Attiyah's Astronomical Lead
(1) Relative to the Earth-stationed observers, the so-called 'Sun' should be dealt with as a celestial, compound photo-optical phenomenon composed of 'a diamond blaze' and 'a luminous body' such that:
A- Viewing 'Sun' involves a foreground representing 'the diamond blaze' , and a background representing the luminous body.
B- The diamond blaze of Sun lies as a brilliant lamp hung somewhere inside the magnetosphere, only a few or several thousands of kilometers above Earth's surface, meanwhile the luminous body of Sun is about 150,000,000km far away.
C- The diamond blaze of Sun is transparent. Therefore, it permits to see the luminous body of Sun through its light, especially by telescopes.
D- Normally, both of 'the diamond blaze of Sun' and its luminous body coincide at the same line of sight.
(2) The bulk of the diffuse daylight is generated in the ionosphere by the same mechanisms that generate the conventional polar auroras. This implies that global, highly intense blue-colored veil blanketing diffuse auroras are the main contributor to the blueness of the daytime sky.
(3) Were the ionosphere not qualified to generate global-scale, continuous auroras in the sunward sky, certainly, from the perspective of the Earth-stationed observers, especially at Earth's surface, both of Sun and daylight would then be almost always dim.
(4) The solar X-rays and UV light, either overwhelmingly from the luminous body of Sun, and slightly from the diamond blaze of Sun itself, except at the subsolar site, are the main source of the energy that powers driving the production of the global auroras in the whole sunward ionosphere. As well as, irrespective of the origin of the charged particles that incessantly precipitate on the whole ionosphere round the clock, their energy contributes to powering the occurrence of the global daytime auroras.
(5) From the perspective of the dome of the daytime sky as seen momentarily by a certain observer inside it, the light from the luminous body of Sun, X-rays and UV emissions included, reaches the whole sunward ionosphere almost evenly and uniformly, meanwhile the light from the diamond blaze of Sun reaches the ionosphere and passes through it while confined in what could be described as a cylindrical tube that makes a well-defined path.
(6) From the perspective of the dome of the daytime sky as seen instantaneously by a certain observer inside it, apparently, the sunbeams i.e. the rays of the diamond blaze work as the main illuminating agent only at the subsolar site of this dome, meanwhile the illumination of the rest of the sky outside the very subsolar site is mainly due to ionosphere-produced auroras.
(7) From the perspective of the dome of the daytime sky as seen momentarily by a certain observer inside it, especially at the Earth's surface, seemingly, the diamond blaze of Sun allows the luminous body of Sun to acquire a brilliant searchlight showing light rays with a unified direction. Otherwise, at the Earth, the body of Sun itself would appear dim/lacking brightness.
(8) The diamond blaze of Sun could be used as a direct, trustable monitor for the overall auroral activities running in the ambient sunward ionosphere.
(9) The gravitation of the massive body of Sun manifests its tidal effect on the ionosphere-magnetosphere couple in forming a subsolar, compound bulge which is mostly effective inside the plasmasphere.
(10) The Earth-ionosphere-magnetosphere system works as a highly sophisticated, planetary-scale plasma globe qualified to show Tesla effect by being full of a relatively very high density of plasma, and being electrically grounded to the Earth by the geomagnetic field lines threading its space. Said another way, the solar gravitation-caused, compound plasma bulge is continuously grounded to the Earth by the geomagnetic field lines passing through.
(11) Being a part of the plasma globe that is formed from the Earth-ionosphere-magnetosphere system, the magnetosphere-contained, plasma-filled subsolar solar gravitation-caused compound bulge manifests its Tesla effect in enabling the ionosphere-produced auroral rays to be converged, and in running highly brilliant glow-producing capacitive discharges. Thenceforth, the diamond blaze is formed as a glowing ball of light with colorful, ceaselessly dancing collimated color-changing rays directed/reflected Earthward. In other words, the geomagnetic field lines-grounded, subsolar solar gravitation-caused compound plasma-filled bulge concentrates/focuses the sunward ionosphere-produced auroral rays such that this concentration/focusing participates in the intensification of the coincident, concomitant occurrence of capacitive discharges whose light well brightens its plasma contents.
(12) Though the so-described 'solar rays' that reach the Earth's surface are ultimately auroral in origin and show a unified direction i.e. equal, instantaneous angles of incidence, they have a trace of impotent chaotically directed rays coming from the luminous body of Sun.
(13) The solar rays which reach the Earth's surface such that they are unified in direction i.e. momentarily having the same angle of incidence, are ultimately collimated auroral rays. They seem emanating from the highly bright, Tesla effect-caused diamond blaze of Sun which is intimately associated with the magnetic zenith effect, and hence viewing this diamond blaze itself is controlled by the aspect sensitivity. So, each observer has his instantaneous, private own appearance of Sun. On viewing the sky simultaneously, even each one of a Siamese twin sees his/her private, own Sun, and hence he/she receives the sunbeams at a certain angle of incidence different of all the other angles of incidence associated with all other observers, and also in a certain intensity different from any intensity reaching any other observer whatever his/her latitude or local time. As well as, the relative ratios of the different light wavelengths he/she receives are not identical with the relative ratios of the different light wavelengths any other observer receives at the same moment.
(14) Remembering the formation and the characteristics of auroral corona in the sky of the conventional auroral zone during polar bright auroras, hence analogously, from the perspective of an Earth-bound observer, the rayedness of the radiant point-showing diamond blaze of Sun is due to the formation of a well-developed auroral corona at the subsolar site as a result of Tesla effect.
(15) 'The diamond blaze of Sun' is constantly fixed relative to the luminous body of Sun because its position is imposed in the magnetosphere by the 'solar gravitation' that inevitably leads to the formation of the compound plasma bulge at the subsolar site.
(16) By its virtue of operating as a refractor/reflector parabolic mirror, the compound, solar gravitation-caused plasma-filled bulge becomes a brilliant site from where dazzling light rays emanate Earthward such that this site itself appears as a transparent diamond blaze apparently masking/apparently overlapping the luminous body of Sun.
(17) The celestial overall picture of the global aurora in the ionosphere is an unevenly illuminated doughnut inside which the Earth rotates once every 24 hours such that it also completes its daily rotation passing under 'the diamond blaze' that is hung somewhere in the magnetosphere. Though this doughnut is differently and unevenly illuminated, I would like to call it 'the auroral doughnut'.
(18) 'The auoral doughnut' has the two auroral ovals as its polar terminals.
(19) With respect to Sun, the illumination of 'the auroral doughnut' is always showing a fixed pattern such that, from the perspective of the Earth-stationed observers or terrestrial orbit-bound ones, its sunward part is visual, meanwhile its anti-sunward part outside the auroral oval is usually sub-visual.
(20) Although Sun itself in the polar region during the prolonged polar nights remains invisible for days or even for months, every spot of Earth's surface whatever its latitude without any exception, is factually subject to face the luminous body of Sun whether partly or wholly for a certain period on a daily basis.
(21) Regarding the 'the diamond blaze of Sun' whose height in the magnetosphere is season-dependent, local time-dependent and latitude-dependent, and whose viewing is governed by the aspect sensitivity, not all the terrestrial spots face it each 24 hours.
(22) As a result of the yearly periodic revolution of the Earth in front of the luminous body of Sun, the magnetosphere shows an annual, periodic north-south swing of 23.5o amplitude i.e. the magnetosphere completes an annual periodic oscillation of 23.5 degrees amplitude across the Equatorial plane.
(23) As a result of the annual, periodic north-south swing of the magnetosphere across the Equator, 'the diamond blaze of Sun' makes inside the magnetosphere itself an annual, periodic north-south pendulum oscillation of 23.5 degrees amplitude across the Equator.
(24) All the following Sun-related phenomena and others could be coordinately accounted for in terms of the 'the diamond blaze of Sun':
A- The periodic variation, whether on a diurnal basis or an annual basis, of the angle of the incidence of the sunbeams.
B- The diurnal variation of the insolation, hence the variation of temperature where the sky is clear and clean.
C- The periodic annual journey of the normality of the incidence of the solar rays in between the Capricorn latitude and Cancer latitude. Hence, the periodicity of seasons.
D- Belt of Venus.
E- Both the diurnal and annual periodic variations in the shadows relevant to the sunbeams.
F- The annual, periodic latitude-dependent variation in the lengths of daytime and nighttime.
G- The white glare that during daytime seems surrounding Sun.
H- Both of the morning and evening twilight, the polar prolonged nights and the white nights.
I- The midnight Sun.
J- The crepuscular and anti-crepuscular rays.
K- The green flash of sunrise or sunset. As well as, the blue flash and red flash of the same two events.
L- The ability of theta aurora to be used as a celestial clock.
M- The coloration of the sky, specially its blueness.
N- The coloration of Sun when rising or setting.
O- The season-dependent, latitude-dependent variation of the duration of the completion of sunrise or sunset.
P- The diamond ring of the total solar eclipses.
Q- The collimation of sunbeams.
R- The appearance of a radiant point on seeing or photographing the sunbeams.
S- The appearance of the sky as a dome.
T- The apparent arc/semicircle that the movement of Sun seems drawing in the sky.
U- Joshua's Sun.
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