The Most Interesting Climate Policy Debate You Haven't Heard Of
It is very interesting that, at the least, when conservatives discuss among themselves, such issues, they seem to be able to come to the same rational, well-considered policy courses that many progressives arrive at.
It occurred last June between two groups of conservatives. On the do-nothing side were well-known climate-science deniers, James Taylor of Heartland and David Kreutzer of Heritage Foundation. On the other side was R Street senior fellow Andrew Moylan along with former 6-term GOP congressman Bob Inglis (SC). Inglis leads the Energy and Enterprise Initiative (E&EI), an organization dedicated to finding a conservative approach to climate change built around a revenue-neutral carbon tax. Here is the interesting part. The debate was in front of a largely conservative audience, and yet: At the conclusion of the debate, a straw poll was taken and approximately 80% of the audience indicated they favored taxing carbon emissions in return for a dollar-for-dollar tax swap on something else (FICA taxes, corporate income taxes, etc.). You can watch the entire debate at the E&EI website. |
It is very interesting that, at the least, when conservatives discuss among themselves, such issues, they seem to be able to come to the same rational, well-considered policy courses that many progressives arrive at.
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