment seemd to confirm that.

Then the phone rang, and it was mom trying to tell me AT LENGTH about the absolutely normal squirrel, doing absolutely nothing unusual or interesting to anyone sane, that she had photographed at the park. With a detour into how something she saw at the park reminded her of something else. That in turn being interrupted by a parentheses into something ELSE that that reminded her of. And by that, I mean it reminded her of another taxi ride she took the other day and nothing interesting to anyone else happened.

At this point I was having a deja vu moment. Her taking photos of squirrels at the park, her stories in the middle of other stories in the middle of other detours in the middle of other parentheses...

And then I realized what had happened: I had had the exact same conversation in the Thursday yesterday, and it bored me right back in time.

So I hung up.

Well, anyway, I'm not good at maths, but my theory is conceptually right, so all I need is for someone to express it in terms of equations.

Parading in Chicago while Puerto Rican

A 24-year-old Latino man and a 25-year-old Latino woman were participating in the Puerto Rican People's Day Parade in Chicago when they accidentally rear-ended a car with six historically oppressed individuals.

The six men who were in the car that was rear-ended got out of the car, began to attack the couple before dragging them out of the car, shooting her in the neck and shooting him in the head leaving them both to die on the street, which he did and she is in the hospital in critical condition.

Local news report with included video of the execution:

On the bright side, these two didn't feel that their lives were in danger and brandish firearms for self-defense only to become the latest notoriously racist couple in the eyes of the mainstream media and the world's left.

dimanche 20 juin 2021

Head of firms that pushed 'Italygate' theory falsely claimed VA mansion was her home

Head of firms that pushed 'Italygate' theory falsely claimed VA mansion was her home


A woman who heads two firms that pushed an election fraud conspiracy theory known as “Italygate” falsely claimed a mansion in Virginia was her home, The Washington Post reported.

Michele Roosevelt Edwards, who is in charge of USAerospace Partners and the Institute for Good Governance, claimed a $30 million mansion was her home during an interview with a television crew from Iceland.

The mansion is the historical North Wales farm located in Warrenton, Va., according to state records reviewed by the Post.

According to the newspaper, the estate is owned by a company belonging to the late David B. Ford, a former financier who passed in September. When asked if she knew Edwards, Ford's widow said she didn't know her.

“She’s in my house,” the widow said when the Post showed footage of Edwards from the interview. “How is she in my house?”

The theory stems from a letter that former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows emailed to acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen claiming that an Italian defense contractor worked with U.S. intelligence to corrupt the 2020 presidential election.

More specifically, the theory holds that votes were changed from former President Trump to then-candidate Biden President by military satellites controlled by senior CIA officials and people who worked for the defense contractor.
Sounds like she probably got a friend who works for the agency handling the sale of the house to let her in. Grifters gotta grift.

A Very Disappointing Article from CNN - After Death Encounters

Here's a bit from CNN Health. It was at the top of my "top news" on my google news feed.

We're losting the battle for rational thought in America.

I haven't had much respect for CNN for at least the last five years, and it has gone even farther downhill lately, but I didn't expect this from a news network.

It's so difficult being a rich *******

Reservation-seekers offer big bribes for tables at Hamptons restaurants

The poor dears offer big bribes and still can't get a table! How awful!


A couple of weekends ago,  Mitch Modell decided to try his luck at 75 Main in Southampton, since reservations for the month were already all claimed.

The bar area was jampacked, and the wait for a tables was two hours. But the former CEO of Modell’s Sporting Goods, whose own son is a host at the restaurant this summer, tried to jockey for a better position by passing out tips to the staff — a move that has worked in the past.

“After giving out a couple hundred dollars I still couldn’t get in, and my son said, ‘Dad, you are killing me. You have to go somewhere else or eat at home,’ ’’ reports Modell, 66, who owns a house in Bridgehampton.
So sad!


Rhonda Lovings, who is 53 and works in finance, rented a house in Sag Harbor this summer and decided to book restaurants as far ahead as possible, even though she had no specific plans.

“It’s been very stressful managing these reservations,” she said. “I have to set my alarm for the minute the reservations open for weeks ahead. There are all these side phone numbers and links that you have to be in the know to get. I went to dinner a couple of times at Tutto Il Giorno in Sag Harbor and one day they gave me an e-mail link for future reservations. I felt so cool!”
You know what's stressful, rich bitch? Getting by on the **** wages these restaurants pay their help, that's what's stressful!

They can all go **** themselves and die in a dumpster fire.

samedi 19 juin 2021

Bidens announce death of their German shepherd, Champ

Anyone got any conspiracies on this?

I think Biden killed his dog when he was having a dementia episode and mistook it for a voting machine and try to stuff fake votes into it, and this announcement that the dog died of old age is to cover that up.

vendredi 18 juin 2021

“Alex was doing what he loved to do”

And he died doing it.

This the way you wanna go, dying while doing something physically daredevilish that you just love to do when you might have experienced the same virtually with a video game and not ended up with broken bones?

Yeah, old Fred, he just loved teasing the alligators in the swamp, but…”

“That wing suit was his life’s passion, I can sure say that”

“He always helped people in need and that’s what he was doing, changing that tire for that old man when that drunk driver came and….”

Or, some other way?

Some common sense for you all

What money does
When one uses money to do something, the usage of money reduces the time and effort one has to spend to do this something, because if you REALLY think otherwise…

When one uses money to do something, the usage of money doesn’t reduce the time and effort one has to spend to do this something, but if you think this is REALLY ok for you…

If in the end, when one uses money to do something, the usage of money doesn’t reduce the time and effort one has to spend to do something, it doesn’t seem to me one knows how to use money…does it seem to you…idiot?

(Store of value, medium of exchange, unit of account…tell that next time to your girl after you give her money and …
… the way you do it…happens to increase the time and effort she needs to spend to have fun…)

Who is good at making money
When one is good at making money, one is good at making money again and again, because if you REALLY think other-wise…

When one is good at making money, one is not good at making money again and again, but if you think this is REALLY ok for you…

If in the end, when one is good at making money, one is not good at making money again and again, it doesn’t seem to me that the rest around one think one is good at making money…does it seem to you…idiot?

Who is an economist
When one is an economist, one knows what money does, and who is good at making it, because if you REALLY think oth-erwise…

When one is an economist, one doesn’t know what money does, or doesn’t know who is good at making it, but if you think this is REALLY ok for you…

If in the end, when one is an economist, one doesn’t know what money does, or doesn’t know who is good at making it, it doesn’t seem to me that when the economy isn’t working we all don’t know why that is…does it seem to you…idiot?

When is the economy not working
When the economy isn’t working, among those who have money, apart from those good at making money, the rest of them are not good at making money, because if you REALLY think otherwise…

When the economy isn’t working, among those who have money, apart from those good at making money, the rest of them are good at making money, but if you think this is REALLY ok for you…

If in the end, when the economy isn’t working, among those who have money, apart from those good at making money, the rest of them are good at making money, it doesn’t seem to me that those who don’t have money think that…does it seem to you…idiot?

When is common sense working
When common sense is working, few are offended, and most follow it, because if you REALLY think otherwise…

When common sense is working, most are offended, or few follow it, but if you think this is REALLY ok for you…

If in the end, when common sense is working, most are offended, or few follow it, it doesn’t seem to me what most are together follow…does it seem to you…idiot?


I'm sorry if this thread already exist. So consciousness? what is it? Is it a problem? Is it a hard problem? Did anyone actually come close to explain it? Does it need explanation?

What money does, who is good at making it, and who is an economist

What money does
When one uses money to do something, the usage of money reduces the time and effort one has to spend to do this something, because if you REALLY think otherwise…

When one uses money to do something, the usage of money doesn’t reduce the time and effort one has to spend to do this something, but if you think this is REALLY ok for you…

If in the end, when one uses money to do something, the usage of money doesn’t reduce the time and effort one has to spend to do something, it doesn’t seem to me one knows how to use money…does it seem to you…idiot?

Who is good at making money
When one is good at making money, one is good at making money again and again, because if you REALLY think other-wise…

When one is good at making money, one is not good at making money again and again, but if you think this is REALLY ok for you…

If in the end, when one is good at making money, one is not good at making money again and again, it doesn’t seem to me that the rest around one think one is good at making money…does it seem to you…idiot?

Who is an economist
When one is an economist, one knows what money does, and who is good at making it, because if you REALLY think oth-erwise…

When one is an economist, one doesn’t know what money does, or doesn’t know who is good at making it, but if you think this is REALLY ok for you…

If in the end, when one is an economist, one doesn’t know what money does, or doesn’t know who is good at making it, it doesn’t seem to me that when the economy isn’t working we all don’t know why that is…does it seem to you…idiot?

Don't Piss Off Bradley, the Parts Seller Keeping Atari Machines Alive


Every old video game console dies eventually. Moving parts seize-up, circuit boards fail, cables wear out. If a user needs a replacement connector, chip, ribbon, gear, shell—or any of the thousands of other parts that, in time, can break, melt, discolor, delaminate, or explode—they’re usually out of luck, unless they have a spare system to scavenge.

But there is an exception to this depressing law of nature. In San Jose, on a side street next to a highway off-ramp, inside an unmarked warehouse building, is part of the world’s largest remaining collection of factory-original replacement Atari parts — a veritable fountain of youth for aging equipment from the dawn of the home computing and video gaming era. This is the home of Best Electronics, a mail-order business that has been selling Atari goods continuously for almost four decades.

But if you'd like to share in Best’s bounty, as many die-hard Atari fans desperately do, there's a very important piece of advice you need to keep in mind: whatever you do, don't piss off Bradley.

Paracetamol/acetaminophen should be banned

Acetaminophen/paracetamol is doing something to my ear.
2 years ago I was taking tramadol with paracetamol for back pain. Then one day I suddenly felt pressure in my right ear. I went to the doctor and had my hearing checked and it was alright. After some time it weakened and then went away. Yesterday I took 2 pills with paracetamol for headache and this pressure in my right ear reappeared. I wander what happened. I know its is going to stay. Could it be some allergy?

jeudi 17 juin 2021

European Commission classifies obesity as a chronic disease

"In March 2021, the European Commission issued a brief in which it defined obesity as a “chronic relapsing disease, which in turn acts as a gateway to a range of other non-communicable diseases”. The brief provides obesity with the formal and bind categorisation status of a non-communicable disease (NCD)."

From The Lancet on June 1 2021:


Policymakers charged with tackling obesity have tended to focus almost exclusively on prevention. In England, less than 1% of those who satisfy the clinical criteria for surgical treatment for obesity actually receive the intervention. Defining obesity as a disease would almost certainly raise take-up. Critics of the disease thesis point to the fact that it is possible for people to have a BMI higher than 30 while remaining in good health, free of risk factors such as pre-diabetes, or hypertension. Francesco Rubino, chair of metabolic and bariatric surgery at King's College London, stresses the importance of establishing better diagnostic criteria that distinguishes between individuals for whom obesity is a condition and those for whom it is a disease. He recommends learning from other health issues.

“We are pretty comfortable with the difference between depression and clinical depression; people do not expect people with clinical depression to just decide to be happy. That thinking is missing in obesity”, said Rubino. “We have a definition that is entirely based on strict BMI cutoffs, which does not accurately predict any disease state, or the risk of future disease across different ethnic groups. We need a new, smarter metric that understands that while obesity can be a disease, it is not always a disease”.

Rubino is dismissive of suggestions that patients who are told that obesity is a disease will abdicate personal responsibility for their health. “You do not see people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or hypertension suddenly decide to stop exercising or managing their diet”, said Rubino. “If anything, there has been far too much emphasis on blame and personal responsibility, including from doctors; we need to move away from those attitudes, not closer towards them”. Classifying obesity as a disease could help reduce stigma, offer a bulwark against sham weight-loss therapies, and expand research into the mechanics of weight gain. Perhaps most importantly, it matches how patients conceive of their situation.
Will this help or hinder the obese, or neither, or something else?

South Carolina court halts executions until firing squad is available

A high court in the US state of South Carolina has blocked two executions until the inmates are given the choice of death by electrocution or firing squad.

A new law requires inmates on death row to decide between the two methods if lethal drugs are not available.
But as prison authorities have not yet formed a firing squad, the executions have been halted by the supreme court.
Inmates Brad Sigmon and Freddie Owens were due to be executed this month.

The convicted murderers were denied lethal injections - their favoured option - because prison authorities did not have the drugs needed.
A shortage of these drugs has led to a 10-year pause in this method of execution in the state.

The new law, which came into effect last month, was designed to close a loophole that allowed inmates to indefinitely postpone their executions if the drugs were not available.

Given the lack of a firing squad, electrocution was the only method of execution available in the state.
But lawyers for Sigmon and Owens challenged the use of the method in court, arguing their clients have the right to die by lethal injection.

They petitioned the South Carolina Supreme Court to stop the planned executions of their clients until their appeals had been heard.

On Wednesday, the court ruled in their favour, saying the inmates had not been given the choice "to elect the manner of their execution".
The court said no further execution notices should be issued until "protocols and policies to carry out executions by firing squad" are in place.

mercredi 16 juin 2021

Content Warning: Spiders!

This is a thread for discussing all things spidery, handily gathered into a single thread that arachnophobes can conveniently ignore.

Note that we are in SMMT, not in Entertainment, so real spiders only.

Here's a fun situation to kick it off:

Gippsland covered in webs as floods force spiders to fly, wallabies to swim


As their underground lairs are inundated, gossamer spiders are taking to the air to escape Gippsland's floodwaters.

In a process called "ballooning", the spiders throw fine webs into the wind, carrying them into the air to higher locations, often laying spectacular carpets of their webs over dryer ground.

Wellington Shire Councillor Carolyn Crossley, a "keen" birdwatcher, drove around the district to check for birds around the floodwaters.

"There was this stunning landscape that was shrouded in this silken web, gossamer web, spread across the landscape by the very busy spiders that were escaping the rising [water]," Cr Crossley said.

"It was a spectacular afternoon, the sun was shining, it was a magical experience."

Warp12's call for new open-minded research on psychic phenomena

Note: I wrote the following to post in the Scorpion's Spiritualism thread which had drifted to a discussion of this thread's topic. Before I could post it, a mod warning was posted in that that that such discussion is off topic there. So I'm starting a thread for it.

Warp12, let me try to explain the problem with psi investigation, using a specific example. I know dozens of people who claim to perceive people's auras. They're a substantial fraction (about a third) of an online community I participate in (some of whom I've also met in person) that's interested in a mix of esoterica including polytheistic religion, nature spirituality, and operative magic. Claiming to see auras is not, in that company, an extraordinary or particularly dramatic claim; the most frequent reactions to someone claiming "I see auras!" are "cool, me too," and "I'd sure like to learn to do that, can you recommend a how-to book?"

Most of these people aren't aura "readers;" they don't go around diagnosing illnesses or predicting fates or really doing much of anything at all with the auras they see. But often they report on seeing unusual auras: a neighbor whose aura took on an unusual color and later turned out to have had an undiagnosed illness; or meeting a respected spiritual leader or an unusually devoted practitioner and noting how bright or vividly colored their aura is.

Now, one more key background fact before I start talking about interpretations of what this all means: these people aren't dummies. They're not even average folks. While as with any group they're a mix, overall, compared to most other online communities, they're smart, articulate, and interesting. (You'll have to take my word on that, even though others here probably won't, and under the circumstances probably shouldn't.)

What do they think they're seeing, when they see an aura? Basically, some form of psychic energy (which they usually call etheric energy, but might also call chi, ki, prana, life force, Nephesch, orgone, Esma, pneuma, mana, ruah, The Force, or a host of other names associated with different traditions). It emanates from the living body, and its brightness, color, steadiness, and other characteristics change with (and therefore indicate) the person's physical, mental, and spiritual condition. It's a lot like light, which is why it looks like light and has color etc. like light does, but it can't quite be light because it doesn't show up in photographs and has never been detected by any mere instrument. It's seen by a person's inner sight which is a lot like vision and is kind of superimposed on ones eyesight. It's not known to science because scientists are too dogmatic about their theories to bother to learn to detect it, if they're not actively conspiring to suppress knowledge of it (e.g. at the behest of the medical/pharmaceutical industry, which would lose out on big bucks if the public learned to heal with psychic energy instead of toxic drugs).

Now, what do I think is really going on here? Are the aura-see-ers lying? I've suggested one possible motivation, after all: fitting in with the aforementioned community. There probably is some pretending going on, but in most cases, I don't doubt that they actually do perceive auras. That is to say, perceiving auras is an actual experience that they have. We know phenomena like synesthesia exist, we know something about the effects of expectations and imagination on perception, and we know people can perceive surprisingly subtle and complex signals without necessarily being consciously aware of doing so. In general, there is no point in questioning what people experience, whether it's seeing auras, floating out of their body, or knowing who's on the phone before they pick up the call. Those are experiences. What's open to question is what they mean. In the case of seeing auras, I think they're internal imagined visualizations being perceived (in a manner analogous to synesthesia) as coming from the external visual system. This happens routinely in dream states, so it's not such a far-fetched idea.

What about correctly detecting when a neighbor is ill from the color of their aura? There's probably a lot of confirmation bias involved there, but it's also true that people can often tell when someone is ill from looking at them. My wife does it all the time with film stars and celebrities, not by seeing an aura color but from a general impression of their faces and demeanors, despite their usually being seen in makeup and careful lighting. Such details as the tone of numerous small muscles in a person's face can be revealing, especially when their previous appearance is very familiar. My wife isn't always right, of course, but she does better than random guessing. She doesn't need to visualize a color-coded excuse for why she perceives what she does or for those perceptions to reach her conscious awareness, but maybe others do.

Oh, and those how-to books for perceiving auras? I regret to say I haven't read them, so I don't know exactly what they say, but I can make a good guess based on other books on similar topics that I have read. That is: they're systems of mental exercises that encourage and teach imaginative visualizing. (This is true of a lot of the content of "real magic" training systems. Some acknowledge it openly, and others do so only slightly indirectly, such as talking of learning "lower astral sight" and, separately, describing the "lower astral plane" as the "plane of imagination.") Many of these exercises aren't trivial, and can cause dramatic changes in ones perception of the world, even though I don't think there's anything supernatural about them. (After all, drugs can do that too, and they're just chemicals.)

Now, suppose I'm wrong, and instead, people actually do emit psychic energy that many other people can plainly see in ordinary daily conditions. That should be easy to test, right? For example, aura see-ers should be able to see people in the dark, from the etheric light of their auras. If anything, auras should be easier to see in the dark, without regular light to drown them out. So aura see-ers should be able to tell whether a person is in the room with them in darkness. And they'll agree. They can see people's auras just fine in the dark. Now, if you were going to test this, you'd want to make sure that it's total darkness, obviously. And also make sure that the person they're trying to see is totally silent (or the test subject is wearing white noise headphones, or something like that). But they don't test themselves that way. How often do people even encounter total darkness nowadays, with silent people who they don't know whether or not they're present sneaking around? They just know, "of course I can see an aura when someone's there in the dark," without ever thinking about all they ways they already know when another person is there without needing to see an aura.

So, you test them in total darkness and silence, and what happens? So far, in every such test, they can't tell whether a person is present across the room or not, any better than guessing. You can conclude what you want from that, but (here's the less often considered question) what will they conclude? That the auras they experience seeing every day aren't real after all? Of course not. They conclude your test messed up their inner sight by putting them into weird scary distracting conditions with pressure on them to perform. In their perception of the world, and the mental models of how the world works that they've created based on that perception, that's the simpler explanation. At the same time, you the researcher can't show with any absolute certainty that that's not the actual explanation for the negative results, so you should try to think of a different test... yet again.

In the end, scientific investigation of the paranormal is arguing mental models of how the world works, with people who have a different mental model of how the world works, and the actual results of any actual testing cannot change that. There aren't any paranormal phenomena that can be measured by a device. Subjective experience is always involved. That's probably because they're entirely phenomena of subjective experience. But it's also possible that they're real phenomena in the world that for some reason only interact with subjective experience; though most here would reject that model as less parsimonious, it's no skin off my nose if that's what you, like many of my esoteric friends, decide to believe. But in either of those cases, testing to objective standards, which is necessary to find scientific evidence of psychic phenomena, won't work. Ever.

If you want to learn about science, study science. If you want to learn about magic, study magic. (If you want to learn both, or add religion and make it a trifecta... I wish more present-day people would try, but I'd have some fair warnings to give you first.)

BPC-157, peptide promotes healing

"Body protective peptide -157", is a 15 amino acid long peptide remnant from something excreted by gastric cells. It is used by body builders post-work out, not for growth but for healing. It is also used for leaky gut syndrome. Supposed to heal soft tissues- elastin is mentioned. Bad elastin is the bane of age.

Here is some back ground or google or Utube BPC-157.

It's amino acid sequence is GEPPPGKPADDAGLV.

BPC-157 is available ebay, amazon,etc. "For investigational purposes only". Sorry, I am not going to inject something that comes over the net.

I'd like to find it's parent oligopeptide, and how to promote the excretion there of. Tannins? Histamines? Heart burn?


[Split Thread] Scorpion's Spiritualism, Part Deux

Mod InfoThread continuation from here As always, feel free to quote from posts in the old thread.
Posted By:xjx388


Originally Posted by Pixel42 (Post 13510930)
Why would you want to?

Because there is a clear difference in probability. Look at these two coincidences:

1) You are thinking about your favorite episode of your favorite sitcom. You turn on the TV to find that episode playing.

2) You are thinking of your favorite super model. You come home to find her waiting for you in your bed.

Are both equally coincidental?