mardi 31 mai 2022

Shanghai lockdown

There has been a COVID lockdown in Shanghai for some time now. Most recent news is that it is now ending. Has not really had a lot of coverage in the US.

However, an American in Shanghai who does a history podcast has made a few updates on the lockdown and just how brutal it has been.

The usual podcast is pretty good. The guy has an interesting sense of humor. But the lockdown has worn the guy down. The link here is an update from two weeks ago. The previous update was just plain grim.

One of the things he pointed out was the lockdown was only going to be for 4 days and people did not need to stock up much. It has been several weeks now. He does go into detail on what it has been like.

Jailed for not having an active mobile phone in China.


people being jailed for up to 10 years because their phone has run out of credit – apparently regarded as an attempt to avoid digital surveillance.

Race-Based Grading

I suppose this is the latest front for the anti-racists (as compared to the not-racists):


Oak Park and River Forest (Illinois) High School administrators will require teachers next school year to adjust their classroom grading scales to account for the skin color or ethnicity of its students.

In an effort to equalize test scores among racial groups, OPRF will order its teachers to exclude from their grading assessments variables it says disproportionally hurt the grades of black students. They can no longer be docked for missing class, misbehaving in school or failing to turn in their assignments, according to the plan.
Now, misbehavior (within some reasonable limits) should not result in a lowered grade; there are other places on the report card for identifying social adjustment issues. But no penalties for missing class and failing to turn in assignments? Exactly whom do they expect to continue turning in assignments?

The concern is that in general, Blacks get poorer grades in school than whites or Asians. These days that is being ascribed to a prima facie case of racism. Okay so we eliminate these few things that are thought to be bringing down Black grades. But if you start with the assumption that Blacks are less likely to do their assignments and to actually show up for class, aren't you assuming they will learn less? The only way I can see this reducing the racial gap in grades is if it encourages Whites and Asians to stop doing their assignments and appearing at the designated times and locations. The Harrison Bergeron solution, in other words.

lundi 30 mai 2022

Rare meteor storm possible Memorial Day evening

Rare meteor storm possible tonight


The remnants of a broken comet could collide with the Earth to create a brief but intense meteor shower, but astronomers say that it's not a guarantee. Also not a guarantee: that the weather will make conditions just right for viewing.
I, for one, would like a guarantee (or at least a strong reassurance) that a chunk the size of Texas is not going to hit the Earth.

I love celestial phenomena, although it is typically lousy viewing weather for the important ones (Total Solar Eclipse 2017, I'm not looking at you). But for some reason, this one has me frightened. Perhaps I shouldn't have watched all those apocalyptic Earth-ending movies last week. (Deep Impact, The Day After, Greenland, etc.).

Also, knowing a lot about the ways the Earth can end (mostly from Dr. Phil Plait's Death from the Skies book) has me aware of just how quick and surprising (and inevitable) it can be.

A couple things bother me -- usually we get reassurances that the object is going to miss by millions of miles. I'm not hearing that here. And especially, knowing what happened with Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter doesn't help. Each one of those impact blast spots was the size of Earth.


Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 experienced one of the most spectacular ends that humans ever witnessed. Several months after its discovery, pieces of the comet smashed into the planet Jupiter. The collision produced scars that were visible from Earth.
I'm not sure I like the phrasing of "The remnants of a broken comet could collide with the Earth" so similar to the Jupiter event. Not to mention, the movie and book "When Worlds Collide".

I guess I'm actually a bit frightened! Even thousands of smaller pieces may have an effect whether they burn up in atmosphere or not. I will say that I am on edge just waiting for that National Presidential "Take cover!" alert to sound off on my phone. (It doesn't help that there are currently severe storms in the area -- that sound is one of the most heart-stopping I've ever heard.)

The worst thing actually is -- it'll very likely be cloudy tonight so I won't be able to see much if at all. It would be cool if the shooting stars lit up the clouds from behind, though.

I understand that it will take place almost due East around 0030 Tuesday morning USA Eastern time, appearing to come from the constellation Hercules.

Colombian Presidential Election, June 2022

It seems as if Gustavo Petro will win the presidential election in Colombia next month if the death squads don't get to him first, which is the way that left-wing politicians and trade union leaders are usually eliminated.

dimanche 29 mai 2022

Catholics, Baptists, and now Evangelicals, oh my!

First it was the Catholics busted time and time again overlooking pedophile priests.

Recently it turned out abuse was rampant in the Southern Baptist churches as well.

From the link:

Devastating, heartbreaking, infuriating - that is how our Albert Mohler describes the 300-page, third-party report about decades of sexual abuse and cover up in the Southern Baptist Convention. The SBC, which is the largest evangelical denomination in the country, commissioned this investigation and report. And as the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Mohler is a leader in the church. He joins us now to talk about the report and what comes next. Welcome.

So who would have guessed abuse of women, especially young women is one of the tenets of the Evangelicals as well. The image is that they are all about Jesus. The author of Jesus and John Wayne, How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and fractured a Nation (Amazon link) presents a different view of Evangelicals.

Here's an interview with the author, Kristin Kobes Du Mez, on Amanpour and Company discussing her thorough investigation of Evangelicals for the book she wrote:


On being Agender (or not as the case may be)

If there were only two genders and "man" simply referred to a biological category and had no connotations of expectations of social cultural attributes and behaviour whatsoever then in that sense I am a man.

If, on the other hand, being a man is something that carries an expectation of social cultural attributes or behaviour then in this sense I am not a man.

Firstly because I don't do that kind of expectations. If something seems the right thing to do or I want to do it and it won't hurt anyone then I will do it, but not because of my gender.

Secondly because no one has ever been able to tell me what being masculine or manly even means It is always something like:

Masculinity df: (Some attributes which are seen as much in women as in men)+biologically male

And they never appear to understand that anyone might not find a definition like that satisfactory.

People will say they think that there are only two genders, but then they keep brining up the idea of three being such a thing as manly or masculine.

Now there is a certain quality that I seem to sense in some men which might be what people call "manly" or "masculine" but I have never been able to put my finger on it or put it in words.

So I might feel that certain men are manly or masculine and there might be some sort family resemblance way of defining it.

But I can't see how, even if this is what people mean by it, it can't be any kind of a useful category and in any case most men don't have this quality.

If their was some definition of manly then "unmanly man" might be meaningful, the way that "unneighborly neighbour" can have a meaning.

But without that it is simply an emotional reaction to certain attributes when they occur in men.

So I am not going to identify as a manly man or an unmanly man.

I am just not going to identify as any gender at all. It is not even that significant, but I don't know why it bothers people so much.

samedi 28 mai 2022

The Plot to Out Ronald Reagan

The Plot to Out Ronald Reagan


A group of Republicans tried to stymie what they alleged was a nefarious homosexual network within the campaign of their own party’s standard-bearer. More than 40 years later, the story can finally be told.

With his new book, James Kirchick offers a window into an era when “the fear of homosexuality, or even the mere accusation of it, destroyed careers, ended lives, and induced otherwise decent people to betray colleagues and friends.” In this exclusive excerpt, he reveals the extent to which whisperings of a conspiracy from California to Washington, when met with political opportunism and overblown anxiety over the potential presence of gay people in positions of power, nearly altered the course of history.


It was 3:15 on the morning of June 26, 1980, and Congressman Bob Livingston was extraordinarily drunk, hiding in the congressional gym beneath the Rayburn House Office Building, petrified that a team of highly trained right-wing homosexual assassins working on behalf of Ronald Reagan was about to kill him.

To the extent that the Louisiana Republican is remembered today, it’s for the brief but sensational role he played in America’s most infamous political sex scandal. On the same day in December 1998 that Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about his affair with a White House intern, Livingston, then the House speaker-designate, shocked the nation with his own admission of adultery. Preempting a journalistic exposé that had dredged up evidence of his past relationships with women not his wife, he not only refused the speakership but announced his resignation from Congress altogether.

What people don’t know is that nearly two decades before this bit part in the Clinton impeachment drama riveted the nation, Livingston was at the center of another scandal involving politicians and illicit sex, one that, in his own words, had the potential to be “world-shaking.” Most explosive about this whole terrible intrigue, and what tied it all together, was the nature of the sexual activity involved.
It's an interesting story of how Ronald Reagan's 1980 campaign for President might have been short-circuited at the last minute by allegations of homosexuality in his campaign, and how it did prevent Jack Kemp from getting the vice-presidential nomination. The attempt to bring Reagan down was instigated by California Rep. Pete McCloskey, and was serious enough for Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee to send Bob Woodward and other top reporters on the trail of the story.

It's also an interesting insight into an era in which allegations of homosexuality were the kiss of death politically, and when there were still liberal and moderate wings of the GOP, and a guest appearance by Barry Goldwater.

It didn't succeed, but it could have changed history if it had.

St. Malachy's "Prophecy of the Popes"

Hello everyone,

I have recently been wondering about a prophecy which makes a reappearance in the media regularly i.e. the "Prophecy of the Popes" attributed to the 11th centruy Irish saint Malachy. It consists of several dozen cryptic Latin phrases supposedly describing all the future popes.

One of the last lines of the prophecy "de labore solis" is translated as "of the solar eclipse" and associated with Pope John Paul II because of solar eclipses which took place both on the day of his birth as well as his funeral. I have always found this translation odd as it literally means "of the labour of the Sun" and I have been unable to find a single source unrelated to this specific prophecy which translates the phrase as "of the solar eclipse" (however, I may be wrong on this one as my knowledge of Latin is very rudimentary). Recently however, I ran into a 19th century translation of this prophecy by an Irish priest M. J. O'Brien which interpreted the verse as referring to a solar eclipse citing an earlier scholar. The interpretation was based on a supposed reference to the apocalyptic prophecy in Matthew 24:29.

I must say that I find the coincidence quite remarkable to say the least - the chances of being born and having a funeral on the day of a solar eclipse are extremely slim. What makes the situation even more unusual is the correspondence of these astronomic events to a much older text or at least is 19th century (mis)interpretation.

One possible rationalist explanation for this correspondence is the self-fulfilling character of this prophesy - after all it has been very well-known in the Catholic Church for centuries. So if the cardinals knew that the future Pope John Paul II was born on the day of an eclipse this could have motivated them to choose him. After all, if there are about 100-200 cardinals then the chances that a solar eclipse coincided with an important event in the life of at least one of them (e.g. birth, becoming a priest etc.) are quit considerable. However, this explanation is pure speculation on my part.

What is your opinion on this?

vendredi 27 mai 2022


A month ago today there was a thread on suicide in this section. There's a lot of thought right now on murder given the Texas school massacre and the store in Buffalo. I was just curious as to how many on ISF have ever been touched by murder.

Due to the nature of my profession (retired) I have known many murderers - some who had already been convicted as such and some who became murderers later. One client's wife confided in me that her husband had murdered her own brother but had been acquitted. He was one of the nicest kind of people, even gave me pointers on a problem with working on my car once when we had a casual chat. He ended up strangling her to death. Two other clients of mine I had for a few years were murdered later secondary to risky behaviors, one of them also being a neighbor of mine. Two people from my high school were murdered, one older, who had been a local football coach whom I had known of for years and had not only entertained me at his house, he had also attended a party at my house a couple of years later. Another adult neighbor I had when I was a kid was beaten to death with a baseball bat during a robbery at his business.

The closest murders to me family wise are one for sure and one only speculated. The one for sure was my first cousin. One year older, we had been playmates for years. I met her husband to-be at the family Xmas gathering in 1968. He was just graduating West Point and, my being already 20 years old, the families began to drift away from the old celebratory reunions, but I did encounter the two at many funerals and weddings over the years. On April Fool's Day 2019, this retired 3 star general shot and killed my cousin and then himself. At least that's what the official report says.

The speculated murder is my 2nd father-in-law. The official report was suicide but my current wife believes my mother-in-law did it and I believe it was her and the oldest son, but that's just a belief based on one event and speculation.

I have never been troubled by events as close as these most recent murders in the media. I really can't imagine the personal tragedy they are enduring. The personal events above don't come close, but I wondered about some of us here.

Anybody here ever been touched by a murder or a murderer?

The Thirty Years War - 400 Years Later

Thirty Years War:


The Swedish Period

Gustavus II (Gustavus Adolphus) of Sweden now came into the war. His territorial ambitions had embroiled him in wars with Poland, and he feared that Ferdinand's maritime designs might threaten Sweden's mastery of the Baltic. Moved also by his Protestantism, he declared against the emperor and was supported by an understanding with Catholic France, then under the leadership of Cardinal Richelieu. Swedish troops marched into Germany. Meanwhile, Ferdinand had been prevailed upon (1630) to dismiss Wallenstein, who had powerful enemies in the empire. Tilly now headed the imperial forces. He was able to take the city of Magdeburg while the Protestant princes hesitated to join the Swedes. Only John George of Saxony, vacillating in his support between Tilly and the Swedish king, joined Gustavus Adolphus, who offered him better terms.

The combined forces crushed Tilly at Breitenfeld (1631), thus winning N Germany. Gustavus Adolphus triumphantly advanced and Tilly was defeated and fatally wounded in the battle of the Lech (1632). Wallenstein, recalled with some pleading by the emperor, took the field. He defeated the Saxon forces and later met the Swedish forces at Lützen (Nov., 1632); there the imperialists were defeated, but Gustavus Adolphus was killed and the anti-Hapsburg troops were disorganized. Wallenstein after his great defeat remained inactive and entered into long negotiations with the enemy. Meanwhile, the able anti-imperialist general, Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, stormed Regensburg (1633).

I have ancestors who settled in Ulvila at the order of the then King of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus. At the time it had long been a Finnish village but was renamed – believed to be after St Olaf, a saint who was quite big in Norway and and across the nordic region – and Finland’s second oldest [mediaeval] church established there by the 14th century, although there had been an earlier church from year 1200’s. What these settlers had in common was that they had been ennobled by Gustavus Adolphus for the victory in the Thirty Years War 1618 – 1648, with Monkhoven having come from a Belgian noble family – buried at Antwerp Cathedral – and Von Grothusen from Latvia then known as Livonia, a Baltic German noble line, together with Mikael Von Jordan, supposedly another Baltic German, who originated from Pomerania or Silesia, but some historians believe was actually 100% Finnish, all knighted and rewarded with substantial areas of land in the Ulvila region. Von Jordan married Monkhoven’s daughter, and his third eldest son, Magnus, married the granddaughter of Von Grothusen whose other parent was a Swedish noble, Engelbrekt Eneskjöld. The eldest son, Carl von Jordan, was disowned and executed by beheading for bigamy (the only execution for bigamy ever in Finland), having married a lady in Bremen, which was then Swedish-owned, and at the same time marrying a noblewoman in Finland, whilst the second son behaved in a manner unbecoming and was cut out of the will. I can imagine, having won a religious war in which the Protestants were victorious, affirming Sweden as a sovereign nation, with Von Jordan having been some kind of war chaplain who led his troops in prayer before each battle, and wanting two of his sons to enter into the clergy, there was a strong puritanical pious whiff about him. The pair had fourteen children in all, some dying in infancy. Now they lived at a truly beautiful spot at Villelä, Nakkila, and the fabulous manor house is still standing, albeit now privately owned by a company. Likewise, the Von Grothusen kartano (=manor house) is now a school but can still be seen at Lyttylä, on a promontory, also near Pori. Pori is a more modern city, which came about as land rose out of the sea and it was considered a more suitable harbour. Ulvila/Nakkila is quite far inland now by about 10 kilometres.

The big surprise however, was to come later.

Having had a historian in the family who meticulously researched my grandmother’s side of the family (as her own father was my grandmother’s brother), I knew they had been in the same rural region for at least ten generations, and their kartanos are still there, I looked further into my grandmother’s line as they obviously could not all have come from the same place. Having researched as many lines as possible – helped by the fact Finland has a meticulous local history of most areas, and easily obtainable from the library – I discovered they were concentrated in four main areas…all within fifty kilometres of each other, to form a neat square around the rich fertile belt of southwest Finland. In other words, for up to thirteen generations and beyond, my grandmother’s ancestors never moved very far away at all, yet consanguinity seemed rare, with one or two great grandparents married to someone who shared their third great grandparent. So the outliers at Ulvila, 150 kilometres away to the west, near Pori, were the aberration, and I can thank the Thirty Years War for that. The others were just ordinary Finnish farmers, albeit formerly Free Estates until Charles X's Great Reduction, when suddenly taxes had to be paid to support all the wars and having toured the area recently, I doubt the landscape has changed much over the past four hundred years. The same farmsteads and extensive fields. There was one ancient family name that I found cropping up in the library books, which was new to me: ‘Kulta’. Imagine my shock to walk into Kuusjoki church yard (Kuusjoki population: <1,800) to be confronted with row upon row of gravestones bearing the name…’Kulta’. The other knock out was to chance upon the presumed site of the mythical [but officially listed as a Finnish antiquity site] Kaupinlinna, by accident, which was an added bonus.

So, how did the Thirty Years War affect you, culturally, historically or geographically?

Will Biden run for the presidency in 2024?

Will he? If not, who will?

jeudi 26 mai 2022

What else could be done to lower the US murder rate?

We have another high profile mass shooting in the US news.

Predictably, there has been one topic that dominates coverage. I know that I think it's important. I'm among the people who responded predictably, and I'll respond predictably the next time this predictable thing happens again.

But.....what else could be done? Is there something else about the US that leads to high murder rates, and can we address that in addition to that other thing.

So, in this thread, I want to see if people have thoughts on murder in the USA, but for which guns, less or more, aren't the central solution.

Mental health awareness is often cited.

I think surveillance cameras have done a lot to lower crime rates, but I don't know that I would want more of them. Possibly in high crime areas. Surveillance of one kind or another is going to happen whether we like them or not. Sharing data on license plates and such near crime scenes is not going to go away.

I saw the guy behind this site on TV this week:

It seems to be getting rave reviews.

Of course, turning to Jesus is something some people recommend, but I don't think that one is going to get a whole lot of traction here. I don't think all of us getting our chakras aligned or using healing energy crystals are going to get a favorable response here either.

I know I can't completely dictate the contents of a thread, and some mention of guns is probably unavoidable, but in this thread I want the topic of gun control to be off the table. This things discussed might be in addition to gun control, or instead of gun control, but gun control will, and ought to be, discussed elsewhere.

Any thoughts?

Author who wrote "how to kill your husband" book convicted of murdering husband.

My "I didn't murder my husband" T-shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.


How to Murder Your Husband writer found guilty of murdering husband
Portland jury finds Nancy Crampton Brophy guilty of killing chef Daniel Brophy in June 2018

mercredi 25 mai 2022

Let's talk about religious freedom

Occult club registration rejected after complaint it may summon Satan to University of Adelaide


A club for pagans, witches and Satanists says its affiliation with the Adelaide University Union has been rejected because of a complaint its members may summon the devil onto campus.

"Even if we did want to summon Satan, it's not against university or union policy to do so, so it's still not really grounds to reject us," Adelaide University Occult Club president Ashley Towner said.

The Adelaide University Occult Club was formed in late 2020 and provisionally registered with the Adelaide University Union (AUU) in early 2021, but earlier this month an application for full registration was not approved.

The club is now planning to appeal the decision of the AUU clubs committee to the union's board, however the same conservative Progress faction controls both bodies.


There are six Christian clubs, one Muslim club and one secular club registered with the union, according to its website.

How long does it take a cracked Rib to heal?

I had a small tree limb hit me in the Chest a week ago, thought it was just bruised, but it's been a week and still pretty sore so I might have cracked a Rib was wondering how long I will take before it hèals?
Any advice?

One in nine young women identify as LGBTO.

According to the latest study by the Office for National Statistics 11.4% of of women in the UK aged 16-24 identity as gay/lesbian, bisexual or 'other'.



mardi 24 mai 2022

US Military Renaming Commission Makes It's Recommendations.....

Glad to see the Confedeate names will be gone, but could quibble about some of the replacments.
I sort of like the tradition of naming US Army bases after Great US soldiers, and so not thrilled with Bragg being renamed Fort Liberty. Since the bases main function is as the main center for US Airborne Forces, I would perfer Fort Gavin or Fort Ridgeway, after the two outstandind airborne commanders of World War 2.
I respect Hal Moore, and he wrote one of the great books on Vietnam in "We Were Soldiers Once...And Young". but I think there are great US Generals who are more deserving. Sherman and Bradley come to mind.
But these are quibbles, the main thing is the bases will no longer be named after traitors.
And bad generals.Aside from being a Rebel, Braxton Bragg was a lousy general whose mistakes were a major factor in the South losing the war.

Southern Baptist Sex Abuse Report

Looks like the Southern Baptists are trying to compete with the Roman Catholic Church.


Leading MI GOP Governor candidates may be disqualified for fake signatures


5 out of 10 Michigan GOP governor candidates, including 2 front-runners, are potentially going to be excluded from the race after it's revealed that ballot petition signatures they submitted were fraudulent


A signature forgery scandal has turned the race for the GOP nomination to be Michigan’s next governor on its head: Two leading Republican candidates did not collect enough signatures to qualify for the primary ballot after invalid signatures were excluded, according to a report from the state’s Bureau of Elections.

The Bureau of Elections reports will now go to the Board of State Canvassers, which will vote Thursday on which candidates qualify to appear on the ballot for the state’s Aug. 2 primaries.

Thirty-six petition circulators — campaign workers hired to collect signatures — “submitted fraudulent petition sheets consisting entirely of invalid signatures,” according to the Bureau. In all, according to the Bureau’s report Monday, these circulators submitted at least 68,000 invalid signatures across nominating petitions for 10 candidates.

Both leading Republican candidates submitted well above the 15,000 signatures necessary, but were subsequently hit with complaints that that counts contained fraudulent signatures.

It's safe to assume that, for at least these 2 frontrunning candidates, getting 15,000 real signatures would not have been too difficult. But I guess if you're a canvasser for a party that is openly contemptuous of US voting systems and baselessly believe that electoral fraud is rampant and easy to commit, the temptation to lazily pencil-whip these signatures is quite strong.

Another example where the much believed GOP meme about the ease of corrupting elections comes back to bite them in the ass.

lundi 23 mai 2022

NYTimes running articles on France, US role in impoverishing Haiti

Long, exhaustive articles in the NYTimes have published exploring the role that the US and France have played in impoverishing Haiti.

These long pieces are hard to summarize briefly, but it's a refreshing piece of historical context that is often absent when dealing with the present-day situation concerning the impoverished nation frequently plagued by all sorts of social ills.


Originally Posted by NYTimes
The Root of Haiti’s Misery:Reparations to Enslavers

But for generations after independence, Haitians were forced to pay the descendants of their former slave masters, including the Empress of Brazil; the son-in-law of the Russian Emperor Nicholas I; Germany’s last imperial chancellor; and Gaston de Galliffet, the French general known as the “butcher of the Commune” for crushing an insurrection in Paris in 1871.

The burdens continued well into the 20th century. The wealth Ms. Present’s ancestors coaxed from the ground brought wild profits for a French bank that helped finance the Eiffel Tower, Crédit Industriel et Commercial, and its investors. They controlled Haiti’s treasury from Paris for decades, and the bank eventually became part of one of Europe’s largest financial conglomerates.

Haiti’s riches lured Wall Street, too, delivering big margins for the institution that ultimately became Citigroup. It elbowed out the French and helped spur the American invasion of Haiti — one of the longest military occupations in United States history.

It's not particularly well known that Haiti was extorted into paying reparations to France for the grave sin of freeing themselves and their country from French slavery. The piece explores how this wealth was transferred over the years from Haiti to Western banks.

It concludes:


Put another way, if Haiti had not been forced to pay its former slave masters, one team of international scholars recently estimated, the country’s per capita income in 2018 could have been almost six times as large — about the same as in its next-door neighbor, the Dominican Republic.

They called the burden imposed on Haiti “perhaps the single most odious sovereign debt in history.”

The Times has published a series of articles about the issue of Haitian poverty, including:


Invade Haiti, Wall Street Urged.The U.S. Obliged.

But decades of diplomatic correspondence, financial reports and archival records reviewed by The New York Times show that, behind the public explanations, another hand was hard at work as well, pushing the United States to step in and seize control of Haiti for the wealth it promised: Wall Street, and especially the bank that later became Citigroup.

Under heavy pressure from National City Bank, Citigroup’s predecessor, the Americans elbowed the French aside and became the dominant power in Haiti for decades to come. The United States dissolved Haiti’s parliament at gunpoint, killed thousands of people, controlled its finances for more than 30 years, shipped a big portion of its earnings to bankers in New York and left behind a country so poor that the farmers who helped generate the profits often lived on a diet “close to starvation level,” United Nations officials determined in 1949, soon after the Americans let go of the reins.
US Marines also forcibly dissolved the Haitian government, storming the National Assembly and dispersing officials at gunpoint, when it became clear that a new constitution allowing foreigners to own land in Haiti was not going to pass. Haiti would be under US occupation for 19 years under explicit orders to "protect US financial interests"

This is covered in more detail in the excellent book "Gangsters for Capitalism", which covers the history of Marine Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler.

dimanche 22 mai 2022

Southern Baptist Convention sexual abuse report details cover up, decades of inaction

'Ignored, disbelieved': Southern Baptist Convention sexual abuse report details cover up, decades of inaction


Southern Baptist Convention leaders perpetuated a cycle of abuse for two decades by ignoring reports of sexual abuse and dismissing recommendations for reform, enabling a culture that retraumatized survivors, investigators found in a historic report released Sunday.

The nearly 300-page report from Guidepost Solutions contains explosive details about how the nation's largest Protestant denomination responded to a growing sexual abuse crisis within its ranks.

The report publicly details, for the first time, a credible allegation of sexual assault against former SBC President Johnny Hunt a month after his term ended in 2010 and how high-ranking staff maintained a list with hundreds of names of ministers accused of sexual misconduct, but did nothing with it.

Meanwhile, leaders spoke poorly about abuse survivors behind their backs and downplayed the extent of the crisis. The SBC's law firm repeatedly advised leaders not to take action when they were approached with concerns about abuse or reform, the report concluded.

"Almost always the internal focus was on protecting the SBC from legal liability and not on caring for survivors or creating any plan to prevent sexual abuse within SBC churches," Guidepost said in its report.
This just hit the internet about an hour ago. I think we're going to hear a lot more about it in the mainstream press, but I'm sure the right wing press will do everything in their power to cover up. This might rival the similar issues in the Catholic Church in terms of size and importance. And get the lawyers warmed up. There's a lot more at the link.

[Continuation] Today's Mass Shooting (2)


Originally Posted by Bogative (Post 13813529)
No need to pretend, it's evident in the numbers. The death toll from right-wing terrorism likely won't reach dozens in numbers this entire year, street violence will surpass that this weekend alone. But you go on believing one is more dangerous than the other.

This is dishonest cherry picking. Number of deaths isn't the metric to use between unlike sets. The shooting deaths you want to focus on are not in support of terrorism or a political movement, where the white nationalist terrorism is. The danger isn't just to the people who were killed directly.

But you support the dangers that are not just black people being shot.


Delusional left-wing hysterics.

Left-winger – "concern about demographics changing the political/racial makeup of the US is a racist right wing conspiracy theory!!!"

Also left-winger – "OMG!1!1111!!!11! the white terrorists are overthrowing the country!!11!11!!!1!1!!
Not delusional. The Great Replacement Theory is a racist right wing conspiracy theory. White terrorists are not. The white terrorists aren't trying to use democracy to take over the country, so they don't need to outnumber decent citizens. They're doing it by suppressing votes, giving the GOP the power to nullify elections, and putting people in place who will refuse to certify. And storming the Capitol. And terrorizing non-white people. And criminalizing even teaching about real history.

But yeah, everyone not bending over backwards to give the right wing the never-ending benefit of the doubt, the 'civility' patrol, knows you're giving cover for the great replacement theory. The standard that no call on that can be made if the person doesn't come out and say that's what they're doing isn't a valid standard.

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Thread continued from here

Posted By:jimbob

Pareidolia to Paranoia - Aliens on the Moon

This just popped up in my YouTube feed:

Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed | Conspiracy Theory | Absolute Documentaries

Some of the finest examples of PareidoliaWP I've ever had to squint at.

Apparently, swattered across the lunar surface are smokestacks, pyramids. alien bases, forts, large cannon, crashed flying saucers, radio dishes, giant wheels, machine-like objects and a "human-like skull". Oh, and shiny things and blobs.

The key words are "appears to be" and "doesn't look natural". And, if better, more resolved images are taken later, it's because there is a group at NASA is charged with air brushing things out.

And why don't we know this? Because It's a vast Government conspiracy covering up a potential alien threat.


samedi 21 mai 2022

Louisiana Senator says Black women raise maternal death rates

A Louisiana State Senator says that if you toss out Black mothers, the states maternal death rate isn’t that much worse than the rest of the nations.

Has the Georgia GOP unleashed a Democratic monster?

Voting is surging in Georgia despite controversial new election law


GRIFFIN, Ga. — When the Spalding County Board of Elections eliminated early voting on Sundays, Democrats blamed a new state law and accused the Republican-controlled board of intentionally thwarting “Souls to the Polls,” a get-out-the-vote program among Black churches to urge their congregations to cast ballots after religious services.

But after three weeks of early voting ahead of Tuesday’s primary, record-breaking turnout is undercutting predictions that the Georgia Election Integrity Act of 2021 would lead to a falloff in voting. By the end of Friday, the final day of early in-person voting, nearly 800,000 Georgians had cast ballots — more than three times the number in 2018, and higher even than in 2020, a presidential year.

Voting-rights groups and Democrats say they have changed their strategies to mobilize voters under the new rules. In Spalding County, for instance, local activists moved Souls to the Polls to a Saturday, and they defiantly promised that they would work twice as hard if that was what it took to protect voter access.

“It was a direct way to send a message to the Black community that they’re in charge now,” said Elbert Solomon, vice chairman of the county Democratic committee. “But every day we get people walking through the door, White and Black. A lot of people are concerned about their democracy.”

Brandon Woodruff conviction for murder

Brandon Woodruff was convicted in 2009 of murdering his parents in 2005. I was unfamiliar with this case until today. Arguing for the soundness of the conviction is the finding of a dagger (claimed to have his father's blood, but see below) in the parents previous home that might have been in Mr. Woodruff's possession. Arguing against is the lack of a motive and a tight timeline. The fact that both a knife and a gun were used in the killings argues against a single killer.

Mr. Woodruff's homosexuality may have swayed some jurors, as noted in this ABC story. From another link, "Poggensee said a phrase repeated over and over at Woodruff’s trial was, “If he could lie about being gay, he could lie about killing his parents.” But that ignores the fact that Woodruff was out to his father, who accepted him. And it’s not clear if he was out to his mother yet."

From the second link: "And the timeline devised by investigators gave Woodruff about 14 minutes inside his parents’ home. That’s 14 minutes to overpower both his mother and father, then clean all the blood off of himself, leaving none in the bathroom. And Woodruff would have to have cleaned himself up so well that no DNA evidence was found in the bathroom, nor was any found in the car or on his clothes. No DNA evidence was found on the knife they allege Woodruff used in the attack, either."

The dagger has some problems. From the denial of appeal document, Brandon had been attending Abilene Christian University and had kept a dagger in his dormitory room.6 When the room was searched after the murders, the police did not discover the dagger. Kathy Lach, Brandon‘s aunt, discovered the dagger in the barn at Dennis and Norma‘s residence in Heath, Texas,7 two and a half years after the murders. The dagger was approximately sixteentoeighteen inches long with a twelve-inch blade. Eric Gentry admitted he had previously told the Texas Rangers that the knife blade of Brandon‘s dagger was only about sixinches long, but testified he was absolutely certain the dagger introduced into evidence was Brandon‘s. A spot of Dennis ‘blood was discovered under a skull located on the guard of the knife. Although the police searched the barn after the murders, they did not find the dagger." I don't know the resolution to the paradox of how it was claimed to be Dennis's blood if there was no DNA.

Hair in one of his mother's hands was not tested (IIUC there was also hair in her other hand, which was tested). Mitochondrial DNA testing alone cannot distinguish whether it came from her or Brandon, but it would almost certainly give a different result for the murderer, assuming that it is not Brandon. Autosomal testing is more discriminating, if it can be done. The Texas Innocence Project has taken up his case.

The curious case of Kathleen Folbigg

A mother who's four children all died young. There was no cause of death found but the "death cluster" was enough to get her convicted of murder, along with some ambiguous entries in her diary.

Now scientists claim that two of the deaths could be attributed to a rare genetic disorder that has only recently been discovered.

Australian Politics: The Albanese Times

Australia has a new Labor government. Anthony Albanese is our new Prime Minister.

vendredi 20 mai 2022

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine Part 4

Mod InfoThread continued from here.
Posted By:xjx388

Originally Posted by Captain_Swoop (Post 13812103)
Did they push or were they allowed? For example If ground is not good for defence then don't defend it,

The line I heard is that this is deliberate, and that Ukraine is trading ground for time.


Originally Posted by Doubt (Post 13812112)
The Ukrainians need to work on bleeding the Russians dry. Retaking territory is secondary to that. But the do need to still hold the Russians back.


So long as Russia is in Ukraine, they can always counter attack. One small piece of land goes one way, then the other. Rather than occupying a particular piece of ground, Ukraine needs to degrade Russia's ability to wage war (not because I want them to, but because they'll literally never be free if they don't).

Build More Houses

An interesting YT from Britmonkey. Basically he argues that all of our major problems could be solved if we built more houses. And by major problems, he means:
Climate Change
Public Health
Economic Decline
Population Decline

I often disagree with BM, but he also says things I agree with. There is clearly some journalistic license/hubris to make his points, and this helps to make it entertaining, but I can forgive if the message is right overall.

Anyway, here it is:

He makes bold claims, such as its worst thing to hit Britain's GDP since the Black Death!

Of course when people buy up property just to own it to make money, and leave it empty, that doesn't exactly help. Or having second homes etc. But the film claims a deeper more widespread problem.

Anyway, enjoy.

Edit: BTW, its about 42mins, so make some time to watch it.

Life of Mary?!

She's the most famous woman in history, yet almost nothing is known about her. Although she's portrayed as the gentlest and most tragic of all women, her name has been used as an excuse for internecine hatred and wars between peoples.

But who was Mary, mother of jesus? What type of family did she have? What was the community like in which she grew from child to teenager forced to marry a man three times her age?

And why have virtually all the details of her early life been obscured and censored by the writers of the Bible?

What happened to her after death of jesus ?!

Your favored immigration policy

I'm not especially interested in debate, I'm just curious what various members would do regarding immigration to their country if they could. Or some platonic ideal of a country that exists in the Marvel universe only.

The two extremes that almost nobody actually supports are closed borders, nobody gets in, open borders and we don't even ask you your name when you get here.

I figure I might start a poll after a few answers.

As for me, I don't really know. Not either extreme. Probably more open than now but with better record keeping.

jeudi 19 mai 2022

Suspected INLA man Peter Pringle wins damages

Peter Pringle has now won his case to apply for damages under the Brady principle of not having had potentially extenuating or exculpatory evidence provided to him or the court during the trial and/or the appeal hearing for damages, which was under appeal. He had been sentenced with others to the death penalty in Ireland for the death of two gardai (Irish Police) during a botched robbery, which the prosecution claimed he had participated in to raise funds for the Irish National Liberation Army. It was well known that the paramilitary IRA and INLA resorted to racketeering (prostitution proceeds, drug trafficking, etc, to fund their activities) so this is probably why the prosecution reasoned as it did. Pringle's death sentence was commuted to 40 years jail as the death sentence had just been abolished in Ireland. After a long innocence campaign, Pringle had his sentence overturned and he was freed after serving some time. Pringle then applied for compensation.

His partner Sunny Williams of the USA had similarly had her sentence quashed after her death penalty was commuted to Life, after the man she was in a car with brutally shot dead two young policemen.

Pringle and 'Sunny' were part of an Innocence Project campaign in the USA who infamously befriended Amanda Knox - similarly acquitted - and arranged for Amanda Knox to appear on Irish TV, where she bizarrely sang 'Come out you Black and Tans', an old IRA rebel song, referring to a British regiment, causing some offence to viewers, given the Good Friday Agreement sensibilities in Ireland.


Henry Byrne and John Morley, two officers of the Garda Síochána, the police force of Ireland, were murdered on 7 July 1980 by alleged members of the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) during a pursuit in the aftermath of a bank robbery near Loughglynn, County Roscommon.[citation needed] The officers' deaths provoked national outrage. Three men were apprehended, convicted, and sentenced to death for capital murder. Two of the sentences were later reduced to 40 years imprisonment while the third was overturned.

The Irish Examiner writes yesterday:


The Court of Appeal has overturned a decision to strike out Peter Pringle's damages claim against the State over his conviction and the 15 years he spent behind bars for crimes he did not commit.

A three-judge court Court of Appeal (COA) overturned the High Court decision, on the basis that a key legal issue in the case that needed to be determined had not been addressed. Now his claim goes back to the High Court for consideration.

Mr Pringle who is based in Glenicmurrin, Costelloe, Co. Galway, was sentenced to death in 1981 for the murder of the gardaí. In proceedings brought against the State, he claims it was negligent and breached his constitutional rights because crucial evidence was not disclosed to him prior to his trial before the Special Criminal Court.


In 2019 the High Court, following an application by the State, dismissed Mr Pringle's damages action, which originated in the 1990s, on the grounds of inordinate and inexcusable delay.

The State successfully argued it would be prejudiced by the fact that many relevant witnesses would not be available due to death and untraceability. Mr Pringle appealed that decision to the Court of Appeal.

So clearly Peter Pringle is someone with a lot of brains and tenacity who knows his way around the system to work it to his advantage.

mercredi 18 mai 2022

The next pandemic?

There is an outbreak of monkeypox in the UK.

Monkeypox is closely related to smallpox, and has a 10% CFR. Despite its name it is probably acquired by contact with rodents. It has been thought of as a zoonosis acquired in West Africa, and occasionally imported into Europe or the US. The recent cases differ from this. Current monkey pox cases differ from classic monkeypox in that they lack a prodrome of a febrile illness before the pox appears. So it is much harder to identify a case. Currently some of the cases are sexually transmitted within the GBMSM community, and cases have also been identified elsewhere in Europe.

It is clear that monkeypox has been circulating in Europe for sometime unrecognised because this strain is atypical, hopefully it may be less virulent also. However there is also concerns about its transmission, if it is just transmitted by sexual contact then it should be easy to control as the successful eradication of HIV has demonstrated (sarcasm). However smallpox was transmissible by fomites, skin particles from infected persons carrying the virus, and there is uncertainty whether monkeypox may be transmissible by this route. The UK is urgently sourcing monkeypox vaccine, and resurrecting smallpox vaccine stocks (partly effective against monkeypox).

2022 US midterm elections

Centrist democratic candidates take a resounding loss in primary elections, despite big money interests putting their fat thumbs on the scales


Big money groups spent some $15 million in those three House races – two in Oregon and one in Pennsylvania – while outside progressive groups managed just over $2 million, yet prevailed in all three. In North Carolina, the super PACs had better luck, spending $7 million dollars against Erica Smith and Nida Allam. The spending came from AIPAC, Democratic Majority for Israel, and Mainstream Democrats, the super PAC organized and funded by LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman.

Rep. Summer Lee fended off a primary challenge from an anti-union attorney backed by big out of state money.

Jamie McLeod-Skinner beat incumbent Representative Kurt Schrader, described as "Oregon's Manchin".

Lt. Gov. John Fetterman handily beat Conor Lamb, who received endorsements from party leadership.


The stunning wins come as the party debates who is to blame for President Biden’s sinking approval rating and increasingly dire forecasts of upcoming midterm losses. Party establishment figures have pointed the finger at the left for making unreasonable demands couched in slogans like “Defund the Police” that turn off voters. The progressive wing has countered that Biden’s popularity has sunk as centrist Democrats have slowly murdered his agenda, while the left has fought to enact it.
Do-nothing liberalism, it turns out, is not popular with voters despite drawing in big money support.

mardi 17 mai 2022

Trifield EMF meter

A family member who recently got in touch after many years has sent me a video of him using a Trifield EMF meter. It seems he's into some crank stuff about electrical fields around power lines causing cancer etc. Has anyone heard of this brand? Web search turns up lots of garbage including advice that it is/is not good for ghost hunting.
So, question: does anyone know this and is it a valid bit of kit? The website seems rather confused about EM but I don't know if that's because they sell it to woos and their kit is otherwise genuine or not.
You can choose friends etc.

[Split Thread] The Role of the traditional family in aging populations (& is it a bad thing)


Originally Posted by theprestige (Post 13806918)
I would say the only moral unit in progressivism is the collective. Individuals only matter if they represent the progressive ideal for the collective. Individuals who deviate from the program mapped out for the collective are just traitors to the cause.

No. Collectives are useful for activism. You need to be able to divide the world into some analog of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The tendency is always for these collectives to fragment. The old collective, like women as conceived by Rolfe, is discarded as we dissolve all structures that sit between the individual and the state. The Marxist dream was off a free individual who had escaped the struggle between different collectives by the bottom of the social hierarchy taking over and everybody being subsumed into a single class. Different versions of the same utopian dream are going on here. The function of collectives is the process of deconstruction.

The conception of the Right is that the core unit of society is the family. The Left is focused on the individual and is hostile to the family seeing it as a vehicle for oppressing the individual.

lundi 16 mai 2022

Can/should European nations maintain their white majorities?

Simple question: do European states have the right to maintain their ethnic and/or white majorities?

I say they do. Ireland is the land of the Irish people. Germany is the land of the German people. Russia the land of the Russians.

They have the natural and moral right to not only maintain their white majority, but also their ethnic majority. I believe it is the right of ALL non-colonial nations to do so, especially nation-states.

South Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan, have all instituted immigration policies that for one thing, work to maintain their ethnic super-majority. There is only one Japan after all, and it has the right to exist.

I believe that Euro nations have the right enforce strict, tight immigration laws that work to maintain their ethnic majorities. Do they have the right to remove non-citizen immigrants who are not white? I say its a little rude, but acceptable. Removing citizens that are not white? Only with some decent compensation, I'd say.

What say you?

Is there anything to "Replacement Theory"?

Seems "true" Replacement Theorists believe there is an attempt at white genocide, by means of non-white immigration, inter-racial marriages, low birth rate amongst white couples, etc. Obviously its silly.

But what if Replacement Theory is about politics rather than race?

What if there is a not so secret attempt to turn Red states purple and even Blue, by means of illegal immigration and eventual amnesty which provides citizenship and voting rights to tens of millions of illegals?

There is some basis for such a theory. There is some basis for thinking that one of the agendas of liberal attitudes towards illegal immigration on the southern border is to bring in lots of folks from communities that traditionally vote Blue and use them to help swing elections.

Majority of Hispanics vote Democrat. Everyone knows this. Not too crazy to see how amnesty and voting rights for 13 million illegals could definitely help turn some Red states purple, especially of the folks who gave them their amnesty and voting rights are Democrats.

Is this paranoid thinking? Democrats would never dare think of such a hush-hush strategy to win national elections? I dont think it is. I myself am a Democrat and could definitely see this as being a long-term goal of refusing to do hard core enforcement at the border. Obviously building a border barrier would make such a goal harder, which I believe is partially why there was such anger at the idea of Trump's wall. Although the Democrats did almost give Trump his wall, in exchange for DACA, which Trump refused.

Energy monopolies in the US

I have just watched the latest John Oliver "Last Week Tonight" show and his feature article was about energy utilities in the US.

Yes, I know he is from the left, but his shows are usually well researched in my opinion. So a few questions:

Is energy supply monopolised in many parts of the US?

If not what choice do you have?

If you have choice, how hard is it to change energy suppliers?

Can you choose renewable/green energy suppliers?

By way of comparison, energy supply has been privatised in Australia, but there are multiple energy generators in each state here and even more companies which act as suppliers. It's a competition extravaganza. I recently got a $250 government cheque for just researching alternative providers (I stayed with my current provider).

So is energy supply monopoly a problem or not? And if it is what can be done about it?

dimanche 15 mai 2022

Were you ever a creationist, and if so how did you give it up?

We have had lots of threads over the years about what convinced you to give up Christianity. Many of us grew up as Christians, but gave it up, for a variety of reasons, as we matured.

I want a narrower topic, on why you gave up creationism.

It may be that there are few if any people who can answer the question here. I, for one, grew up a Christian, but I never, as an adult or even an adolescent, doubted evolution, so I can't really say.

For the people who participate here, I think that the way most people gave up belief in creationism was to give up belief in Jesus, and then there was no reason to believe in creationism any more. The perfect person to answer the qeustion would be someone who was once a biblical listeralist, but who retained belief in Chrisitanity, while rejectiing creationism. I don't know if anyone whom that describes actually participates here. Christians of any sort are few and far between in these parts.

By "creationism", I mean any variation of a belief that life arose in any way other than mutation and natural selection.

One special case would be "guided evolution", by which I mean evolution that occurred with God tweaking mutations here and there, but which is indistinguishable from atheistic/agnostic evolutionary beliefs. In other words, if you believe that evolution is perfectly capable of evolving complex and/or intelligent life, but God jumped in occasionally to direct it toward one, specific, outcome, in an indetectable way, that's not creationism.

What I'm looking for is some discussion about what actually works to convince people not to believe creationism. To be honest, I doubt I'll find it, but I thought it was worth asking.

samedi 14 mai 2022

Killing of Palestinian Journalist followed by attack on her funeral by Israeli police


Calls for a full, independent and transparent investigation into the killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh are mounting with world leaders demanding that those responsible be held to account.

The veteran journalist, described as an “icon of Palestinian coverage”, was shot by Israeli forces while reporting in Jenin in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday.

Shocking scenes at the funeral. Looked to me like the Israeli police rushed the procession and then fired off smoke bombs at the crowd.


vendredi 13 mai 2022

Being a Florida Middle-School student, while black

Florida woman, Alyse Beechem, is planning to sue Duval County Public Schools after her son, enrolled at Mandarin Middle School, was called a racial slur by his teacher and told that "Black people are beneath white people.

"The teacher told the boy that he gets mad when someone calls him a ****** (the n word) but he thinks he can say it about himself. The boy then asked his teacher how she would feel if someone called her a 'cracker,' and she responded by calling him a ****** and saying, you don’t have the privilege to call white people 'crackers' because Black people are beneath white people."

Expect the usual suspects to be along any time now to tell us all about how a teacher calling a student a ****** and telling him that Black people are beneath white people is totally not racism, and that we have to endlessly explore all the other possible excuses before we even consider racism to be involved...

The Great Coverup.

My Personal conspiracy Theory is that Jerome Corsi, the 9/11No Planer I debunked in 2008, Lied to Robert Swan Mueller, about where he got the DNC data. That Corsi Colluded not Though Jullian Assange but though RTV Moscow, who also had all the Data from the Russian Hack and passed it on to Jerome Corsi in Italy.
My reason for believing this is It was RTV, from Moscow who called me on my personal phone, and begged me too talk to Corsi before he Printed his World Net Daily Article in 2008, and published his book Calling for GWB, and Rudy Giuliani to be Hung from the Torch on the Statue of Liberty, for Blowing Up the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001.
I think the Republicans were complicit in covering all this up, but I don't expect anyone to believe me. Just had to tell someone my thoughts. Do you think the Republicans are that courpt that the USA is that Courpt?

Bionic Eye patients going blind again after manufacturer stops support.

Some recipients of bionic eye technology are going blind after their implants become obsolete and the company behind it stopped supporting them.

Second Sight Medical Products, the manufacturer of visual prosthetic devices that restored partial vision to blind patients stopped supporting its technology a few years ago after coming close to bankruptcy.

jeudi 12 mai 2022

Rebuttal To Creationists Who Say "We Can't Directly Observe Evolution"

Autopsy finds rare, deadly bacterial infection, not Covid-19

The tragic death of a 5-year old boy was first thought to be from Covid-19. An autopsy showed that there had been a bacterial infection from the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei. The disease is called melioidosis, and the source of the bacteria was found to be a product was a lavender aromatherapy spray. The product was sold at Walmart (a large discount store across the U.S.), and at least two other people were affected. The product was recalled. The MedPageToday story stated, "The Georgia boy and the Kansas woman both died from their infections. Geller said melioidosis usually has a 10% to 50% mortality rate." The CDC wrote, "Melioidosis, also called Whitmore’s disease, is an infectious disease that can infect humans or animals."

One of the reasons that I decided to start a new thread was to highlight how dangerous bacterial infections can be. IMO we are behind where we should be in developing new antibacterial compounds.

Defining God

How do you define God? I myself have thoughts on this subject for many years. I made my stand to what God is from Jesus's statement “I am the way, and the truth, and the life”. I morphed this into God = Truth. I found this concept quite complementary of what I believe. It took no superstition or miraculous events, no holy men, it actually seems like Atheism in a way but it's not. So that's it folks in my life the term God means truth so if it's true it must be God. All comments are welcome and personal definitions not requiring the standard prescribed one's would be nice to see. Also you might just feel I sidestepped the definition?


Toddler Killed During Exorcism

I'm just posting this for the, "It's just harmless fun" people...


SAN JOSE, Calif. -- A 3-year-old girl whose death last fall has been ruled a homicide was the subject of an alleged exorcism last year at a Northern California church, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

The child, Arely Naomi Proctor, died last September after family members performed a ceremony to "liberate her of her evil spirits," church officials told the San Jose Mercury News. The Santa Clara County medical examiner's office ruled the death a homicide caused by asphyxiation.

The girl's mother, Claudia Hernandez, was charged with assault on a child resulting in death. The Associated Press could not immediately determine whether Hernandez has an attorney.
This is tragic. Instead of taking the child to a doctor, she took her to a basement Pentecostal Church. I'm sorry, I don't think "people are entitled to their own beliefs" any more.

mercredi 11 mai 2022

The Relativity of Simultaneity

The relativity of simultaneity is a consequence of Einstein's special theory of relativity.

In the Newtonian conception of space and time, time is both absolute and independent of space. In Newtonian physics, for example, whether two events happen at the same time is an objective question, completely independent of your point of view: They do or they don't, and that's the end of the matter.

Special relativity tells us the Newtonian conception of time isn't quite right. According to special relativity, time is neither absolute nor fully independent of space. That linkage between time and space is why, when we change our point of view via the Lorentz transformation known as a Lorentz boost, we must transform our time coordinates as well as our spatial coordinates.

One consequence of relativity's merger of time and space into a unified spacetime is that simultaneity is not absolute. If two distinct events are simultaneous in one coordinate system (of the special type known as an inertial reference frame), then there are equally valid coordinate systems of that type in which those events do not occur at the same time. Whether those events are simultaneous is therefore not an objective question. Its answer depends upon the coordinate system you prefer to use.

Outline of this essay
  1. Precise statements of the relativity of simultaneity.
  2. Proof that the relativity of simultaneity is a consequence of basic principles of special relativity.
  3. Empirical evidence for the relativity of simultaneity.
  4. Question:
    What do "observers" have to do with the relativity of simultaneity?
    Answer: Hardly anything.

    The more interesting question is why so many expositions of the relativity of simultaneity mention observers. The answer to that more interesting question is mostly historical.
  5. Question:
    Is the relativity of simultaneity a perceptual phenomenon?
    Answer: No.

    The more interesting questions are
    • Why do some people make the mistake of thinking it's just a perceptual phenomenon?
      Partly because some people overlook the difference between "subjective" and "perceptual", but there's a little more to it than that.
    • Why do a few expositions of the relativity of simultaneity mention perception?
      A very few expositions mention perception for some good reason, but sloppy exposition is the more common reason.

I will use the phrase "Recall that...", together with hyperlinks, to state some basic principles and definitions of special relativity. Readers who are unfamiliar with those principles should follow the links.

Recall that special relativity applies only to flat (Minkowski) spacetime, which I will assume throughout this essay. (The relativity of simultaneity becomes more general in general relativity, but that generalization involves substantially more advanced mathematics. The basic ideas of special relativity are accessible to anyone with a solid grasp of high school algebra and an interest in physics.)

For the reasons given in Part 3, I will assume special relativity is a correct theory. My goal here is to explain how the relativity of simultaneity follows from that theory.

Part 1: Precise statements of the relativity of simultaneity

Recall that a Cartesian coordinate system for 3-dimensional Euclidean space assigns numbers (coordinates) x, y, and z to every point of the space in such a way that the distance ds between two points of the space satisfies the equation
ds2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2
where dx is the difference between the x coordinates of the points, dy the difference between the y coordinates, and dz the difference between the z coordinates. That equation is of course the Pythagorean theorem generalized to three dimensions. Taking the positive square root of both sides of that equation defines the Euclidean metric (also known as the Euclidean distance function).

Recall that, in special relativity, an inertial reference frame is a 4-dimensional coordinate system for Minkowski spacetime that assigns numbers t, x, y, and z to every point of the space in such a way that the spacetime interval between two points is given by the equation
ds2 = − c2 dt2 + dx2 + dy2 + dz2
where dt is the difference between the t coordinates of the points, dx the difference between the x coordinates, dy the difference between the y coordinates, and dz the difference between the z coordinates. That equation is also known as the Minkowski pseudo-metric or (by a minor abuse of terminology) the Minkowski metric. An inertial reference frame is said to be inertial because the straight line obtained by interpolating between the coordinates of two distinct points represents a path through spacetime of some particle moving at constant velocity, under its own inertia, hence free from acceleration.

Recall that the signs of the terms on the right hand side of that equation form a metric signature. The spoiler explains my preference for the (− + + +) signature I'm using throughout this essay.

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
In general, but with several exceptions, mathematicians and general relativists prefer spacelike vectors to yield a positive sign, (− + + +), while particle physicists tend to prefer timelike vectors to yield a positive sign, (+ − − −).

The relativity of simultaneity doesn't have much to do with particle physics. The (− + + +) signature is more common in books on relativity, such as Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler.

Recall that, with the metric signature I'm using (which is the opposite of the metric signature used by this Wikipedia page), a negative value of the spacetime interval is said to be timelike, a positive spacetime interval is said to be spacelike, and a zero value is lightlike.
  • If the spacetime interval between two events is timelike, then the straight line interpolated between the two events represents a path that could be followed by some unaccelerated massive particle traveling at less than the speed of light.
  • If the spacetime interval between two events is spacelike, then the straight line interpolated between the two events represents a path that no particle could follow without exceeding the speed of light, which (according to the theory of relativity) is impossible.
  • If the spacetime interval between two events is lightlike, then the straight-line path between the events could only be followed by a massless particle traveling at the speed of light.
Here are a couple of facts that can be proved using essentially the same technique I'll use to prove the relativity of simultaneity. I'm stating them here because some readers will be reassured by the absoluteness of the first fact, while the second fact states a relativity of spatial co-location analogous to the relativity of simultaneity.
  • If the spacetime interval between two events is timelike, then one of the events happens before the other, and all inertial reference frames agree on which event happens first.
  • If the spacetime interval between two events is timelike, then there are inertial reference frames in which both events have the same spatial coordinates but different time coordinates, and there are also inertial reference frames in which the events have different spatial coordinates as well as different time coordinates.
Generalizing those facts to general relativity is complicated by the fact that general relativity is consistent with causal loops. (There are no causal loops in the flat Minkowski spacetime of special relativity.)

With all that background out of the way, we can now give two precise statements of the relativity of simultaneity.

Relativity of Simultaneity (Version A)
If E1 and E2 are distinct events that occur at the same time in some inertial reference frame R, then there is another inertial reference frame R' in which E1 and E2 occur at different times.
Relativity of Simultaneity (Version B)
If events E1 and E2 are separated by a spacelike interval, then there is an inertial reference frame R1 in which E1 occurs before E2, an inertial reference frame R2 in which E2 occurs before E1, and an inertial reference frame R0 in which E1 and E2 occur at the same time.

Part 2: Proof that the relativity of simultaneity is a consequence of basic principles of special relativity

I'll put the proofs in spoilers, because some readers might want the fun of proving these things themselves, while others might be intimidated by the sight of a mathematical proof.

As a warmup, I'll start with a couple of help theorems (lemmas).

Lemma. If E1 and E2 are distinct events that occur at the same time in some inertial reference frame R, then E1 and E2 are separated by a spacelike interval.
Proof: Let the coordinates of E1 in R be (t1, x1, y1, z1), and let the coordinates of E2 in R be (t2, x2, y2, z2). Since E1 and E2 occur at the same time in R, t1 = t2. The coordinate-wise differences are
  • dt = t1 − t2 = 0
  • dx = x1 − x2
  • dy = y1 − y2
  • dz = z1 − z2
so the spacetime interval is
ds2 = − c2 dt2 + dx2 + dy2 + dz2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2
That's a sum of non-negative terms. E1 and E2 are distinct events, so at least one of those terms must be positive, so the spacetime interval is positive.

Lemma. If Version B is true, then Version A is true.
To prove this lemma, we get to assume (temporarily!) that Version B is true.

To prove Version A follows, let E1 and E2 be distinct events that occur at the same time in some inertial reference frame R. By the lemma proved above, E1 and E2 are separated by a spacelike interval. Version B therefore tells us there is an inertial reference frame R1 in which E1 occurs before E2.

The following lemma is a fact about Cartesian coordinate systems for 3-dimensional space, with the time coordinate just going along for the ride, but everyone should read the last two sentences of the spoiler.

Lemma. If E1 and E2 are events with coordinates (t1, x1, y1, z1) and (t2, x2, y2, z2) in some inertial reference frame R, then there is an inertial reference fram R' in which E1 has coordinates (t1, 0, 0, 0) and E2 has coordinates (t2, x2 − x1, 0, 0), where x2 − x1 > 0.
Recall that every inertial reference frame can be transformed into any other inertial reference frame via the coordinate transformations of the Poincaré symmetry. Similarly, every coordinate system that can be obtained by applying those coordinate transformations to an inertial reference frame yields another inertial reference frame.

The only coordinate transformations needed to prove this lemma are translations and rotations in space, which leave the time coordinate unchanged.

To transform R into R':
  • Translate the spatial origin of R to E1, leaving the time axis and time coordinate of E1 unchanged.
  • Rotate the spatial axes of that new coordinate system to align its positive x-axis to point along the straight line running from E1 to E2.
R' is the inertial reference frame that results from those two steps. E2 lies on the x-axis of R', so its y and z coordinates are zero.

Readers who don't follow or aren't convinced by the above might benefit from this exercise in visualization.
  • Grab a tape measure, some masking tape or thumbtacks, and a small rectangular box.
  • Go into a rectangular room, and mark a couple of spots on some of the room's furnishings with a thumbtack or bit of masking tape. Those two points in space represent the spatial locations of E1 and E2.
  • Use your tape measure to measure the distance from E1 to E2.
  • Select an accessible corner of the room to represent the origin of R.
  • Use your tape measure to measure how far E1 and E2 are from the walls that form the corner you selected and from the floor. Those six distances are the spatial coordinates of E1 and E2.
  • Compute the differences dx, dy, and dz of those coordinates.
  • Compute the sum of the squares of those differences.
  • If that sum does not match the square of the distance you measured from E1 to E2, to within measurement error, you've done something wrong. Try again.
  • Place the box snug in the corner you selected. The three edges of the box that touch the corner of the room represent the three axes of R that you're going to translate and then rotate.
  • Pick up the box and, holding its sides parallel to the walls and floor as it was when you picked it up, carry it to your point E1, so the corner of the box that was in the corner is touching E1. You have now translated the spatial origin of R to E1.
  • Continuing to hold that corner of the box at E1, rotate the box so the edge representing its x-axis points to E2. You have now demonstrated to yourself how the coordinate system R gets transformed into R'.
Here is an extremely important thing to note:
That coordinate transformation didn't change the location or orientation of anything that was in the room when you started.
Here is an extremely important thing for everyone to note:
The Poincaré transformations (which include the Lorentz transformations) do not change the location or orientation or relationships between any of the events that make up the spacetime manifold. The only thing those coordinate transformations do is to change the numbers we use when specifying the coordinates of events.

Recall that the spacetime interval between two events is an invariant, which is to say that spacetime interval has the same value in all inertial reference frames. Applying that fact to the previous lemma, the spacetime interval between E1 and E2 has the same value in R as in R'.

Now, finally, I can prove my more general statement of the relativity of simultaneity.

Relativity of Simultaneity (Version B)
If events E1 and E2 are separated by a spacelike interval, then there is an inertial reference frame R1 in which E1 occurs before E2, an inertial reference frame R2 in which E2 occurs before E1, and an inertial reference frame R0 in which E1 and E2 occur at the same time.
Suppose events E1 and E2 are separated by a spacelike interval in some inertial reference frame R'.

If E1 and E2 have the same time coordinate in R', then let R' be the R0 we need to find.

If the time coordinate of E1 in R' is greater than the time coordinate of E2, then we can swap the names of those events and start over.

In what follows, therefore, we may assume the time coordinate of E1 in R' is less than the time coordinate of E2.

Applying the previous lemma (while swapping the names of R and R'), we can transform the coordinates of those events to an inertial reference frame R in which E1 has coordinates (t1, 0, 0, 0), E2 has coordinates (t2, x2, 0, 0), and x2 > 0. Because the spacetime interval is invariant,
ds2 = − c2 dt2 + dx2 > 0
where dt = t2 − t1 and dx = x2, which implies
c2 (t2 − t1)2 < x22
which implies
c (t2 − t1) < x2
(because t1 < t2 and x2 > 0).

Now we can design a Lorentz transformation that will give us an inertial reference frame R0 in which events E1 and E2 have the same time coordinate. Let
v = c2 (t2 − t1) / x2
Multiplying both sides by x2:
v x2 = c2 (t2 − t1) = c (c (t2 − t1)) < c x2
so v < c.

Recall that the most interesting Lorentz transformation is

t' = γ (t − vx/(c2))
x' = γ (x - vt)
y' = y
z' = z
where |v| < c and γ = 1/√(1 - (v2/(c2))). Applying that Lorentz transformation to our particular v and the coordinates of events E1 and E2, we get

t1' = γ t1
x1' = γ (- vt1)
y1' = y1 = 0
z1' = z1 = 0

t2' = γ (t2 − vx2/(c2))
x2' = γ (x2 - vt2)
y2' = y2 = 0
z2' = z2 = 0
Plugging the value of v into the equation for t2', we get
t2' = γ (t2 − c2 ((t2 − t1) / x2) x2 / (c2))
= γ (t2 − (t2 − t1))
= γ t1
= t1'
so E1 and E2 have the same time coordinates in this new inertial reference frame, which we can take to be the R0 we had to find.

To prove the existence of inertial reference frames R1 and R2 in which E1 occurs before E2 or E2 occurs before E1, we can start with R0 and drive the time coordinates apart by applying the same kind of Lorentz transformation, once with some arbitrary positive v < c and again with some arbitrary negative v with |v| < c.

That's just some tedious high school algebra, so I'll leave it as an exercise for highly skeptical readers.

Part 3: Empirical evidence for the relativity of simultaneity

Part 2 proved the relativity of simultaneity without making any assumptions beyond basic concepts of special relativity and high school algebra. If the parts of special relativity that are used in those proofs are real, then the relativity of simultaneity must be real.

The only way the relativity of simultaneity could fail is for some of special relativity's basic ideas to be wrong.

That is extremely unlikely. Relativity is one of the most thoroughly tested theories in all of modern science. The parts of special relativity used in the above proofs have been subjected to many experimental and observational tests. Because special relativity is a special case of general relativity, all of the experimental and observational tests of general relativity also count as evidence for the correctness of special relativity, and therefore count as evidence for the relativity of simultaneity.

Although it is easy to give examples of experimental tests that the entire theory of relativity has passed, it is much harder to give specific examples of experiments that offer a direct demonstration of the relativity of simultaneity. The reason for that should be obvious. The relativity of simultaneity basically says you can't find a demonstration of simultaneity that is independent of the arbitrary reference frame(s) you choose to use in a demonstration. Furthermore, the only way to demonstrate non-simultaneity as an absolute concept (independent of reference frame) is to use events that are separated by a timelike interval, which implies all reference frames will agree on which came first.

Part 4: What do "observers" have to do with the relativity of simultaneity?

Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this essay don't mention observers at all. It was possible to state the relativity of simultaneity in mathematically precise form, and to give mathematically rigorous proofs of the relativity of simultaneity while assuming only basic principles of relativity.

That tells you the concept of "observers" is extraneous. There is no need to mention observers when discussing the relativity of simultaneity.

Yet many expositions of the relativity of simultaneity do talk about observers, especially when the exposition is aimed at a general audience.

Here is part of what a very good freshman-level textbook on special relativity has to say about observers:

Originally Posted by A P French
The literature of relativity is full of references to observers, whose role is to make judgments on the positions and times at which events occur....Almost always the observer is portrayed as being at rest with respect to one or other of two frames; by imagining an observer in each frame, one can picture an actual process for obtaining two different space-time descriptions of the same event. All this seems both harmless and reasonable....Nevertheless, the use of this language contains certain dangers....

To prevent or dispel some possible misconceptions, we add the following specific comments.

1. Although an event is by definition represented by a single point in space-time, it may nevertheless leave an enduring record of itself....

2. observer is not necessarily limited to making measurements in a reference frame to which he himself is attached....Very often, however, one will see statements such as the following: "An observer A in frame S observes that an event occurs at position x' and time t' by an observer B in frame S'." What is really being said here is just that the event has space-time coordinates (x, t) in one frame and (x', t') in the other....

3. The last and most treacherous aspect of introducing an observer attached to a given frame of reference is that one may get the impression that this observer has some kind of bird's-eye view of the whole of his reference frame at a given instant. This is entirely false....One must be immediately on guard if one reads such colloquialisms as: "An observer attached to frame S sees the event as happening at position x and time t," or "To an observer in frame S it looks as if..." Almost always, these statements are simply statements about the space-time coordinates of a particular event as established by measurements in frame S....

The purpose of this discussion, then, is to focus the attention where it belongs—on the specification of point events according to the measures of space and time in given frames of reference....

One of the dangers not mentioned in that quotation is the danger of thinking an observer is forced to reason in terms of an inertial reference frame in which the observer is at rest. Not so. Observers are free to think in terms of any inertial frame they find convenient, and may transform back and forth between frames whenever they like. Someone traveling on a train, for example, may prefer to think of himself as being at rest while reading a book or talking to another passenger, but prefer to think of himself as moving when he looks out the window at passing scenery. The fact that you can think in terms of whatever inertial frame you like is literally the first postulate of special relativity.

Part 5: Is the relativity of simultaneity a perceptual phenomenon?

No. Emphatically no.

Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this essay were able to state and to prove the relativity of simultaneity without mentioning anything remotely connected to perception. That tells you perception has nothing at all to do with the relativity of simultaneity.

Why, then do some people make the mistake of thinking the relativity of simultaneity has something to do with perception?

Partly because some people overlook the difference between "subjective" and "perceptual". The relativity of simultaneity tells us simultaneity is either absolute and objective (in the case of events that are separated by a timelike interval) or completely relative and subjective (in the case of events separated by a spacelike interval). (In the latter case, the subjectivity comes from the fact that everyone gets to select his own preferred frame.) Perception isn't involved with either situation.

Another reason people make this mistake is the sloppy talk about observers that so many authors throw into discussions of relativity to make the exposition feel less formal and intimidating to a general audience. Even Einstein's thought experiments talked about observers, although Einstein's descriptions of those experiments were nowhere near as sloppy as some of the expositions you'll find on today's World-Wide Web.

Here is an example, written by a computer programmer who co-founded Autodesk, showing how excessive talk about observers within a somewhat confused exposition of the relativity of simultaneity can lead to a gratuitous (but fairly harmless) mention of perception:

Originally Posted by John Walker
Technical note: Some physicists prefer to reserve the term “relativity of simultaneity” for cases where observers are in motion relative to one another and the effects of special relativity obtain. In a case like the example above, where all the observers and sources are at rest with respect to one another, it is possible, using Einstein's definition of simultaneity, for spatially separated observers to synchronise their clocks and define simultaneity in terms of the spacetime interval between events. When observers are in relative motion, however, it is impossible, even in principle, to synchronise their clocks, so no definition of simultaneity is possible. But to me, the phrase “relativity of simultaneity” means precisely what it says, notwithstanding relativistic effects or their absence. In this case, three observers of the same two events see three different orders in which they appeared to occur from their particular vantage points; hence their perception of simultaneity is relative even though it is entirely due to light travel time instead of motion.

Although I'm a bit critical of Walker's exposition, my search for popular expositions of the relativity of simultaneity that described the effect as "perceptual" or a mere matter of perception turned up many that were far worse than Walker's, including several written by anti-relativity cranks.