This is the biggest clue I can give you. It is the thing that nobody thinks about or brings up, but it is the reality of what happened on 9/11, as you will see. The reason you have not seen it heretofore is because of a kind of moral training that makes you so that you cannot conceive of people doing heinous acts of this order. Therefore I must ask that you think rationally, not morally or emotionally.
Building 7 is the key to unlocking the mystery of 9/11 in more ways than one. See how it goes down as a perfect controlled demolition? Don't all 9/11 Truthers know and accept that Building 7 was an obvious controlled demolition? After the acceptance of that fact, we have to ask the question: how did the charges get placed in the building? How could they get that past security? Very obviously, they couldn't. That would be an impossible thing that we as 9/11 truth seekers should not accept--the idea that people could put charges throughout the building without security or anybody else noticing. Even the janitorial service would notice the kind of preparations that would be necessary to cause that kind of controlled demolition. Also keep in mind that this is a building occupied by such tenants as the FBI, the CIA, Rudy Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management and others. In short many cops of one stripe or another who would most assuredly notice preparations for controlled demolition and couldn't possibly all be part of any kind of demolition scheme. Plus, getting to every necessary column would be logistically impossible in that the structure was not wide open, being that there were offices and divisions within each floor.
Also, you have to know something about the difficulty of controlled demolition to understand that it isn't something that can just be done overnight. People have said you could put suitcases of thermite in specific places in the building and have it set for remote demolition, but that is not what happened because even a maid would notice that. Plus, there are no reports of whole armies of demolition people wiring Building 7 on 9/11 just prior to its collapse--even if it were possible to demolish a 47 story building in that short timeframe.
What happened is that the charges for controlled demolition were built into Building 7 at its inception. That's the only direction the evidence and reason leads and its the only way out of the maze. You get stuck trying to figure it out any other way. Don't you? That's because there is no other way. Building 7 was built with the charges for controlled demolition already installed. You may ask me to prove that idea, but I would say that the burden of proof would be on you to prove to the contrary. That is the impossible thing-- that at any point after its being occupied, sufficient time and manpower could be used to put charges throughout the building and remain completely unseen. But, during construction, there are so many easy opportunities to place charges throughout a building in a way that would be completely unnoticeable if key people were in the know and in charge of a crew that performs a certain construction task. This is another thing that you must understand about the perpetrators that they plan far in advance and they work on a 100% probability of a successful outcome. So, it becomes impossible to prove a way that the building didn't have bombs built into it. This is why people are stymied. They cannot imagine somebody doing that to a building during its construction. Yet, so it is with Building 7 that the perpetrators show their hand completely. Because now, mustn't we wonder if this building, which fell down without any aircraft hitting it, bears any similarity to the Towers? And once we see the similarity, we have to accept the fact that the Towers were also pre-setup with charges. That is what the evidence and logic tells us for all the same reasons given above excluding the planes/drones/missiles which struck the Towers. Yet, we know with scientific certainty that whatever hit the Towers did not cause them to fall. To a trained observer, they are equally obvious as controlled demolitions. Now we must ask these questions: Who built Building 7? Who built the Towers? What are the ties between these individuals or groups. Would they have a motive to demolish the Towers or would they receive benefit from the demolition? Would they benefit from the resulting war? What is the political motivation for these people? Do they have ties to the intelligence community? Who is the originator or leader? When you find the answers to these questions you will have discovered the executive producer of the event. David Rockefeller--number one in the 9/11 mechanism.
What happened is that the charges for controlled demolition were built into Building 7 at its inception. That's the only direction the evidence and reason leads and its the only way out of the maze. You get stuck trying to figure it out any other way. Don't you? That's because there is no other way. Building 7 was built with the charges for controlled demolition already installed. You may ask me to prove that idea, but I would say that the burden of proof would be on you to prove to the contrary. That is the impossible thing-- that at any point after its being occupied, sufficient time and manpower could be used to put charges throughout the building and remain completely unseen. But, during construction, there are so many easy opportunities to place charges throughout a building in a way that would be completely unnoticeable if key people were in the know and in charge of a crew that performs a certain construction task. This is another thing that you must understand about the perpetrators that they plan far in advance and they work on a 100% probability of a successful outcome. So, it becomes impossible to prove a way that the building didn't have bombs built into it. This is why people are stymied. They cannot imagine somebody doing that to a building during its construction. Yet, so it is with Building 7 that the perpetrators show their hand completely. Because now, mustn't we wonder if this building, which fell down without any aircraft hitting it, bears any similarity to the Towers? And once we see the similarity, we have to accept the fact that the Towers were also pre-setup with charges. That is what the evidence and logic tells us for all the same reasons given above excluding the planes/drones/missiles which struck the Towers. Yet, we know with scientific certainty that whatever hit the Towers did not cause them to fall. To a trained observer, they are equally obvious as controlled demolitions. Now we must ask these questions: Who built Building 7? Who built the Towers? What are the ties between these individuals or groups. Would they have a motive to demolish the Towers or would they receive benefit from the demolition? Would they benefit from the resulting war? What is the political motivation for these people? Do they have ties to the intelligence community? Who is the originator or leader? When you find the answers to these questions you will have discovered the executive producer of the event. David Rockefeller--number one in the 9/11 mechanism.
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