mardi 31 août 2021

California wild fires just get worse...

South Lake Tahoe/Stateline (basically South Lake Tahoe spilling over into Nevada) had just been evacuated. TO anybody in Northren California that is like something out of a Science Fiction movie. It's a large community not a small hamlet. it's the main tourist town for Lake Tahoe.
Footage of the big casinos in Stateline empty. Wierd. They are almost NEVER empty.

do you support a right that makes things worse?

Just what I hope is an interesting conversation about rights.

Consider your perfect version of the right of free speech. If it was conclusively demonstrated to you in was a net negative, would you change it?

To me, the whole point of rights is they make things worse. And if the only rights you support make things better than you don't actually support rights. When people say, "defend right to say it" I think they only mean because the right is still a net benefit under those circumstances. But what if it isn't a benefit?

[Split Thread] Turning the US into a Christian Theocracy

Mod InfoThe first 14 posts of this thread originated in another thread but were split to allow discussion of the issues raised
Posted By:Agatha


Originally Posted by Ziggurat (Post 13584523)
People keep missing the forest for the trees. The problem isn't fundamentally the tactics that the Taliban are using. The real problem is what the Taliban's goals are. When the goals themselves are evil, there are no means to achieving them which are acceptable.

Out of curiosity, how do you feel about those determined to turn the US into a Christian Theocracy?

Over sea shipping costs skyrocketing.

I collect stupid little cars as a hobby, yeah, I'm a pathetic idiot, I know. Anyway, this popped up on a discussion board based around being that sort of knucklehead...


Originally Posted by Hot Wheels discussion board member
40' containers have jumped to $42,000 from Shinzen to LA. In 2018 that same container was $3500. Now big companies like Mattel have their bookings planned out well in advance, but the rising costs will be felt by collectors. They will need to start packing these containers solid and making sure product waits until it's full. Get ready for higher prices and longer waits. Right now if you book a shipment now you might not get it till Christmas. Our agent in Shinzen has told us that several large companies are at the docks offering twice that shipping rate to take your place on a ship.

Hasbro has said whatever is on the shelves or on the water is all you're getting for Christmas.

Get ready the inflation is coming for your toys.

Here's a WSJ article from July on the subject.

lundi 30 août 2021

There must be an answer

We have no unified theory of everything. There is no equation that brings together the universe and the quantum world. But there must be an answer because the universe works. In the meantime we can only speculate.

What are your thoughts on this?

Hurricane Ida was caused by the Deep State....

Leaving a company and its not your fault

I worked as a records keeper and my manager was a screamer. He would get excited and start yelling and then completely lose control and become incoherent. He would make sounds like HA LA LA HA LA LA NIN NIN NIN. His face would turn crimson.

He would scream at everybody including me and one day I resigned. My nerves were shot trying to work with him.

I had a friend who still worked there and I was told that every employee he had in my former position had either resigned or had been terminated. He eventually lost the position but not before several job hopefuls had lost their job.

I'm not sure why the company kept this lunatic. Nobodys perfect but we all deserve betther than working with a class A one psychopath like him.

Walking Places Is Part of the Culture Wars Now

For two million years, we have walked this Earth to get what we need. Now, 60 percent of Americans want to drive everywhere.


According to a recent Pew Research Center poll that studied the issue of whether people prefer to live in places where "schools, stores, and restaurants are within walking distance" versus where they are "several miles away," the biggest divide in opinion is not young versus old, urban versus rural, or education level. It is political preference.

Just 22 percent of Conservatives want to live in walkable neighborhoods, while 77 percent prefer driving everywhere. A slightly higher percentage of Republicans or people who lean Republican as a whole, 26 percent, want walkable neighborhoods. Meanwhile, 44 percent of moderate Democrats and 57 percent of liberals want walkable neighborhoods, resulting in a 50/50 split among Democrats as a whole.

__________________________________________________ ___________

Part of me wanted to (and still sorta does) dismiss this with a snarky "Oh so when %$#@! is further apart people don't want to walk as much? Thank God we have people to write thinkpieces about that..."

But it is... true. I have on many occasions brought up a LOT of liberal/progressive goals/pipedreams only work if you are in a dense urban core where you can walk everywhere.

dimanche 29 août 2021

Do you have an internal monologue?

Recently I discovered the idea that not everyone has one. Researchers think that about 30-50% of people have one that is pretty much continuous. 30% of people have one that is intermittent and as many as 1 in 5 people don't have one at all.

So how about you? Do you have a voice in your head that narrates your thoughts for you when thinking and reading, or is it silent? And if you have one, who does it sound like? You? Your father/mother? Captain Picard?

Do you find it weird that other people have one, or don't have one?

I have to admit I find it kinda strange to learn that not everyone has one.

Hurricane Ida devastates Lousiana and the GUlf..

I guess this is the section for this.
It's bad, folks. The levees seem to be over all holding around New Orleans, but the sheer amount fo rainfall is causing flooding, and the winds are horrible and will do structure damagen.
Late news>French Quarter is flooding from sheer amount of rain.
And waht it's going to be like in the rural areas is going to be grim.

Pete Firman UK tour

-Democrats Embracing Covid -

This board obviously has a tremendous liberal slant.

I believe that Trump was well on his way to a second term, prior to Covid. That seemed to be the way the wind was blowing, despite 3 years of witch-hunting by butt-hurt Dems. The gamechanger was Covid, which openly exposed Trump as the idiot that he is.

My question is, as a Democrat, what do you think of the trade off? Which would you choose, the current Covid death toll (and a Dem in charge), or a country without the virus, and Trump still ruling?

samedi 28 août 2021

Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes Criminal Fraud Charge Update

I could not find the original TheranosWP thread but this seems like the latest news. (I'm posting here because it never was science).

Elizabeth Holmes’ legal filings suggest a mental-health defense

She appears to be using the "Devil Made Me Do It" defence.

vendredi 27 août 2021

Sirhan Sirhan granted parole



Sirhan Sirhan, the man convicted of assassinating Sen. Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, was granted parole Friday. State prosecutors did not object to his release. The 77-year-old spent 53 years in prison.

Two of Kennedy's surviving sons, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Douglas Kennedy offered their support for parole during Sirhan's 16th appearance before the parole board Friday.

Ghost in the House

I related the first story a couple years ago, but it's a lead-in to the second one.

I entered a bedrooom to find a rocking chair moving by itself. I even had time to get out my phone, start up the app, and video record it. It was about 30 seconds before it stopped. Quite freaky. Not the wind.

For the last few days, on occasion I thought I heard a female voice mumbling from time to time, just at the limit of perception. I knew it wasn't my Alexa because that only chimes on Notifications. I also noted that it came only from the basement, and that it's the first time I had the A/C and fans off for quite a while which is why I could hear it.

Turns out, the cat sleeping it had been startled when I walked in, and its leap set the chair in motion. I had not seen the cat (until a few days later, when the same thing happened.) I was surprised that the rocking had such a long decay time, though.

This morning I realized it happened when I opened my laptop from Sleep Mode. So I took my laptop and a baseball bat (kidding on that last part...) downstairs and started it up again.
Turns out it WAS the Alexa, but only one pod on the system which I rarely use (not the upstairs ones). I guess a while back I had connected it to Bluetooth on the laptop which I usually have off. But all these circumstances came together to make realize it was voicing "Now connected to alfa's computer."
Sometimes I hate technology that does too much for me.

jeudi 26 août 2021

- Dropping Into The Dream -

First, can we all agree that dreams are sometimes indistinguishable from reality, when in that state?

Sometimes I wake from a dream relieved, but often disappointed to be lifted from that temporary reality.

So, my question is, given the choice...a life of bliss in your dreams, or this physical reality? And, why?

- Lifespan: 20 Years -

This is a weird topic, but something that is on my mind. If I am very, very lucky, I have 20 years to live, based upon my age and health history. What do you do with those 20 years? The years are passing very quickly now, and I am thinking to reboot.

The reason I parked this here is, I think there is a philosophical issue at hand. I am searching.

The new defence of Astrology

From an article in The Nation:


In their new book, Alice Sparkly Kat interprets the stars through history, politics, and postcolonial theory. Throughout their nuanced and intricate analysis, astrology becomes a way to break political and social norms: A look at the relationship of Mars and Venus complicates gendered power dynamics, while a study of the sun becomes a history of surveillance culture and the politics of who gets to be seen.

There is also an interview with the same Astrologer on YouTube.

Note: If this belongs in another section of the forum please feel free to move it there.

mercredi 25 août 2021

[Split Thread] Sydney Powell sued by Dominion Voting Systems

Mod InfoThis thread has been split from here.
Posted By:xjx388

That image actually had me thinking I had somehow ended up on some other site instead of an ISF thread.

Also, Powell is an interesting choice for the "just won't quit" claim. She's already "defended" herself by saying her lies couldn't have caused the voting machine company any harm because they were so obviously lies that nobody could have been fooled by them. I would have thought that qualified as "quitting" the fight for Dear Leader.

1st Amendment "auditors"=pain in ass?

I've recently discovered this fascinating phenomenon of so-called "1st Amendment Auditors". They roam around police stations, libraries, and other govt. offices.

I've only seen some of their videos, but it appears they for the most part seek to provoke govt. personnel into angry confrontations, where they come close to getting arrested. They often seek to "educate" govt. personnel about video/photo rights on public property, but they very often harrass, bait, insult, annoy, and seek to provoke govt. personnel and even sometimes workers on private property.

What the **** is this all about??? How did this **** start?

Why do so many of them appear to want to act like such ******** and dicks?

I really don't get it. Such a pathetic waste of time, govt. money, and govt. resources. What the hell is wrong with people?

mardi 24 août 2021

Nirvana Sued for Child Pornography

Remember that album cover of Nirvana's Nevermind? Well, the naked baby on the front apparently does mind, and just as in that cover, the baby - all grown up now - is chasing some dollars. He is suing Nirvana for using his naked image without consent and is calling the use of the naked baby image child pronography.


Please have a heated debate about this issue.

Pandemic Panic Must Stop

I'd thought the level of panic over Covid might be a Kiwi problem, because we've been free of it for so long, while the media constantly refers to a "deadly disease", and delta - incorrectly - as "even deadlier than the original Covid".

Except, I've just been having a repeat argument about Covid and kids with an American, plus there's at least one person in the Aussie thread who's reached my estimated threshold for panicking about the disease instead of being rational.

In the medical thread, a poster was horrified that 1900 kids are in hospital in USA with Covid right now.

That's a very small number of kids in terms of a 300M population, and as Planigale noted:


Originally Posted by Planigale (Post 13579170)
In the UK a substantial proportion of children admitted with covid, were not admitted because of covid, they were admitted for other reasons, e.g. fallimg out of a tree and happened to have covid. In addition a lot of young children with fevers are admitted for observation to make sure they do not have something serious like meningitis.

To me, the largest problem with the constant media barrage and people panicking over the pandemic is the long-term affect it's going to have on mental health.

We know that anxiety and depression are at all-time highs prior to the pandemic, and putting kids in a state of constant panic will be disastrous. we also know for sure that the number one thing that helps kids in all ways is education, and we're interrupting that badly.

Once a country gets to 70% vaccination, things must return to some semblance of normality. UK seems to have hit the spot, and Europe seems to be much the same - you hit a spot where infections flatten out and the number of deaths from Covid are no worse than seasonal 'flu and an order of magnitude lower than cardiac deaths. (Yes, Israel is an outlier)

Living in constant fear is worse than the disease.

It's all over now.

Charlie Watts, dead at 80.

Charlie Watts, the unflappable Rolling Stones drummer who anchored rock's ageless wonders, died in a London hospital on Tuesday, just weeks after bowing out of the group's upcoming tour.

Did Germans denied permission to surrender ever succeed?

So Hitler had a standing order to never surrender and to fight to the death. There are cases on occasion where commanders asked Hitler for permission to either surrender their position or retreat, and Hitler denied their request, and ordered them to stay in to fight.

Are there any instances like that where they actually ultimately succeed? Or did they always end up wiped out?

Obviously, commanders weren't asking for permission to give up unless they saw the situation as hopeless, so I doubt that even the fighting spirit of the German army was going to salvage the situation.

Why does the US owe Afghan allies?

There is this statement I see everywhere that the US owes Afghans who provided aid, and that part of it is paid through emigration.

Framing it as them being owed is odd. How does one know that? How does one make that claim and demonstrate it? Once we broach the subject of who is owed what, I'm not sure how one calculates it. Do you know that they haven't been sufficiently compensated....or even that they owe America more because the US overpaid?

How does one actually rationally and reasonably resolve the question?

(and I guess people mean the US government when they say the US)

lundi 23 août 2021

Spike Lee a Truther? HBO's "NYC Epicenters 9/11-> 2021½"

Filmmaker Spike Lee spent the better part of recent months interviewing and recording all sorts of "witnesses" for an 8 hour (!) documentary on HBO, that comes in 4 installments:

NYC Epicenters 9/11-> 2021½
(Page has a trailer)

The first part already premiered yesterday, part 2 will first be shown August 29, parts 3+4 on September 05 and September 11, respectively.

The New York Times has an interview with Lee (sorry, limited access/pay wall) - and it reveals he is a "WTC collapse" Truther who demands an new Congressional investigation and lends credibility to AE911Truth:

Originally Posted by NYT
[NYT] The last episode of the series devotes a lot of time to questioning how and why the towers fell. You interview several members of the conspiracy group Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Why did you want to include their perspective?

[S.L.] Because I still don’t … I mean, I got questions. And I hope that maybe the legacy of this documentary is that Congress holds a hearing, a congressional hearing about 9/11.

[NYT] You don’t buy the official explanations?

[S.L.] The amount of heat that it takes to make steel melt, that temperature’s not reached. And then the juxtaposition of the way Building 7 fell to the ground — when you put it next to other building collapses that were demolitions, it’s like you’re looking at the same thing. But people going to make up their own mind. My approach is put the information in the movie and let people decide for themselves. I respect the intelligence of the audience.

*sigh* :mad:

AE911Truth celebrates - on Facebook so far:

Maybe the biggest case of sour grapes in history?

Looking from the outside, and trying to come up with anything at all like it in history, I wonder if Republicans losing their collective minds over Dump's electoral loss might qualify as the biggest case of sour grapes in human history.

When the sack of rotting yams won in 2016, so many of its gloating supporters rubbed it in with talk of drinking liberal tears. Ah, the projection! Look how they cry so much harder now. And how angry, and full of hate, and clinging to delusional fantasies.

Their Furher refusing to concede and thereby deny an orderly transfer of power, relentlessly hammering into the receptive skulls of his slavering simpletons the Big Lie.

Their political party getting busy like the home team making the assistant coach the referee, with their repressive electoral laws and the clawing unto them control over ballot counting.

From the treasonous top to the basest deplorable, a crazed mob of tens of millions of surly losers bent on revenge and a democracy-ending will to power.

Sour grapes on a scale for which I can find no real equivalent.

dimanche 22 août 2021

Have fun debunking the AI

The governments know what is happening and have planned accordingly. But they are not going to be telling you about it.

samedi 21 août 2021

Our Brain Needs Cholesterol

It's a crime how the pharma/medical world has pushed statins to lower that dread cholesterol, that we need desperately...the lower cholesterol the more memory loss, dementia/alzheimers. Old age homes are full of memory loss people.

The Thread for Dumbass GOP Politicians Who Died of Covid

I think we need a thread to collect these deaths that didn't need to happen, but that did happen because the GOP hates Democrats, science, intelligence and common sense, and celebrates their FREEDUMBS!

Let's start here. Please feel free to add.

GOP Leader Who Fought Against Vaccine Dies After Weekslong Battle With Coronavirus


Pressley Stutts, a Republican leader in South Carolina, shared conspiracy theories from his ICU bed.

Pressley Stutts, a Republican leader in South Carolina who fought COVID-19 vaccination efforts, died on Thursday of the coronavirus after a weekslong battle, including six days spent on a ventilator, The Greenville News reported.

Stutts, a 64-year-old veteran, frequently shared conspiracy theories about the virus, the vaccines and the 2020 election on Facebook, including in posts made from his ICU bed.

In July, Stutts shared a Facebook post dismissing the delta variant, which was likely the one that ended his life.

On Aug. 1 ― the day he went into the ICU ― Stutts insisted he had “always contended that COVID was very real” and called it “a deadly bio-weapon perpetrated upon the people of the world by enemies foreign, and perhaps domestic.”

He also posted conspiracy theories about the virus online. Last year, he dismissed masks as an “illusion,” claimed in December that there had been no increase in deaths in 2020, and said, “the American public has been gaslighted by the medical industrial complex.”
Good riddance you stupid malicious ********! How many people died because they believed you and others of your ilk? How many more will die? How many children have you killed, you ******* worthless piece of ******?

Please post pictures of these scum when available. People should see how normal and mundane the face of pure stupid evil can be.

Attached Images
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vendredi 20 août 2021

Face to Face Meetings are Necessary and Beneficial

It was stated in another thread:


Because you can only get to build rapport, get to know people and communicate more effectively face-to-face. Every move away from face-to-face loses information.
I believe that's a load of fetid dingoes' kidneys myself - an archaic thought that serves to do nothing except keep business flights on the expense account.

I judge people by their actions, not how they look or what their body language says. It smacks to me of a woman who used to work for me who always got job applicants to submit a handwritten letter so she could "analyse" the writing.

WiFi AC + ASUS Mesh - finally WiFi that works for me

After decades of torture because WiFi never seemed to be just right I am actually happy with my ASUS mesh WiFi AC. Setup.

It must works reliably and multiple people streaming doesn't trip it up. I can work from home and the only man is from the internet archive provider.

Plus it has a good phone app that tells me exactly what is happening with the main KPIs and can do a firmware upgrade.

When I bought it it still had bugs with the Mesh but fortunately ASUS had them sorted out in a couple of months. I was just about to write it off as just another WiFi nightmare but it's all come good.

Plus there is an independent firmware distribution called Merlin that ASUS it's happy to support.

The WiFi 6 standard is far more reliable and steady as well. There have major improvements made to the efficiency of the protocol so that even though it isn't much faster it feels a lot faster.

I always seem to find myself in a difficult place for WiFi to reach but the Mesh has that fixed and works reliably and seamlessly.

Even though I went for the cheaper dual band without a dedicated Tri band backbone it still works well due to the new WiFi 6 transmission protocols.

Afghanistan -- would Trump have done differently?

Yeah, I know we didn't need another Afghanistan thread but anyhow....
Mostly for the forum Republicans: What do you think Trump would (or could) have done differently that would have produced a better outcome? Bearing in mind that he was boasting quite recently about ordering the US military withdrawal.

Waar of the worlds in reverse

What if humans discovered a planet where humans could thrive except for an unattractive low level civilized beings standing in the way? What would the human reaction be? Would we say well we can't live here because its already inhabited by these creatures or would we do what H G Welles said the Martians planned to do to us?


Will China step in to develop its Belt and Road initiative, and to mine precious metals?

What influence will Russia have?

How will the Taliban behave to the people of Afghanistan?

What is happening there now?

jeudi 19 août 2021

Geronimo the alpaca vs the UK government

"Right now, a CCTV camera inside the pen of an English farm is broadcasting a live feed, its owner determined to capture the fate of the UK's most controversial farm animal — Geronimo the alpaca.

"Time is running out for Geronimo, who has twice tested positive for the potentially devastating bovine tuberculosis, and who authorities have ordered must be euthanased.

"But supporters of his owner, Helen MacDonald, say the odds have been unfairly stacked against the eight-year-old alpaca.

"Here's how the case went from a farm in South Gloucestershire to the UK's High Court.":

Is this Schrodinger's alpaca? Does it or does it not have bovine tuberculosis?

Onlyfans bans porn.

In a case of cutting their own throat, Onlyfans has banned porn from its website. This despite it being what has led to OF’s growth. Naturally, there is a fair amount of backlash. Allegedly this is because there was some hesitancy to fund what was a porn site. But this seems odd given that they aren’t likely to get much growth with just some teehee cosplay images.

What's taking up space on my google drive?

Actually, it's my wife's.

She got a message that she couldn't send or receive gmail because she was out of space. I was like, that seems weird, you should have 15 GB, and she says, but I have like 14000 old emails. Yeah, that shouldn't come close.

So I went in and looked at her google drive, and sure enough, it was over the limit. She had some pictures there, and a couple of videos, but nothing extensive. I removed all the big stuff, and we deleted a bunch of old emails, so now there are fewer than 5000 left. That cleared up about 2.5GB, and so she is back able to send and receive emails, but she is still using 12.5GB of space on her account.

Where the heck is it? This is like Dark Matter, files that don't leave a trace and can't be seen, but are taking up gigabytes of space. 12 gigs is a lot of storage.

Where can I look on her account to find out what's using it up? Shared files are not stored on your account, so it's not that, and there is just nothing there. I looked at attachments in email, and, yeah, there are some pictures there and stuff, but nothing to explain 12 gigs of data.

What else could it be? Could it be synching with her ipad maybe and therefore archiving ipad files? You can't see them on the drive on a browser, but they are there?

mercredi 18 août 2021

The GOP responsibility for the loss of the War in Afghanistan.

Your Thoughts is the GOP responsible for the loss of the war in Afghanistan?
Because they adopted Misinformation, and attacked debunkers, rejecting logic reason and Science for Political gain?
That helped the Taliban win the Propaganda war years ago.
Loose lips sink ships and loose wars.
Your thoughts Please.

vendredi 13 août 2021

Handwringing lefties strike another blow - Robin now Bi

Sorry, but can they just go away?

Or at least come up with their own new role models rather than ******* on stolen ones?

Holy Gay bar, Batman!


Batman’s sidekick, Robin, comes out as LGBTQ+ in new comic

DC’s latest issue of Batman: Urban Legends shows the superhero’s companion accepting a date invitation from another male character

More than 80 years since he was first introduced to readers, and after decades of homoerotic subtext with his companion Batman, comics’ most trusty sidekick Robin has canonically come out as LGBTQ+.

In a cliffhanger ending to DC’s latest issue of Batman: Urban Legends, the current iteration of the Boy Wonder, Tim Drake, is shown accepting a date invitation from his friend Bernard, having just rescued him from a villain while in disguise as Robin.

“Ever have a lightbulb moment?” Drake muses in one panel. “Like something out in the ether has been taunting you, teasing you. Like you know you’re supposed to be on the same page as your brain but not everything made sense. People keep asking me what I want. But I couldn’t grasp it. Whatever it was. It always felt just out of reach. Until now. Until right now.”

Writer of the issue, Meghan Fitzmartin, told Polygon that she was not prepared to put a label on Drake’s sexuality, who has also been depicted dating the female superhero Spoiler, alias of character Stephanie Brown. “I wanted to pay tribute to the fact that sexuality is a journey,” Fitzmartin said. “To be clear, his feelings for Stephanie have been/are 100% real, as are his feelings for Bernard. However, Tim is still figuring himself out. I don’t think he has the language for it all … yet.”

She said she was thrilled to be given the go ahead by DC. “I fully sat on the floor of my apartment for a solid two minutes in happiness as it sunk in … I hope it is as meaningful for others as it has been for me.”

Marvel announces first gay Captain America
Read more
NPR critic Glen Weldon argued that it was no surprise, but a pleasant development. “Treatises have been written, and entire chapters of (very well-received!) books devoted to, the queer subtext in the Batman/Robin relationship. In Batman Forever (1995) and Batman & Robin (1997), the late film-maker Joel Schumacher did everything he could to transform that queer subtext into a butchy, leather-queeny text,” Weldon wrote. “But today … well. Incredibly enough, to those of us who’ve been waiting for years, Robin just came right out and said it himself, in the pages of Batman: Urban Legends #6.”

Drake is just the latest in a run of superheroes to be written as LGBTQ+, including Batwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, married couple Midnighter and Apollo, and, most recently at Marvel, Captain America.

jeudi 12 août 2021

Louie Gohmert needs his own thread

The stupidest person in Congress really needs his own thread, and we'll start with this:


Rep. Louie Gohmert warned OAN viewers about the "hundreds and thousands" of "Flamers," aka birds who survive windmills but wind up spontaneously combusting after flying over solar farms in the Southwest US. This is how the green new deal will bring the nation down.

Eddie Geller for Congress


Today, I’m launching my campaign for Congress here in FL-15. It’s gonna be a different kind of campaign, for a challenging moment in our country, so I made a different kind of video.

Watch the video.


Rumours about a Canadian election!

So, there are rumours afoot that Trudeau will be calling an election! CBC is reporting leaks that he will call the GG on Sunday to dissolve Parliament.

So, let's discuss this rumour: A good call? A bad call? It's all a hoax made up by that commie nazi Plenty O'Tool?

And if it turns out we are having an election, then we can use this thread for rumours about things that happen during the campaign. Did Jagmeet Singh really convert to Rastafarianism? Was Trudeau really found naked in front of 24 Sussex, crying out to the ghost of his father for guidance? Is "Plenty O'Tool" really his name?

QAnon Strikes again

A complete and total dip **** bought into some QAnon asshattery, which then gave him the idea to drive down to Mexico (he lives in California, I believe Santa Barbara) and kill his 2 year old, and 10 month old children with a ******* spear gun. Though, I've read other articles that he also stabbed them multiple times with a wooden stake. I'm not sure which one is true.

I can't believe people are stupid enough to get duped by this ****. Anyway, he's going to go to a Mexican prison for life. Which isn't bound to be any fun, not that any prison is a hoot.


Coleman confessed to the FBI during an interview that he took his 2-year-old son and 10-month-old daughter to Rosarito, Mexico, where shot a "spear fishing gun" into their chests, according to an affidavit filed by an FBI agent with the criminal complaint.


Coleman was detained at the border checkpoint, where during an interview with an FBI agent "he explained that he was enlightened by QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories and was receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife, A.C., possessed serpent DNA and had passed it on to his children," according to the affidavit.

Tim Pool: Insightful Centre-left Independent Journalist or Right-Wing Pro-Trump Hack?

It's obviously the latter, and Timbah on Toast has created a beautiful takedown of this self-proclaimed left-liberal who somehow, for some unfathomable reason, seems to exclusively make videos that push an anti-Democratic, and pro-Trump and pro-right wing, and pro-reactionary voice in EVERY. SINGLE. VIDEO.

It's pretty amusing, and it also has a few hilarious points such as when discussing Tim's dating app theory and how it seems suspciously like he is creating his own dating app profile and signalling his own elegibility while doing so.

("I've got a converted recreational vehicle and we can watch the Netflix!")


It's over an hour long but worth it, in my opinion.

The Conjunction Fallacy and CTs/miracles

Interesting paper here on how people are more likely to commit conjunction errors in relation to certain domains.

mercredi 11 août 2021

Woman scams people out of over $200K after CNN interview.

A GoFundMe topped $200K after a woman said she and her kids faced eviction. Then their real mom came forward.


Behind nearly two grand on rent and facing eviction, Dasha Kelly started an online fundraiser in July, asking strangers to help her and her three daughters stay in their North Las Vegas home.

“We were maintaining just fine before this pandemic hit. Now we are suffering,” the 32-year-old wrote in the introduction to the GoFundMe donation page, which she titled “Help My Girls & I avoid eviction.”

For weeks, the fundraiser languished without a donation, she said. Then, on Aug. 2, CNN ran a story about the family’s struggle. A day later, the news organization aired another interview with Kelly as she sat on her couch with three girls identified as her daughters.

By the time the broadcast was over, donors had given Kelly nearly $100,000, dwarfing her $2,000 goal. The windfall would allow her to pivot from the specter of eviction to the certainty of having her rent covered for the rest of her lease, she said.

On Monday, some 3,700 people had donated about $234,000.

But days after the CNN clip aired, a woman came forward and said that she was the girls’ mother. Kelly then revealed she is not the biological mother of the three girls who sat with her on the couch.

On Monday, she posted an update to her fundraiser, informing people that the three girls – ages 8, 6 and 5 – are not her biological daughters but her partner’s. Although she doesn’t live with the girls’ father or the children, she said the three recognize her as “a mother figure.”

GoFundMe has since frozen the money donors gave her. Kelly did not respond to a Tuesday night message from The Washington Post. A GoFundMe spokesman told The Post the company will give people two weeks to rescind their donations before it releases what’s left to Kelly.

By Wednesday morning, the total amount of donations dipped to less than $200,000 as people sought refunds.
If any money is left after two weeks, it should be put into a trust fund for the care of the three girls. This woman should not have access to a single penny of it.

She fooled CNN and quite a few people:


The Aug. 3 interview with Kelly was part of CNN’s coverage of a federal eviction moratorium that had expired days earlier on July 31. Missouri Rep. Cori Bush, who also appeared in the segment, repeatedly told Kelly that she was worthy of financial support. Kelly cried and appeared overwhelmed as an anchor gave her real-time updates about how much money people were donating.
This makes me just as angry. It plays into the conservative narrative regarding eviction moratoriums, and also gives them something to attack Rep Bush and liberals in general.

What this woman did is fraud. She should be arrested and tried in court.

No Telly or Radio for Smoggies

A fire at at transmitter means that more that a million people in North East England will be without terrestrial TV or radio for the immediate future.


TV and radio services for more than a million people will remain off air indefinitely after a transmitter fire.

The blaze at the Bilsdale mast on Tuesday disrupted Freeview and FM radio signals across North Yorkshire, Teesside and part of County Durham.

Operator Arqiva said it would bring in temporary equipment but could not say when services would be restored.

It seems likely that Captain Swoop may be among those affected.

Then again, many people are less and less reliant on live TV and radio so maybe it's no big deal.

mardi 10 août 2021

Key Factors of Conspiracy theories that Lead to November 6th.

Hi All I will make this short, what do you believe was the key Element in the Conspiracy theories that lead to the attack on the Capitol?

Viewing the lunar orbital plane from 'above'

Okay so I need to do a short presentation on tides.

I've access to PowerPoint presentation with a diagram of the Earth with the Moon describing a circle round it, however the Earth is viewed from above the equator, which makes the Moon appear to have a circumpolar orbit.

This really doesn't matter for the level/purposes of the talk. However I find it incredibly irritating and distracting, so I'd like a proper diagram looking down on the lunar orbital plane from a more appropriate point.

For example, if it was the plane of the ecliptic then a viewpoint above a point on the Arctic Circle would work.

The lunar orbit is inclined at around 5° to the ecliptic. So the points will vary between latitudes of 61.5° and 71.5°. If I'm visualising it correctly then, starting at 71.5°, after a day the point will have completed a loop round the earth and kind of spiralled south slightly. After 14 days it would reach 61.5° by spiralling south and then start to travel north again completing it's journey after a lunar month.

Have I got this correct? (I'm only interested in timescales of months to a few years)

Are there animations showing this movement should any smartarse in the class ask for a detailed explanation?


This forum will ease to exist on 15 August 2021

When you log on to this forum on 15 August 2021 or in 4 days 14 hours 18 minutes from the time of this post you will find the forum is not operational. The reason is that the owners have not paid for the URL. With luck, it will be back in a day or two. Suggest you stock up with whatever this forum provides.

In case you are in a position to do something about it and make me wrong, please do so.

Enter in the box.

lundi 9 août 2021

Criminal Behavior Against US Police Officers

Let's start with the recent murder of a 29-year-old Chicago Police officer Ella French and the attempted murder of her partner, who is in critical condition at the hospital.

According to the Chicago PD, they were shot at as they approached a vehicle they had just pulled over for a traffic violation.

Two brothers, who are both convicted felons and illegal possessors of firearms, have been arrested.

A third man, Jamel Danzy has been arrested and charged for illegally purchasing a Glock handgun for one of the shooters.

Barrack Obama's 60th Birthday party

I know, i'm not one to post much, yet have done so in round about ways not always liken to the topic at hand. Please forgive. So there's been much discourse surrounding Barrack Obama's 60th Birthday party, whereas one crowd cited it was nothing short of a mask-less crowd of elitists thumbing their noses at CDC protocols, while another crowd insists there were guidelines in place showing that if you followed them, you can indulge yourself in activities as previous to the covid19 pandemic. - The requirements for joining Barrack's Birthday bash? You must be vaccinated and likewise test negative for covid upon entering. The elitist part? I'm pretty sure that extends, 'or limits itself', to those who are otherwise of the affluent. Which is to be expected, considering how threatening a universal crowd poses on any person who's positions and accrued wealth from it have imposed a considerable amount of risk. For instance, look at JFK, or John Lennon. - As for the optics of it all, I can easily take either side. We are after all, still in the midst of a pandemic. One where partying along with mass get together's seriously needs a closer look. ... None the less, and for the sake of this nation, get vaccinated already. Its a war we can all win if we just would 'come together'. .. Note: Hopefully I posted this in the correct forum, as I'm visually compromised and quick to post a knee jerk reaction.

The Impossible Physics Problem

Here's a simple appearing and yet impossible physics problem that you can give to people that have trouble understanding that all motion is relative.

You awake to find yourself in a box. Inside the box with you are a stopwatch, a compass, and a laser range finder. The box has a small slit set halfway up and in the centre of each of the four walls. Peering through these slits you can see that you are adrift on an ocean, with nothing in sight except for another four boxes, each one only visible through one of the four slits.

Using your compass you are able to determine that the box is orientated so that the walls are to your north, south, east, and west. Using the stopwatch and rangefinder you are about to determine your change in distance to each of the other boxes over the course of a minute. These are as follows. Multiple checks show that this change is consistent.

The north box -3m
The south box +2m
The west box +4m
The east box +1m

Using the above information, determine how fast your box is drifting through the ocean, and in which direction.

Buying a home while Black

This is what you have to expect when you hire a black real estate agent while you are black, you have no one to give you cover as a proper home buyer and the police get called, draw their guns and handcuff you. As is proper according to the police of course, can't trust those fathers trying to buy a home after all.

Probably the real problem is that they were trying to move into a white neighborhood and you have to expect kickback from trying to do that. No white person wants them driving down their property values by living near them after all.

dimanche 8 août 2021

Walk Out Wednesday - Sidney Powell

Destroying Evidence of a potential Crime?

Would it be lawfull to delete YouTube videos of your part in Inciting an insurrection against the Constitution of the United States?

The person in this video deleted months worth of his video telling people,
how the Donald Trump would invoke the Insurrection Act, and how the Military would back Trump and an Insurrection.
Would that be considered a crime?


samedi 7 août 2021

Your Hobby is Not Worth Thousands of People Unnecessarily Dying

Recent posts on mass shootings and regulating guns compelled me to revisit a classic essay from Matt Yglesias. A supporter of strict gun control, Yglesias argues that Pro Gun Control Democrats consistently fail to deliver meaningful gun control legislation such that "the juice isn't worth the squeeze":

It's long, and the first three-quarters cover the failed politics, but, near the end, he makes a comparison to drive the point home:


If you’re feeling moralistic about [electing ineffective gun control politicians because it's "the right thing to do"], I’d point to the case of alcohol. There were over 70,000 alcohol-related deaths in the United States in 2017 [compared with 40,000 gun deaths]... Alcohol is involved in a majority of intimate partner assaults, and over a third of murders and sexual assaults. It’s addictive, obviously, as well as being bad for your liver. But critically the impaired judgment induced by alcohol can lead to very serious problem behavior even on the part of people who are not alcoholics.

But while there are plenty of people calling for higher taxes on alcohol, nobody is mystified or indignant that few politicians back this.

Drinking alcohol is a widely enjoyed hobby in the United States and people would prefer not to pay more for it... But in terms of moral urgency, alcohol kills more people than guns. If you’re comfortable saying that it’s fine for politicians to be politically pragmatic in their approach to alcohol regulation, but that guns are such a transcendent question of conscience that you can’t stomach it, I think you should examine where that’s coming from. I suspect that you drink alcohol yourself and that alcohol consumption is common in your social circle and in fact it’s woven into the rituals of communal life. And I can relate! That’s me too. Indeed a lot of people like me don’t realize that drinking is much less common among working class people.

The point is that guns are just like this for a lot of other people. And while the centrality of booze and guns to people’s social and communal lives is not great for public health, basically everyone understands that with regard to alcohol you have to work within the confines of political reality. And guns fundamentally are just not different from that.
It's a forceful comparison for his center-left audience because he plays up the class politics angle. It also reminds me of the article, "The Only Good Abortion is My Own Abortion," which shares stories from nurses at abortion clinics providing care for the activists who harass them. As with guns, the vast majority of people who consume alcohol are law-abiding citizens. Like OJ, they would predictably insist you go after the real criminals.

Importantly, when it comes to alcohol, the proposed solution is a tax increase, but effective gun control legislation goes well beyond universal background checks and stricter regulations on the really scary-looking weapons. Moreover, a small tax increase may sound nice because it will (probably) not have much of an impact on you, but that's because it's supposed to alter problematic behavior in the underclass. And I'm sure the resident libertarians are itching to argue that an increase in the price of alcohol will lead scores of people to experiment with methed up substitutes.

From Drugs and Drug Policy: What Everyone Needs to Know (2011), Mark Kleiman et al. write:


Economist Philip Cook of Duke University, who has studied the matter carefully and with methodological creativity over three decades, estimates that tripling the alcohol tax would reduce homicide and motor vehicle fatalities by about 6 percent each. That’s about 3,000 deaths per year that could be prevented with the stroke of a pen.
One objection to the comparison is that the government should focus on third-party effects. If someone drinks himself to death, then that's on him. We're not terribly worried about a threat posed by states with lax regulations on swimming pools. A pool in Nevada is not going to come over and drown me. What also matters is how people die. Homicide is just generally more traumatic than someone succumbing to cirrhosis. Homicide also probably deprives people of more life years. However, gun control activists have had some rhetorical success casting firearms as a public health problem, and alcohol is the third leading cause of preventable death. Also, more than half of gun-related deaths are due to suicide. A strong argument for the strict regulation of firearms is that it will almost certainly reduce the suicide rate.

Viruses, Our Bodies are Loaded with Them, in and Out

This year millions of people around the world have radically changed their way of life to avoid contact with other people and, thus, the novel coronavirus. Despite social distancing, many have still gotten sick in part from other viral infections. That is because, as scientists are increasingly learning, many viruses are lurking quietly in the human body, hidden away in cells in the lungs, blood and nerves and inside the multitudes of microbes that colonize our gut.

Biologists estimate that 380 trillion viruses are living on and inside your body right now—10 times the number of bacteria. Some can cause illness, but many simply coexist with you. In late 2019, for example, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania discovered 19 different strains of redondovirus in the respiratory tract; a handful were associated with periodontal disease or lung disease, but others could possibly fight respiratory illnesses. Scientists' rapidly expanding knowledge makes it clear that we are not made up primarily of “human” cells that are occasionally invaded by microbes; our body is really a superorganism of cohabitating cells, bacteria, fungi and most numerous of all: viruses. The latest counts indicate that as much as half of all the biological matter in your body is not human.

A decade ago researchers were barely aware that the human virome existed. Today we see the vast virome as an integral part of the larger human microbiome, a crazy quilt of passive and active microscopic organisms that occupy almost every corner of our being. We have been mapping the virome for 10 years, and the deeper we investigate, the more the virome looks like a partnership that can influence our daily lives positively as well as negatively. Recent research shows we could even harness the virome to promote our own health. Investigators at the Rockefeller University, for example, have purified an enzyme from a virus that kills bacteria found in patients who are struggling against methicillin-resistant staphylococcal infection. The results are so encouraging that the Food and Drug Administration has designated the enzyme as a “breakthrough therapy,” and it is now in phase 3 clinical trials. Today we routinely speak about the “good” and “bad” bacteria in our lives. Viruses fall into the same categories. The challenge now is to figure out how to stop the bad ones and promote the good ones.

The human body is a rich environment for microbes, replete with proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Many viruses have figured out how to peacefully thrive in it without making us sick.

Viruses need to invade host cells to reproduce, and they are adept at exploiting all the options in our body. A dozen years ago inexpensive genome sequencing led us to discover plentiful viruses in the mouth and gut. By 2013 or so scientists located viruses on the skin and in the respiratory tract, blood and urine. Most recently, we have found them in even more surprising places. In September 2019, for example, Chandrabali Ghose and our colleagues and I published details about viruses that we discovered in the cerebrospinal fluid of adults who were undergoing testing for various conditions. The viruses belonged to several different families and were not associated with any known disease. We also found the same viruses in blood plasma, joint fluid and breast milk. Scientists knew that a few rare, infectious viruses, notably herpes, could sneak into cerebrospinal fluid, but finding random viruses that seemed to be mere bystanders was a surprise. The central nervous system, which is supposed to be a sterile environment, is colonized by a somewhat diverse viral community.

It appears that our viromes begin to accumulate when we are born. Studies reveal a high diversity of viruses in the infant gut shortly after birth, suggesting that they probably come from the babies' mothers, some ingested from breast milk. Some of these viruses decline in number as infants grow to weeks or months old; others enter their bodies from the air, water, food and other people. These viruses grow in number and diversity, infecting cells where they will persist for years. Infant viromes are unstable, whereas adult viromes are relatively stable. Anelloviruses, a family of 200 different species, are present in almost everyone as we get older. This mirrors what we observe for bacteria as well.

On a Personal Note: Grape Seed Extract contains anti virual, anti bacterial, and anti fungal properties, SO, with no colds or flu in 30-40 yrs, this is my Gold Cure.

And all you laughing at me and making fun, ummmmm

Biden - Half of US car fleet electric by 2030

I am sorry and seems a good dude, and better than the other mega rich dude who ran the place, but



Biden seeks to make half of new U.S. auto fleet electric by 2030

President Joe Biden took a step toward his goal of slashing greenhouse gas emissions on Thursday with an executive order aimed at making half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 electric, a move made with backing from the biggest U.S. automakers.

The administration also proposed new vehicle emissions standards that would cut pollution through 2026, starting with a 10% stringency increase in the 2023 model year.

The actions are part of Biden's broader plan to fight climate change, in this case by targeting emissions from cars and trucks, while working to make the United States an industry leader as China moves to dominate the electric vehicle market.

"The biggest thing that’s happening here is there’s a realization, on the part of both labor and business now, that this is the future. We can’t sit by," Biden told reporters at the White House.

The 50% target, which is not legally binding, won the support of U.S. and foreign automakers, which said that achieving it would require billions of dollars in government funding.

An environmental group, the Safe Climate Transport Campaign, said the White House did not go far enough and called automakers' commitment to a non-binding target unreliable.

General Motors Co (GM.N), Ford Motor Co (F.N) and Chrysler parent Stellantis NV (STLA.MI) said in a joint statement they aspired "to achieve sales of 40-50% of annual U.S. volumes of electric vehicles ... by 2030." Reuters reported the planned automaker announcement on Tuesday. read more

The goals of both Biden and the automakers include battery electric, fuel cell and plug-in hybrid vehicles that also have a gasoline engine.

Biden has repeatedly resisted calls from many Democrats to set a binding requirement for EV adoption or to follow California and some countries in setting 2035 as a date to phase out the sale of new gasoline-powered light-duty vehicles in the face of opposition by the United Auto Workers (UAW) union.

UAW President Ray Curry, who attended the event, noted the EV goal but said the union was focused "on preserving the wages and benefits that have been the heart and soul of the American middle class."

After signing the executive order on the South Lawn of the White House, Biden jumped into a waiting EV Jeep, which he proceeded to drive rapidly around the grounds.


Senator Gary Peters of Michigan agreed with Biden's decision not to set a hard deadline for phasing out gasoline-powered vehicles. "Flexibility is important ... but at the same token you need to set ambitious goals," he said.

The executive order sets a schedule for developing new emissions standards through at least 2030 for light-duty vehicles and as early as 2027 for larger vehicles.

Dan Becker, director of the Safe Climate Transport Campaign, criticized the plan. “Voluntary pledges from auto companies make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight look like a legally binding contract,” he said.

Does God like to kill children

The Progressive Grab bag of Deception.

In our current time and society it has become fashionable to heap as much disparagement upon the idea of God as possible. The arguments follow the predictable paths;

1) Old superstition of backward cultures. Yet the gifts of the spirit still manifest today and for some reason there seems to be no likewise ridicule of the kingdom of Satan. Maybe it has something to do with whom the progressives fear most. Hence I refer to them as regressive.

2) Science and the theory of evolution. Big subject all on its own. Yet the whole reason for sexual reproduction is to provide a self correcting mechanism to prevent species drift so the concept of progressing mutations leading to evolution falls away. But don’t proclaim that in public or the learned masses go into a frenzy in defence of their sacred cow.

3) The religious are intolerant haters and refuse to embrace gays and witches and Satanists etc. This is just a trap hatched in the depths of hell itself. The whole idea is to present the Christians with subject matter that they cannot embrace without defiling the tenants of their own faith, and then make demands that they accept these perversions, with the result they have to become either apostates or be condemned as haters. Yet the Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists also reject these behaviours but not a single word in condemnation is raised against them. That’s because this trap was only intended for the Christian God, not the others. Obviously the progressive globalists believe that Lucifer, Enlil, Azazel and Astaroth are all OK by them . Good luck with that.

Then comes this little gem.
Edited by Darat:  Breach of rule 0 and 12 removed.

I am going to examine each one of those
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verses in context and see if they are correctly applied to prove that God hates children and wants to kill them. Or is there some other reason.

He starts off with;


God killing kids and God ordering the killing of kids.
You have to admit he is rather fond of it.
Followed by the list of verses


Exodus 4:23 I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn.
Exodus 12:29 And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt
So what happened here? The Pharaoh of Egypt wanted to depopulate the Israelites because they were becoming too many. It is all laid out in Chapter one of Exodus. In the end he made it law that all the Israelite woman had to kill their own children if they were male by throwing them into the Nile river when they were born. Of course
Edited by Darat:  Breach of rule 0 and 12 removed.
s see no problem ordering mothers to kill their own sons. They support it indirectly to this day under the banner of the right to choose.


Exo 1:22 And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive.
Now the Israelites are Gods chosen nation by a covenant that he made with Abraham. He now started to take action to get his nation out of Egypt for their own protection. God brought plague after plague on the Egyptians to make them let the Israelite slaves go but in the end it took the killing of the Egyptian first born to force the issue and make it happen. Payback sure is a bitch !

The next verse;


Numbers 31;17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones
The complete verse is this;


Num 31:17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
Num 31:18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
Now that appears a bit harsh but what prompted this. What was the reason ?


Num 31:16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.
The name Peor is the old name for the demon we now call Belphagor. One of the ten top generals of hell. He is associated with distribution of mammon and sex perversion. Probably well known and invoked in the higher progressive political circles. Obviously he attempted to corrupt and bring into bondage the Israelite congregation and it resulted in a war to drive it out. Obviously bringing a whole lot of captives back that are still under the sway of this demon defeats the purpose of the war in the first place. It will just result in reinfection. The fact that the young virgins were left as they were not the danger does indicate that there is not a slaughter of the innocents as well.

The next one;


Nerd 33:4 For the Egyptians buried all their firstborn, which the LORD had smitten among them
This is what the whole verse is supposed to be, where he gets the book name Nerd escapes me.


Num 33:4 For the Egyptians buried all their firstborn, which the LORD had smitten among them: upon their gods also the LORD executed judgments.
Why the Egyptians lost their first born when the Israelites left has already been covered but I left the full verse in because it also shows that the Egyptian gods also got the same smite as the humans. This is one of the proof verses for ET’s being on earth in the past and the Christians are expecting to see them again as the son of perdition rises to power. Just an FYI.

Now the next two verses;


Deuteronomy 2;33 And the LORD our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people.

34 And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain:
They should be together like this;


Deu 2:32 Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz.
Deu 2:33 And the LORD our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people.
Deu 2:34 And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain:
What should be noted here is that the Israelites only wanted to pass through as shown in these verses;


Deu 2:26 And I sent messengers out of the wilderness of Kedemoth unto Sihon king of Heshbon with words of peace, saying,
Deu 2:27 Let me pass through thy land: I will go along by the high way, I will neither turn unto the right hand nor to the left.
Deu 2:28 Thou shalt sell me meat for money, that I may eat; and give me water for money, that I may drink: only I will pass through on my feet;
Deu 2:29 (As the children of Esau which dwell in Seir, and the Moabites which dwell in Ar, did unto me;) until I shall pass over Jordan into the land which the LORD our God giveth us.
The Israelites did not attack the king. It was the king that attacked the Israelites, just because he lost the encounter he started, it does not mean God was a child killer. The Israelites only did to the king what he wanted to do to them. But I suppose if the desired narrative is “God hates children” then any old verse out of context will do !

Next verse;


Deuteronomy 3:3 So the LORD our God delivered into our hands Og also, the king of Bashan, and all his people: and we smote him until none was left to him remaining.
The same story, It was not the Israelites that started the fight but they were sure to finish it.


Deu 3:1 Then we turned, and went up the way to Bashan: and Og the king of Bashan came out against us, he and all his people, to battle at Edrei.
I suppose if there were any well educated progressives back then they would be out there calling the Israelites haters because they didn’t just lie down and die for every other tribe out there.

Next verse;


Deuteronomy 20:16 But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:

17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:
Now at first glace that may seem rather vicious but what were those tribes doing ? They were heavy into Baal worship and sacrificing their kids to Moloch etc. They had gone completely off the rails and under full control of the demonic. Kind of like what the progressives would like to do now protecting all perversions they can so long as it pisses of the Christians. This is what God had to say about the situation;


Deu 20:18 That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God.
He wanted to keep their demonic pollutants well away from his own nation. Now just as a side note, back in the day before the time of Exodus, God gave Abraham a prophetic word concerning his decedents. He was currently in the land that God had given him but it was already occupied. However his decedents would be going into captivity for 400 years and God said he would lead them out and back to the place he currently was with the intention to taking it over. He was not going to do it now because the local inhabitants had not yet filled up their cup of iniquity. In other words Gods judgement has a habit of falling on the generation that is ready for it.


Gen 15:16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
So now you know why God was so against the tribes that occupied that area.

Next verse;


Joshua 6:21 And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword
The same situation as before applied, The whole city was demonically infested and anything living was a habitation for the demonic. The instruction was that only objects that could be passed through fire could be taken as in metals. The only person that could be saved from the city was the woman and family that helped the Israelites that cased the joint out. That woman later became an ancestor to King David.

I’m not going to keep going through all the rest as the message is clear. God is not a lovey dovey God. But he is practical in his applications. Look at the time of Noah, all flesh became corrupted.
You cannot corrupt all flesh unless something gets out the lab and messes with the DNA or basic building blocks of life. That resulted in an extinction level flood. Clean the slate and start new. Look at the cities of Sodom etc. Went all reprobate so get rid of the cancer before it spreads to other areas.

Its not that God hates children, its that he looks at the over all picture and does what has to be done to protect first his own nation and then the rest of his creation. Being a smart aleck and deliberately promoting that which will have a negative effect on his creation is going to get the same results that have been seen in ancient times as well. He even holds back until the time comes when he has to act. But when he does it is complete in its execution.

The Placebo Effect

For a long time here I've been telling people that the placebo effect is largely a sham - I've said in the past that "placebo effect" is merely shorthand for uncontrolled variables. When asked to back this statement up, I've had to say well, you kind of have to have listened to the last six years of the Skeptics With A K podcast, because Mike Hall on that podcast has talked about it a lot and presented evidence that the papers purporting to show a powerful placebo effect don't actually say that. But the problem is that this particular podcast is fairly badly indexed, which is quite deliberate - the hosts don't claim to be experts in anything outside their field of knowledge, and while they try to back up what they say with real evidence, they don't want anybody to be citing their show as an authority. So I can't point to specific episodes, and who wants to listen to a 45-minute podcast just for one point anyway? You should go subscribe to it, though. It's really good.

So I've never really been able to justify my statement that the placebo effect doesn't really exist. Until now. Mike has started to write up what he has learned in the British Skeptic magazine. So here you go, the first instalment of what he says should be an ongoing series:

Much ado about nothing: evidence of the ‘powerful placebo’ is far from convincing

vendredi 6 août 2021

Who is responsible for more deaths, the Republican Party or the Taliban?

The answer depends on how many Covid deaths you think could have been avoided if it weren't for the GQP's slash and burn strategy, plus any others you can think of (war in Iraq, results of global warming denial, war on drugs, etc.). I think the answer is pretty clear.

Lawsuit: Guards mistook dentures for contraband, beat inmate

Lawsuit: Guards mistook dentures for contraband, beat inmate


SANTA FE, N.M. -- A man was brutally beaten by corrections officers and denied medical treatment at a county jail in a small New Mexico community after guards mistook dentures in the inmate's mouth for contraband, according to a civil rights lawsuit.

The New Mexico Prison and Jail Project, a watchdog group for improving prison conditions, filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court this week on behalf of former inmate Marvin Silva.

The group said Silva was left naked in a holding cell at the Valencia County Adult Detention Center with no security cameras after a medical checkup, when a guard insisted that the inmate was hiding contraband in his mouth.

The lawsuit said said several other corrections officers arrived and beat Silva at the lockup in the community of Los Lunas, about 30 minutes from Albuquerque.

According to the lawsuit, medical personnel at the jail denied Silva's requests for medical care before he was released to walk 5 miles (8 kilometers) toward home and hitched a ride the rest of the way.

An ambulance later transported Silva to an Albuquerque hospital that treated him for fractured ribs, a collapsed lung, injuries to the spleen and other injuries to the head, neck and abdomen.

Ron DeSantis (R) - Country Hungry for New Blood

like we had with Obama...gotta get rid of the Old Blood.

Ronald Dion DeSantis (born September 14, 1978) is an American politician and attorney serving as the 46th governor of Florida since 2019. A member of the Republican Party, he represented Florida's 6th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 2013 to 2018.

After graduating from Yale University and Harvard Law School, DeSantis served as an officer and attorney in the United States Navy's Judge Advocate General's Corps. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2012. DeSantis was a candidate in Florida's 2016 U.S. Senate election, but he withdrew when incumbent senator Marco Rubio announced that he would seek reelection. He then opted to run for reelection to his U.S. House seat. During his tenure in Congress, he became a staunch ally of President Donald Trump. DeSantis made frequent criticisms of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

On August 28, 2018, DeSantis won the Republican primary for the gubernatorial election. He was officially certified as the winner of the general election on November 20, 2018, after a machine recount, defeating the Democratic nominee, Tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum. At 42, he is the youngest governor in the United States.

Stupid product names

I would like to nominate the HP Victus series of high-end gaming laptops. (And that last part is actually amplifying how stupid that name is.)

This is not some unfortunate sounding like something else in some unforeseen other language (like the supposed Ford Nova in Spanish). This is Latin and means exactly one thing in Latin.

And what "Victus" means is: defeated.

(Which you may already be familiar with from Sol IN-victus, meaning the UN-defeated Sun. Without the IN, you get just the "defeated" part.)

Now the product name would be dumb anyway, but for the kind of competitive gamer that would buy the most expensive gaming laptop... yeah... I guess you might as well show up from the start at some esports event or lan party with a laptop that says "defeated" :p

So here's a thought for idiot marketing drones: stick to languages you actually know? I know, I know, it's crazy. But it might just be crazy enough to work :p

Skeptical Activists at Work In Canada

Showing the redigulous that their imaginary friend in the sky won't do anything for them.

Should phone companies be allowed to check your data for criminal behaviour?

It looks like Apple is going to start scanning their phones for child abuse images.

I'm trying to figure out a balance of privacy and protection of children, but this seems like a really, really bad idea from Apple. Per the article:


Apple intends to install software on American iPhones to scan for child abuse imagery...

The automated system would proactively alert a team of human reviewers if it believes illegal imagery is detected, who would then contact law enforcement if the material can be verified. The scheme will initially roll out only in the US.

Apple’s neuralMatch algorithm will continuously scan photos that are stored on a US user’s iPhone and have also been uploaded to its iCloud back-up system. Users’ photos, converted into a string of numbers through a process known as “hashing”, will be compared with those on a database of known images of child sexual abuse.
I didn't have any intentions on getting an iPhone, but this is another reason not too. I just put LineageOS on my phone because I am not fond of the distributed android OS either. This might have a **** ton of problems though. Including hackers getting access, and so on. Terrible, terrible decision.

jeudi 5 août 2021

Being a flight attendant while black

This guy's a national treasure.


The Science of Tickling Rats

Canberra scientists are tickling rats in a bid to improve their experience in laboratories


Canberra researchers are tickling rats in a bid to boost their emotional wellbeing and improve their interactions with humans.

It may read like an out-take from Stuart Little, but according to the ACT government's Centre for Health and Medical Research these so-called tickle sessions have a positive effect on the rodents.

A poster presented to a Canberra Health Annual Research meeting last month and then published on the ACT Health website, said rat tickling could lessen the impact of handling, making it easier to carry out research with the animals.

The poster also said tickling reduced the rats' fear response and even acted as a type of "social enrichment."

Sorry, why are we tickling rats?

Because, apparently, it makes them happy.

Manchester N.H. Police List Qualified Immunity As Benefit In Recruitment Post

Manchester N.H. Police List Qualified Immunity As Benefit In Now-Deleted Facebook Recruitment Post


The Manchester chief of police, Allen Aldenberg, apologized for a recruitment post on Facebook that listed qualified immunity as one of the benefits of joining the department. In a statement also posted to Facebook, Aldenberg called the mention of qualified immunity inappropriate and said he took full responsibility for it.

The message, posted Tuesday on the official Manchester Police Facebook page, was deleted after receiving hundreds of comments questioning who the department was looking to attract by listing qualified immunity as a benefit.

Qualified immunity is a controversial legal doctrine that is often used to shield police officers who engage in misconduct from liability.
Hey come on up to New Hampshire, where you can get a job as a cop and shoot people and beat the crap out of them with no consequences!

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