jeudi 3 avril 2014

Brendan Eich steps down as Mozilla CEO due to his Prop 8 support

After only being CEO for Mozilly for two weeks, Brendan Eich now steps down due to public pressure.

A little background. It was found out that in 2008 he supported proposition 8 with money. Criticism against him started to build up. He tried to defend his position against gay marriage by saying that this was his private matter and should have no bearing on his job. Later the software company Rarebit called for a boycott of Mozilla, and OKCupid called their customers to switch to another browser.

Now it all became too much and he had to step down, finally. While i think that it is a good idea that people enjoy free speech, and that indeed they should be able to do whatever they want in private (as long as it doesn't break the law), i think that it is par for the course that people who support the blocking of basic rights to other people should have to face the consequences. After all, this not a simple matter like "well, i like chocolate better than vanilla", instead he actively supported a proposition designed to deny people simple rights. If you support discrimination, live with the consequences. Don't whine about that being a private matter, when what you do is intruding the provate matters of others.



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